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[Google Apps Script] List all files & folders in a Google Drive folder, & write into a speadsheet
* Copyright 2017 Mohsen Mesgarpour
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ListFilesFolders script: It is a Google Apps Script, which lists all files and/or folders in a
* Google Drive folder, and then writes the list into a spreadsheet in batches. The script uses a
* caching mechanism to allow output recovery after possible crash; however, it won't continue
* to recover the interrupted script and continue the search.
* If you need to reduce/remove limitation on script runtime refer to the quotas for
* Google Services:
* Functions: There are two accessible functions that you may call:
* - 'run': It lists all folders and optionally files in the specified location, then writes them into
* the selected spreadsheet.
* - 'reset': It resets the script global cache. It must be run if the script was interrupted, to
* clean out the cache and triggers. Moreover, since the outputs are cached and are written
* after the whole list is created, if you run the script after the crash it would write all
* the cached output into the sheet, then clears the cache.
* Configurations: The following configuration parameters must be configured before running the script.
* - 'folderId' (type: string):
* The folder ID. The folder ID is everything after the 'folders/' portion of the URL.
* - 'searchDepthMax' (type: unsigned integer):
* The maximum depth for the recursive search of folders.
* - 'listFiles' (type: boolean):
* It is a flag to indicate if the listing must include files.
* - 'cacheTimeout' (type: unsigned integer, in milliseconds):
* The maximum time that internal cache persists in memory.
* - 'lockWaitTime' (type: unsigned integer, in milliseconds):
* The maximum watiting time for the cache reader/writer to wait for the memory lock.
* - 'appendToSheet' (type: boolean):
* It is a flag for appending to the selected spreadsheet.
* - 'writeBatchSize' (type: unsigned integer):
* The batch size for writing into the spreadsheet.
* Algorithm: The written functions uses a recursive function to list files & folders, and it uses
* a caching mechanisem to save the outputs in cache and write at the end.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Note-1: Because Apps Script services impose daily quotas and hard limitations on some features. If
* you exceed a quota or limitation, your script will throw an exception and terminate execution.
* Note-2: Firstly, set your folder ID ('folderId' variable)! You may copy the folder ID from the
* browser's address field. The folder ID is everything after the 'folders/' portion of the URL
* for Google Drive folder.
* Secondly, set the 'searchDepthMax' to a reasonable number, a very large number can
* significantly delay the outputs or may cause unexpected termination.
* Thirdly, set the 'listFiles' to 'false', if you only require the folders to be listed.
* Finally, other configuration parameters are preconfigured and can be left as default.
* Note-3: Because, this is a script and not a certified app, you must grant it permission, to run.
* When you run it for the first time, a pop-up window will open & asks you for permission.
* Note-4: Files and folders must NOT be modified in the selected path, as it may corrupt the
* generated list.
* Note-5: If you interrupt the script you might have to wait a few seconds (maximum 6 minutes),
* until you can re-run it.
* Note-6: It is recommended to first run the script on a small set of files and folders.
* Note-7: Make sure there are no other script in the current Google Sheet with similar function or
* variable names.
* Note-8: Refer to version 1.0 of the script, for a simplified version of the ListFilesFolders script:
* Note-9: The "teamdrive" does not support "getSharingPermission()", therefore comment out the lines
* that uses this function.
* Note-10: Note that when you use business version of the Google Drive, there are still limits on how
* much time can be spent on auditing (refer to Google's quotas). For instance, the script would
* timeout after ten minutes search a folder, therefore avoid auditing very big or deep folders.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @version 2.4 (2020.05)
* @see
// Configurable variables
var folderId = 'My folder ID'; // The folder ID (everything after the 'folders/' portion of the URL).
var searchDepthMax = 100; // Max depth for recursive search of files and folders
var listFiles = true; // flag for listing files
var cacheTimeout = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // set cache time-out
var lockWaitTime = 1 * 60 * 1000; // set maximium watiting time for the cache lock
var appendToSheet = false; // flag for appending to selected spreadsheet
var writeBatchSize = 100; // the write batch size
// ===========================================================================================================
// Global variables
var cacheOutputs = 'InventoryScript_outputs';
var cacheKillFlag = 'InventoryScript_killFlag';
// ===========================================================================================================
// Reset the script cache if it is required to run from the beginning
function reset() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Reseting script...', 'Status', -1);
// reset triggers and delete cache variables
setKillFlag_(true, this.cacheTimeout);
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Reset is complete!', 'Status', -1);
// ===========================================================================================================
// List all folders and files, then write into the current spreadsheet.
