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example rundeck notification plugin that triggers a jenkins job via a curl command
import com.dtolabs.rundeck.plugins.notification.NotificationPlugin;
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
* This plugin executes a curl command with some arguments as defined
* by the user in the GUI. It wraps an invocation like shown below
* curl --user <your_jenkins_username>:<your_jenkins_API_key> http://<jenkins_job_url>
//plugin title shown in GUI
title="Trigger a Jenkins Job"
//plugin description shown in GUI
description="Invokes the Jenkins job URL."
//define configuration options for the plugin
jenkinsUser title:"Jenkins User", required:true
jenkinsApiKey title:"Jenkins API Key", required:true
jenkinsUrl title:"Jenkins Job URL (eg, http://jenkins/job/myjob/build)", required:true
* common closure used for all the notification triggers
def handleTrigger = {
//with no closure args, there is a "config" and an "execution" variable in the context
//create a new list starting with the base shell command
def shellCommand=['curl', '-sf', '--user', "${configuration.jenkinsUser}:${configuration.jenkinsApiKey}", configuration.jenkinsUrl]
def command=new ArrayList(shellCommand)
println "INFO: jenkins-notification-curl: triggering job: ${configuration.jenkinsUrl}"
//execute the command as a process and copy the output to the System streams
def proc = command.execute()
//finally return true if the process exited with 0 exitcode
//define handlers for the notification events
onsuccess handleTrigger
onfailure handleTrigger
onstart handleTrigger
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