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Created April 21, 2013 02:29
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Schnops programming language syntax.
# Welcome to Schnops! This is a comment.
# Comments are ignored when you run the program.
If you have a lot of cool comments you can put
them all in a multiline commment. Multiline comments
can space multiple lines and have to be opened and closed
with '#-' and '-#'.
# The most simple program you can get is adding two numbers
# together. Schnops acts like you'd expect, and handles all
# sorts of math fine.
2 + 4
8 - 2
3 * 2
12 / 2
# There's also some pretty cool mathematical functions, like
# tan(), log(), sin(), cos(), and sqrt()!
# Since these functions aren't as common, you call them on the
# Math class, which contains a lot of methematical stuff.
Math sqrt(10)
Math tan(5)
Math cosh(6)
# Let's define our own simple class for a cow, with some methods!
class Cow {
def initialize() {
@legs = 4
@legs_butchered = 0
def moo {
def legs {
return @legs
def legs_butchered {
return @legs_butchered
# This may be supported instead of the above
# two methods...
property ^legs
property ^legs_butchered
def butcher(legs_butchered) {
@legs - legs_butchered
@legs_butchered + legs_butchered
# Initialize a new cow named Berble
berble = new Cow
# Let's make Berble make moo noises with a loop!
3 times:
berble moo.
# Now let's be evil and cut off some of Berble's legs!
berble butcher(2) # Only two legs...
# Since we were evil, let's see how many legs remain...
berble legs #=> 2
# We also cut off two legs... let's make sure:
berble legs_butchered #=> 2 - great!
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