function run() {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Executing script...', 'Status', -1);
// load cache
setKillFlag_(false, this.cacheTimeout);
var outputRows = getCache_(this.lockWaitTime);
// get list
if (outputRows === undefined || outputRows === null ||
outputRows[0] === undefined || outputRows[0] === null) {
outputRows = [];
outputRows = getChildFiles_(null, DriveApp.getFolderById(this.folderId),
listFiles, cacheTimeout, outputRows);
outputRows = getFolderTree_(outputRows, this.folderId, this.listFiles, this.cacheTimeout,
this.lockWaitTime, this.searchDepthMax);
// write list
writeFolderTree_(outputRows, this.appendToSheet);
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Execution is complete!', 'Status', -1);
// ===========================================================================================================
// Get the list of folders and files
function getFolderTree_(outputRows, folderId, listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, searchDepthMax) {
var parentFolder, sheet = null;
var searchDepth = -1;
try {
// Get folder by id
parentFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
// Initialise the spreadsheet
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Get files and/or folders
outputRows = getChildFolders_(searchDepth, parentFolder.getName(), parentFolder, sheet,
listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, outputRows, searchDepthMax);
} catch (e) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
return outputRows;
// ===========================================================================================================
// Write the list of folders and files into the spreadsheet
function writeFolderTree_(outputRows, appendToSheet) {
var sheet = null;
try {
if (getKillFlag_() === false) {
// Initialise the spreadsheet
sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
// Write to the selected spreadsheet
writeOutputs_(sheet, outputRows, appendToSheet);
// reset cache
} catch (e) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
// ===========================================================================================================
// Get the list of folders and files and their metadata using a recursive loop
function getChildFolders_(searchDepth, parentFolderName, parentFolder, sheet, listFiles, cacheTimeout,
lockWaitTime, outputRows, searchDepthMax) {
var childFolders = parentFolder.getFolders();
var childFolder = null;
searchDepth += 1;
// List sub-folders inside the folder
while (childFolders.hasNext() && searchDepth < searchDepthMax && getKillFlag_() === false) {
childFolder =;
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Searching folder ' + childFolder.getName() +
' at depth ' + searchDepth + " ...", 'Status', -1);
// Get folder information
// Logger.log("Folder Name: " + childFolder.getName());
parentFolderName + "/" + childFolder.getName(),
childFolder.getDateCreated() ? childFolder.getDateCreated() : "NULL",
childFolder.getUrl() ? childFolder.getUrl() : "NULL",
childFolder.getLastUpdated() ? childFolder.getLastUpdated() : "NULL",
childFolder.getDescription() ? childFolder.getDescription() : "NULL",
childFolder.getSize() ? childFolder.getSize() : "NULL",
childFolder.getOwner() ? childFolder.getOwner() : "NULL",
childFolder.getOwner().getEmail() ? childFolder.getOwner().getEmail() : "NULL",
childFolder.getSharingPermission() ? childFolder.getSharingPermission() : "NULL",
childFolder.getSharingAccess() ? childFolder.getSharingAccess() : "NULL"
//, '=HYPERLINK("' + childFile.getUrl() + '", IMAGE("' + Drive.Files.get(childFolder.getId()).thumbnailLink + '",1))' //The 'Drive service' is a G-Suite service (commercial service)
// more info:
// cache outputs
setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout);
// List files inside the folder
outputRows = getChildFiles_(
parentFolder, childFolder, listFiles, cacheTimeout, outputRows);
// Recursive call of the current sub-folder
outputRows = getChildFolders_(searchDepth++, parentFolderName + "/" + childFolder.getName(),
childFolder, sheet, listFiles, cacheTimeout, lockWaitTime, outputRows, searchDepthMax);
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Timed out: Restarting! ' + e.toString());
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast( 'Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
// cache outputs
setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout);
return outputRows;
// ===========================================================================================================
// Get the list of files in the selected folder
function getChildFiles_(parentFolder, childFolder, listFiles, cacheTimeout, outputRows) {
var childFiles = childFolder.getFiles();
var childFile = null;
var path = ""
// List files inside the folder
while (listFiles && childFiles.hasNext()) {
childFile =;
// derive path
if (parentFolder === null){
path = childFolder.getName() + "/" + childFile.getName()
path = parentFolder.getName() + "/" + childFolder.getName() + "/" + childFile.getName()
// Get file information
//Logger.log("File Name: " + childFile.getName());
childFile.getDateCreated() ? childFile.getDateCreated() : "NULL",
childFile.getUrl() ? childFile.getUrl() : "NULL",
