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Created March 5, 2017 05:24
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Proving some properties of binary trees and rotation in idris.
In this file I:
- Define a binary tree.
- Define a type level predicate for right rotation of a tree. That is, this type
can only be instantiated for trees that can be right rotated.
- Prove that it's decidable if a tree can be right-rotated or not.
- Prove that right-rotating a tree preserves in-order traversal.
-- A binary tree.
data BinTree : a -> Type where
Node : BinTree a -> BinTree a -> BinTree a
Leaf : a -> BinTree a
-- Type level predicate that states a given binary tree can be rotated right.
-- The tree must be of the following form:
-- /\
-- /\ c
-- a b
-- Where a, b, and c are subtrees.
data CanRotateRight : (BinTree a) -> Type where
RotateRight : (leftLeft: BinTree a) ->
(leftRight: BinTree a) ->
(right: BinTree a) ->
CanRotateRight (Node (Node leftLeft leftRight) right)
-- Lemma: A tree that is a single Leaf cannot be rotated.
cannotRotateLeafLemma : CanRotateRight (Leaf x) -> Void
cannotRotateLeafLemma (RotateRight _ _ _) impossible
-- Lemma: A tree that's already associated to the right cannot be right-rotated.
-- eg: /\
-- a /\
-- b c
cannotRotateLemma : CanRotateRight (Node (Leaf x) y) -> Void
cannotRotateLemma (RotateRight _ _ _) impossible
-- Whether a tree is rotatable or not is decidable.
-- Given a tree, either prove that it can be rotated, or prove
-- that it can't be rotated.
canRotate : (tree : BinTree a) -> Dec (CanRotateRight tree)
canRotate (Node (Node x z) y) = Yes (RotateRight x z y)
canRotate (Node (Leaf x) y) = No cannotRotateLemma
canRotate (Leaf x) = No cannotRotateLeafLemma
-- Rotate a tree, given a proof that the tree can be rotated.
-- /\ /\
-- /\ c -----> a /\
-- a b b c
rotateTreeRight : (tree : BinTree a) -> (CanRotateRight tree) -> BinTree a
rotateTreeRight (Node (Node leftLeft leftRight) right) (RotateRight leftLeft leftRight right) =
Node leftLeft (Node leftRight right)
-- In order traversal of a binary tree:
-- /\
-- /\ c
-- a b
-- Yields: [a, b, c]
inOrder : BinTree a -> List a
inOrder (Node x y) = inOrder x ++ inOrder y
inOrder (Leaf x) = [x]
-- Proof: Rotating a tree preserves in-order traversal.
rotationSameOrder : (t : BinTree a) ->
(prf : CanRotateRight t) ->
(inOrder t) = inOrder (rotateTreeRight t prf)
rotationSameOrder (Node (Node leftLeft leftRight) right) (RotateRight leftLeft leftRight right) =
rewrite sym (appendAssociative (inOrder leftLeft) (inOrder leftRight) (inOrder right)) in Refl
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