Replaces anything that mentions 'aldub', 'pastillas' and 'otwol' with 'IDONTFUCKINGCARE' in facebook.- Only works on your view with a click of a button.
- Doesnt work with fb mobile app. You can try it with your mobile browser though.
- 17-09-17: Adjustments to dom class name
- 22-09-15: You can now input keywords to filter :)
- 21-09-15: Totally removes the effin dom!
How to?
- Chrome, FF, Opera: Open any website( in a new tab.
- Bookmark that website.
- Give it a cool name like (IDONTFUCKINGCARE).
- Hit save.
- If you see that new bookmarklet button/link on your browsers bookmark's tab, right click on it and click edit.
- Replace everything in the URL textbox with the content in IDONTFUCKINGCARE bookmarklet file below(the one that starts with javascript)
- Hit save.
- Open your facebook account.
- Test this by visiting aldub/pastillas or otwol fb pages.
- If you're on the page, hit the mofo IDONTFUCKINGCARE bookmark button/link you set.
- You can even click that while browsing your feeds or timeline.
- TLDR. O<- potato for u.
WARNING: Slows down your fb
feel free to fork/enhance/convert to chrome extension.
@beanmoss: Nakat-on tag Chrome extensions ahat: lol