childFile.getLastUpdated() ? childFile.getDescription() : "NULL",
childFile.getDescription() ? childFile.getDescription() : "NULL",
childFile.getSize() ? childFile.getSize() : "NULL",
childFile.getOwner() ? childFolder.getOwner() : "NULL",
childFile.getOwner().getEmail() ? childFile.getOwner().getEmail() : "NULL",
childFile.getSharingPermission() ? childFile.getSharingPermission() : "NULL",
childFile.getSharingAccess() ? childFile.getSharingAccess() : "NULL"
//, '=HYPERLINK("' + childFile.getUrl() + '", IMAGE("' + Drive.Files.get(childFile.getId()).thumbnailLink + '",1))' //The 'Drive service' is a G-Suite service (commercial service)
// more info:
// cache outputs
setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout);
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Timed out: Restarting! ' + e.toString());
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
return outputRows;
// ===========================================================================================================
// Set the values from cache
function setCache_(outputRows, lockWaitTime, cacheTimeout) {
var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
cache.put(cacheOutputs, JSON.stringify(outputRows), cacheTimeout);
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Timed out: Restarting! ' + e.toString());
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
// ===========================================================================================================
// Get the values in cache
function getCache_(lockWaitTime) {
var outputRows = [];
var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
outputRows = JSON.parse(cache.get(cacheOutputs));
if (outputRows === undefined || outputRows === null ||
outputRows[0] === undefined || outputRows[0] === null) {
outputRows = JSON.parse(cache.get(cacheOutputs));
} catch (e) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
return outputRows;
// ===========================================================================================================
// Write outputs to the selected spreadsheet
function writeOutputs_(sheet, outputRows, appendToSheet) {
var range, rowStart, indexStart, indexEnd = null;
var headerRow = ["Full Path", "Name", "Type", "Date", "URL", "Last Updated", "Description", "Size",
"Owner", "Sharing Permission", "Sharing Access"]; //, "Thumbnail"];
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Writing outputs...', 'Status', -1);
if (sheet !== null && outputRows.length > 0) {
if (appendToSheet === false) {
rowStart = 2;
} else {
rowStart = getRowsFilled_(sheet, "A1:A") + 1;
indexStart = 0;
indexEnd = Math.min(writeBatchSize, outputRows.length);
while (indexStart < outputRows.length) {
range = sheet.getRange(rowStart + indexStart, 1, indexEnd - indexStart, outputRows[0].length);
range.setValues(outputRows.slice(indexStart, indexEnd));
a = outputRows.slice(indexStart, indexEnd);
indexStart = indexEnd;
indexEnd = Math.min(indexStart + writeBatchSize, outputRows.length);
range = sheet.getRange(getRowsFilled_(sheet, "A1:A") + 1, 1, 1, 1);
range.setValues([["End of List!"]]);
} catch (e) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Timed out!', 'Status', -1);
// ===========================================================================================================
// Get number of rows filled in the selected spreadsheet
function getRowsFilled_(sheet, selectedRange) {
var selectedMatrix = sheet.getRange(selectedRange).getValues();
return selectedMatrix.filter(String).length;
// ===========================================================================================================
// Delete the global cache
function deleteCache_() {
var cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Failed to delete cache! ' + e.toString());
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to delete cache! Try again in a few minutes.');
// ===========================================================================================================
// Delete triggers
function deleteTriggers_() {
var triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
for (var i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) {
if (triggers[i].getHandlerFunction() === "run") {
} catch (e) {
Logger.log('Failed to delete triggers! ' + e.toString());
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to delete triggers! Try again in a few minutes.');
// ===========================================================================================================
// Set kill flag
function setKillFlag_(state, cacheTimeout) {
var lock = LockService.getScriptLock();
cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
cache.put(cacheKillFlag, state, cacheTimeout);
} catch (e) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to set kill flag! Try again in a few minutes.');
// ===========================================================================================================
// Get kill flag
function getKillFlag_() {
killFlag = false;
try {
cache = CacheService.getScriptCache();
killFlag = cache.get(cacheKillFlag) === 'true';
} catch (e) {
SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().toast('Failed to set kill flag! Try again in a few minutes.');
return killFlag;
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