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Last active January 19, 2016 02:22
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Notes on using FreeT to interleave effects with other monads.
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module ConsoleDsl where
-- This file explains one technique for interleaving custom Free eDSLs with
-- existing monad stacks. This article does not explain Free or monad
-- transformers from the ground up, so some familiarity is assumed.
-- I begin by sketching out a basic Free eDSL, which enables printing to and
-- reading from the console. I then show how the eDSL doesn't play well with other
-- effects. I then sketch out a solution using FreeT.
-- Package: free-4.12.4
import Control.Monad.Free (Free, iterM, liftF)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free (FreeT, iterT)
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
-- The Free eDSL code is built in a fairly standard way.
-- It begins with two actions: PrintLn and ReadLn
data ConsoleAction a = PrintLn String a
| ReadLn (String -> a)
deriving (Functor)
type Console a = Free ConsoleAction a
-- `PrintLn` and `ReadLn` are lifted into `Console`,
-- my custom console effect monad.
printConsole :: String -> Console ()
printConsole s = liftF $ PrintLn s ()
readConsole :: Console String
readConsole = liftF $ ReadLn id
-- This function gives meaning to values of type `ConsoleAction`.
-- In other words, they are interpreted into IO actions.
consoleActionToIO :: MonadIO m => ConsoleAction (m a) -> m a
consoleActionToIO (PrintLn s next) = (liftIO (putStrLn s)) >> next
consoleActionToIO (ReadLn next) = (liftIO (getLine)) >>= next
-- `iterM` lifts this interpreter to operate over `Free ConsoleAction a` (ie, `Console a`) rather than just `ConsoleAction`.
runConsole :: Console a -> IO a
runConsole = iterM consoleActionToIO
-- Below is an example of `Console` in action: It reads a line from the console
-- and echos it back out.
exampleProgram :: Console ()
exampleProgram = do
ln <- readConsole
printConsole ln
-- To run the program, `runConsole` is invoked on the example program,
-- which interprets the Console eDSL into the IO effect specified by
-- `consoleActionToIO`.
exampleRun :: IO ()
exampleRun = runConsole exampleProgram
-- Output:
-- λ: exampleRun
-- monads
-- monads
-- This makes for a nice blog post, but unfortunately Console doesn't play well
-- with other effects. Suppose I want to:
-- 1) Retrieve a string from some state.
-- 2) Print that string to the console.
-- 3) Read in a new string from the console.
-- 4) Store that string to the state.
-- One solution is to do all this inside `StateT String IO ()`, but this forces
-- me to interpret `Console` into `IO` whenever I want to switch between the `State`
-- and `Console` effects. It also eliminates `Console` from the type, forcing my
-- computation to live in IO, which is more power than needed.
examplePrintState :: StateT String IO ()
examplePrintState = do
s <- get
i <- liftIO $ runConsole $ do -- Console must be interpretted into IO
printConsole s -- because it cannot be direclty interleaved.
put i
exampleRunPrintState :: IO ((), String)
exampleRunPrintState = runStateT examplePrintState "start"
-- Output:
-- λ: exampleRunPrintState
-- start
-- new string
-- ((),"new string")
-- This becomes cumbersome when Console is used in a real program with an existing monad stack.
-- ** Free Transformer **
-- One solution is to embed my eDSL in FreeT rather than Free. While Free lifts my
-- ConsoleAction into a monad, FreeT lifts it into a monad transformer, allowing it
-- to be used with other monad stacks, and thus interleaved with other effects.
-- Rather than Console, ConsoleT is a transformer that takes a monad `m` and produces an `a`.
type ConsoleT m a = FreeT ConsoleAction m a
-- Much of the code from before can be reused, it's simply a matter of changing type
-- signatures to use `ConsoleT`.
printConsoleT :: Monad m => String -> ConsoleT m ()
printConsoleT s = liftF $ PrintLn s ()
readConsoleT :: Monad m => ConsoleT m String
readConsoleT = liftF $ ReadLn id
-- `runConsoleT` now uses `iterT` instead of `iterM`, which operates over `FreeT` rather than
-- `Free`. `consoleActionToIO` can be reused.
runConsoleT :: MonadIO m => ConsoleT m a -> m a
runConsoleT = iterT consoleActionToIO
-- Now I can rewrite `examplePrintState` in `ConsoleT (StateT String m) ()`, which allows
-- me to interleave State and Console actions.
examplePrintStateT :: Monad m => ConsoleT (StateT String m) ()
examplePrintStateT = do
s <- get
printConsoleT s -- Console is interleaved directly.
i <- readConsoleT
put i
exampleRunPrintStateT :: IO ((), String)
exampleRunPrintStateT = runStateT (runConsoleT examplePrintStateT) "start"
-- λ: exampleRunPrintStateT
-- start
-- new string
-- ((),"new string")
-- Notice that now there is no need to interpert `Console` down to `IO` early. Additionally,
-- the type restricts the computation to only the `State` and `Console` effects, so I can't
-- accidentally run wild with `IO`. These are some nice wins for about the same amount of code.
-- ** mtl-Style Typeclasses **
-- Lastly, by implementing mtl style typeclasses, effects can be constrained using typeclass constraints.
-- There is no need to implement MonadTrans. `FreeT` provides that for free.
-- I create a new class for monads implementing Console effects.
class Monad m => MonadConsole m where
printConsoleWithClass :: String -> m ()
readConsoleWithClass :: m String
-- ConsoleT is itself a monad and implements Console effects.
-- `FreeT ConsoleAction m` is used because type synonyms cannot be
-- partially applied.
instance Monad m => MonadConsole (FreeT ConsoleAction m) where
printConsoleWithClass = printConsoleT
readConsoleWithClass = readConsoleT
-- I apply induction over other monads in the standard way.
-- That is, StateT, if applied to a monad that provides Console effects, also
-- provides Console effects.
instance MonadConsole m => MonadConsole (StateT a m) where
printConsoleWithClass = lift . printConsoleWithClass -- These effects must be lifted.
readConsoleWithClass = lift readConsoleWithClass
-- Finally, I can constrain effects using typeclass constraints a la mtl.
examplePrintStateTWithClass :: (MonadState String m, MonadConsole m) => m ()
examplePrintStateTWithClass = do
s <- get
printConsoleWithClass s
i <- readConsoleWithClass
put i
exampleRunPrintStateTWithClass :: IO ((), String)
exampleRunPrintStateTWithClass = runConsoleT (runStateT examplePrintStateTWithClass "start")
-- Output:
-- λ: exampleRunPrintStateTWithClass
-- start
-- new string
-- ((),"new string")
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