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Created September 22, 2009 00:05
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Some generic rspec steps I use for unit testing ActiveRecord models with cucumber.
# clear a table
Given /^I have no (\S+)$/ do |table|
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute "DELETE FROM `#{table.tableize}`"
# create a new instance, as an @underscore_named_var, and @it.
Given /^I have a new (\S+)$/ do |model|
eval "@#{model.underscore} = #{model.classify}.new"
eval "@it = #{model.classify}.new"
Given /^I created a valid (\S+)$/ do |model|
eval "@#{model.underscore} = Factory(:#{model.underscore})"
# Short form test - @it - perfect for single model testing.
# assignments
When /^I set its (\S+) to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |attribute, value|
@it.send("#{attribute}=", value)
# run a method without args
When /^I (\S+) it$/ do |method|
# list of attributes
Then /^it should have the following attributes$/ do |table|
table.hashes.each do |hash|
@it.attributes.has_key?(hash['attribute']).should == true
# associations
Then /^it should (belong to a|have one|have many) (.+)$/ do |method, association|
# simple validity
Then /^it should\s+be valid$/ do
@it.should be_valid
Then /^it should not be valid$/ do
@it.should_not be_valid
# attribute value
Then /^its (\S+) should be "([^\"]*)"$/ do |attribute, value|
@it.send("#{attribute}").to_s.should == value
# association count
Then /^it should\s+have (\d+) (.+)$/ do |value, association|
if @it.send(association.pluralize).respond_to? :count
@it.send(association.pluralize).count.should == value.to_i
@it.send(association.pluralize).size.should == value.to_i
# Long form test - @underscore_named_var - no confusion when working with multiple models.
# assignments
When /^I set that (\S+) (\S+) to "([^\"]*)"$/ do |var, attribute, value|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").send("#{attribute}=", value)
# run a method without args
When /^I (\S+) that (\S+)$/ do |method, var|
# list of attributes
Then /^that (\S+) should have the following attributes$/ do |var, table|
table.hashes.each do |hash|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").attributes.has_key?(hash['attribute']).should == true
# associations
Then /^that (\S+) should (belong to a|have one|have many) (.+)$/ do |var, method, association|
# simple validity
Then /^that (\S+) should\s+be valid$/ do |var|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").should be_valid
Then /^that (\S+) should not be valid$/ do |var|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").should_not be_valid
# attribute value
Then /^that (\S+) (\S+) should be "([^\"]*)"$/ do |var, attribute, value|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").send("#{attribute}").to_s.should == value
# attribute is another var
Then /^that (\S+)'s (\S+) should be that (\S+)$/ do |var, attribute, value_var|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").send("#{attribute}").should == eval("@#{value_var.underscore}")
# association count
Then /^that (\S+) should\s+have (\d+) (.+)$/ do |var, value, association|
if eval("@#{var.underscore}").send(association.pluralize).respond_to? :count
eval("@#{var.underscore}").send(association.pluralize).count.should == value.to_i
eval("@#{var.underscore}").send(association.pluralize).size.should == value.to_i
# array attribute includes another var
Then /^that (\S+)'s (\S+) should include that (\S+)$/ do |var, attribute, value_var|
eval("@#{var.underscore}").send("#{attribute}").should include(eval("@#{value_var.underscore}"))
Feature: FinishedGood unit test
In order to ensure stability, and learn BDD
As a developer
I want to validate the behavior of the Bin class
Given I have no finished_goods
Scenario: Attributes
Given I have a new finished_good
Then it should have the following attributes
|attribute |
|part_number |
|production_number |
And it should belong to a slot
And it should have one bin
Scenario Outline: Validations
Given I have a new finished_good
When I set its part_number to "<part_number>"
And I set its production_number to "<production_number>"
Then it should <not> be valid
| part_number | production_number | not | explanation |
| | | not | part_number & production_number should both be required |
| 478410 | | not | '' |
| | 123456 | not | '' |
| 478410 | 123456 | | valid part_number & production_number |
| 478410 | abc | not | production_number must be only numbers |
| 478410 | -1 | not | production_number must be only numbers |
Scenario: Unique Production Numbers
Given I have a new finished_good
When I set its part_number to "part"
And I set its production_number to "1"
And I save it
Then it should be valid
Given I have a new finished_good
When I set its part_number to "part"
And I set its production_number to "1"
Then it should not be valid
When I set its production_number to "2"
Then it should be valid
Scenario: Bin Assignment and Unassignment
Given I created a valid bin
And I created a valid finished_good
When I place that finished_good in that bin
Then that finished_good's bin should be that bin
And that bin should have 1 slot
And that bin should have 1 binnable
And that bin's binnables should include that finished_good
When I remove that finished_good from a bin
Then that finished_good's bin should be blank
And that bin should have 0 slots
And that bin should have 0 binnables
Scenario: Bin Assignment By Label
Given I created a valid bin
And I created a valid finished_good
When I place that finished_good in that bin using the label
Then that finished_good's bin should be that bin
And that finished_good's bin_label should be that bin's label
And that bin should have 1 slot
And that bin should have 1 binnable
And that bin's binnables should include that finished_good
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