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Created December 21, 2014 01:50
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Popular vocabulary used on 2chan (translated to English). Source:
* AA — Abbrev for "ASCII Art", actually JIS art.
* aborn あぼーん — Post deleted. Occasionally also 〜する "to administratively delete a post".
* age — To reply to a thread and thus bump a thread to the top of the board. From 上げる. Written in romaji but inflected like a verb, e.g. ageろ "let's age".
* appu うp — "Upload please!". Like "zOMG TORRENT PLZ" but less annoying.
* arashi 荒し — Troll.
* burakura ブラクラ — Browser crusher. Things or people who post things which break web browsers.
* chūbō 厨房 — Posters who don't bother to read the rules, flamers, spammers. From kanji misconversion of 中坊 "middle school kid", an abbrev for 中学坊主 or 中学坊や. 坊主 is an everyday slang term for "kid", from the short haircuts of young boys and bald heads of Buddhist priests.
* denpa 電波 — Literally "radio waves". Songs and similar things which get stuck in your head, e.g. マイヤヒ.
* desu tane デス種 — Abbrev for Gundam Seed Destiny.
* DQN ドキュン — Retard, asshole, jerk, troll. Also ドキュソ.
* FF — Abbrev for Final Fantasy.
* fuyuchū 冬厨 — Idiots who appear over winter break. From 冬 and 厨房. See also natsuchū.
* gangare ガンガレ — Deliberate misspelling of がんばれ.
* henshin 返信 — Reply. Also 〜する "to reply".
* hiroyuki ひろゆき — The handle of 西村博之, Nishimura Hiroyuki, the founder of 2ch.
* ita 板 — Board, as in 掲示板. Each board on 2ch has a distinct subject or style of discussion. There is some overlap.
* iten shita yo 移転したよ — Thread has been moved. This is usually accompanied by a link to the new location.
* itte yo shi 逝ってよし — FOAD. A pun on "行ってよし" which roughly means "you can go". Cf. 逝く "to die".
* jisakujien 自作自演 — Someone who replies to themselves thereby pretending to be multiple people. Also the name of this guy: (・∀・).
* kakikomu 書き込む — To post.
* kami 神 — Literally "god". A poster who responds rapidly with useful information or answers. Occasionally written ネ申.
* kanren pēji 関連ページ — Related pages.
* kaomoji 顔文字 — Literally "face characters"; the Japanese version of emoticons.
* keijiban 掲示板 — Bulletin board, BBS.
kensaku 検索 — Search, lookup, data retrieval. E.g. 検索エンジン "search engine".
* kinenmakiko 記念真紀子 — Posting in a legendary thread. From 記念なスレッドで書き込み → 記念書きこ, with a portmanteau of Japanese politician 田中真紀子. See this thread.
* kopipe コピペ — Copy-paste, from コピー&ペースト. Either a verb or a noun, the latter meaning either what has been copied and pasted or the act thereof.
* kora コラ — Photoshop, shopped.
* kotehan コテハン — A poster's nickname when used instead of anonymous posting. From 固定ハンドルネーム, "fixed handle name".
* kusosure クソスレ — Shitty thread. Trollbait or flamebait. Often equivalent to "stfu troll".
* kyappu キャップ — Abbrev for "capcode". An administrative tripcode.
* majisure マジスレ — Serious response, naive reply to a troll or joke. From 真面目(まじめ), "really, seriously, no kidding" and スレ.
* manse マンセ — Equivalent to 万歳(ばんざい). May imply mindless obedience or servility. From Korean. Often rude.
* matāri マターリ — Laid back, cool, chill.
* moe 萌え — Literally "budding". Cute or hot, worthy of a crush.
* mona(r) モナー — The name of 2ch's mascot, shown here. From his catchphrase "オマエモナー", q.v.
* mou zutto hito oo sugi もうずっと人大杉 — Site is too busy, inaccessible. From もうずっと(アクセスする)人が多すぎる → もうずっと人多すぎ, thence through kanji misconversion.
* narijjibēsu なりっじべーす — Knowledge base. Don't ask why it's in hiragana.
* natsuchū 夏厨 — Idiots who appear over summer break. From 夏 and 厨房. See also fuyuchū
* NEET ニート — Abbrev for "Not in Employment, Education, or Training". A slacker. Occasionally abbreviated ニー.
* neta ネタ — Usually online jokes or memes. From slang meaning "gossip" or "info", reversal of たね "seed". Means lots of other things besides "meme".
* nidā ニダー — Korean. From the Korean copula "ni da" similar to Japanese です. Also an AA character shown here. Rude.
* nuko ぬこ — Cat. From a typo for ねこ.
* offu kai OFF会 — An offline meeting.
* oira おいら — Us. From おれら.
* omēra おめーら — You (pl). From おまえら.
* omae mo nā オマエモナー — Generally either "you too" or "screw you too" depending on context.
* orz — Romajification of ○| ̄|_, which is AA for a person bowing on their knees, usually called "fallen man". Used to express despair or failure, or to thank a person or to bow to their superiority. In uppercase romaji spelled OTL.
* otsu 乙 — Thanks. Contraction of and kanji misconversion of お疲れさま.
* pakuri パクリ — Stolen, copyright violation.
* resu レス — Reply, followup. Ocassionally れす. From レスポンス. Mirror kana of スレ, q.v.
* rirōdo リロード — Reload.
* sage — To reply to a thread without bumping it. To do so simply type "sage" in the E-mail field. This may be done to increase the post count toward earlier deletion, or may simply be done to add an unimportant comment. Always written in romaji. See also age.
* saishin 50 最新50 — Latest 50; view last 50 posts.
* sakujo 削除 — Deletion. Also 〜する "to delete".
* shinā シナー — China, Chinese. From an archaic word for China from Sanskrit. Also an AA character usually found with Nidā and shown here. Rude.
* shine 氏ね — Die. Kanji misconversion for 死ね.
* shinki sureddo sakusei 新規スレッド作成 — New thread creation.
* suman スマン — Short for すみません, "sorry". Also スマソ.
* sure スレ — Thread. From スレッド.
* teishi shimashita 停止しました — Banned. The correct response is of course 「停止されたワロスwwwww」.
* tōkō 投稿 — Submission. Also 〜する "to submit".
* torippu トリップ — Abbrev for tripcode.
* umā ウマー — Wonderful, lovely, tasty, very nice, awesome. From うまい.
* un うn — "Yeah".
* vipper ヴィッパー — Someone who posts in News for VIP. DQN as a lifestyle.
* warota ワロタ — LOL. Also 「wwwww」 and many other variations.
* yoku aru shitsumon よくある質問 — Frequently asked questions. Often simply よく質問.
* yome 嫁 — Read. Kanji misconversion for 読め.
* zenbu yomu 全部読む — Read all; view entire thread.
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