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Created March 19, 2014 08:06
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Simple spacer for rostock extruder
include <config.scad>;
use <metric-cerberus.scad>;
hole = 45;
difference() {
union() {
cube([hole+5,30,8], center = true);
for (i=[-1,1]) {
translate([i*hole/2,0,0]) cube([10,46,8], center = true);
translate([-hole, 0, 22])
rotate([0, 90, 0]) extrusion4040_no_hole(h = hole*2);
for (i=[-1,1]) {
translate([i*hole/2,0,0]) cylinder(r = 5/2, h = 20, center = true);
hull() {
translate([-hole/3,i*8,0]) cylinder(r = 3, h = 20, center = true);
translate([+hole/3,i*8,0]) cylinder(r = 3, h = 20, center = true);
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