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Created July 15, 2016 11:53
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using Microsoft.Bot.Builder.Dialogs.Internals;
namespace DialogDemo.Dialogs
internal class DialogSampleUtil
internal static int IncrementCount<T>(T context) where T : IBotData
int count;
context.UserData.TryGetValue(UserDataKey.Count, out count);
context.UserData.SetValue(UserDataKey.Count, ++count);
return count;
internal static void ResetCount<T>(T context) where T : IBotData => context.UserData.SetValue(UserDataKey.Count, 0);
internal static string GetIncrementedMessage(int count, string message) => $"{count}: You, 「{message}」っていったよね。文字数は{message.Length}だね。";
internal static string GetConfirmMessage(string prefix) => $"({prefix}): {BotMessage.AreYouSure}";
public struct UserDataKey
public const string Count = "count";
public struct BotMessage
public const string ResetDone = "Reset count.";
public const string ResetCancelled = "Did not reset count.";
public const string AreYouSure = "Are you sure you want to reset the count?";
public const string NotGetThat = "Didn't get that!";
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