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Errors even when following manual (Yes, blur is its own subsection)
# environment variables suggested on
# env GDK_BACKEND,wayland
# env QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland,xcb
# env SDL_VIDEODRIVER,wayland
# env CLUTTER_BACKEND,wayland
# env XDG_SESSION_TYPE,wayland
# env XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP,hyprland
# env QT_QPA_PLATFORM,wayland;xcb
#$TERMINAL = alacrittt:: -e tmux -u new-session -t 'MoonWind' && tmux new-window -t 'MoonWind-1'
# $TERMINAL = ~/.local/bin/wezterm
$TERMINAL = alacritty
# monitor = ,1920x1080@60,0x0,1
monitor = ,preferred,auto,1
workspace = DP-1,1
# bring in envars
exec-once = dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd WAYLAND_DISPLAY XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
input {
kb_layout =
kb_variant =
kb_model =
kb_options =
kb_rules =
follow_mouse = 1
natural_scroll = 1
general {
layout = dwindle
sensitivity = 1.0 # for mouse cursor
main_mod = SUPER
gaps_in = 4.0
gaps_out = 4.0
border_size = 2
resize_on_border = true
col.active_border = rgba(5b768eff) rgba(5e81acff) 45deg # crepurcular cat catfg2
col.inactive_border = 0x66333333
apply_sens_to_raw = 0 # whether to apply the sensitivity to raw input (e.g. used by games where you aim using your mouse)
damage_tracking = full # leave it on full unless you hate your GPU and want to make it suffer
cursor_inactive_timeout = 6
decoration {
rounding = 10
multisample_edges = 1.0
blur {
new_optimizations = true
size = 3 # minimum 1
passes = 2
##ignore_opacity = false
# Your blur "amount" is blur_size * blur_passes, but high blur_size (over around 5-ish) will produce artifacts.
# if you want heavy blur, you need to up the blur_passes.
# the more passes, the more you can up the blur_size without noticing artifacts.
active_opacity = 0.95
inactive_opacity = 0.8
fullscreen_opacity = 1.0
drop_shadow = 1.0
shadow_range = 40 #Shadow range (in pixels), more = larger shadow
shadow_render_power = 4 #int - (1 - 4), in what power to render the falloff (more power, the faster the falloff)
shadow_ignore_window = 0 #int - (0/1) if true, the shadow will not be rendered behind the window itself, only around it.
# col.shadow = 0x00000088 #col - shadow's color. Alpha dictates shadow's opacity.
shadow_offset = 2.0 0.0 #vec2 - shadow's rendering offset.
animations {
enabled = 1
animation = windows,1,6,default
# animation = borders,1,10,default
# animation = fadein,1,6,default
animation = workspaces,1,6,default
dwindle {
pseudotile = 0 # enable pseudotiling on dwindle
force_split = 0 # 0 -> split follows mouse, 1 -> always split to the left (new = left or top) 2 -> always split to the right (new = right or bottom)
preserve_split = 0 # (0/1) if enabled, the split (side/top) will not change regardless of what happens to the container.
special_scale_factor = 1.0 # 0 - 1 -> specifies the scale factor of windows on the special workspace
# example window rules
# for windows named/classed as abc and xyz
#windowrule = move 69 420,abc
#windowrule = size 420 69,abc
#windowrule = tile,xyz
windowrule = float,dialog
windowrule = float,gimp
windowrule = animation slide left,mako
windowrule = float,mpv
windowrule = float,pop-up
windowrule = float,qjackctl
windowrule = float,Rofi
# windowrule = dimaround,Rofi
# windowrule = nomaxsize,Rofi
windowrule = float,task_dialog
windowrule = opacity 0.96,Alacritty
#windowrule = tile,neovide
windowrule = workspace 1 silent,$TERMINAL
windowrule = workspace 2 silent,qutebrowser
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,title:^(telegram)$
windowrule = workspace 3 silent,title:Messages for web
#windowrule = pseudo,abc
#windowrule = monitor 0,xyz
bind = SUPER_SHIFT,X,killactive,
bind = SUPER_SHIFT,Q,exit,
bind = SUPER,E,exec,dolphin
bind = SUPER,V,togglefloating,
# mazimize respecting gaps and status bars
bind = SUPER,F,fullscreen,1
# Maximize with highest z-index
bind = SUPER_SHIFT,F,fullscreen,0
bind = SUPER,P,pin,
bind = SUPER,R,exec,rofi -show drun
# bind = SUPER,R,exec,wofi
bind = SUPER,Z,pseudo,
bind = SUPER,C,exec,rofi -show calc -modi "calc:qalc +u8" -no-sort
bind = SUPER,L,movefocus,r
bind = SUPER,K,movefocus,u
bind = SUPER,J,movefocus,d
bind = SUPER,H,movefocus,l
bind = SUPER,1,workspace,1
bind = SUPER,2,workspace,2
bind = SUPER,3,workspace,3
bind = SUPER,4,workspace,4
bind = SUPER,5,workspace,5
bind = SUPER,6,workspace,6
bind = SUPER,7,workspace,7
bind = SUPER,8,workspace,8
bind = SUPER,9,workspace,9
bind = SUPER,0,workspace,10
# Move to workspace and focus it
bind = ALT_SHIFT,1,movetoworkspace,1
bind = ALT_SHIFT,2,movetoworkspace,2
bind = ALT_SHIFT,3,movetoworkspace,3
bind = ALT_SHIFT,4,movetoworkspace,4
bind = ALT_SHIFT,5,movetoworkspace,5
bind = ALT_SHIFT,6,movetoworkspace,6
bind = ALT_SHIFT,7,movetoworkspace,7
bind = ALT_SHIFT,8,movetoworkspace,8
bind = ALT_SHIFT,9,movetoworkspace,9
bind = ALT_SHIFT,0,movetoworkspace,10
bind = ALT_SHIFT,H,movewindow,l
bind = ALT_SHIFT,J,movewindow,d
bind = ALT_SHIFT,K,movewindow,u
bind = ALT_SHIFT,L,movewindow,r
# move to workspace without focus
bind = ALT,1,movetoworkspacesilent,1
bind = ALT,2,movetoworkspacesilent,2
bind = ALT,3,movetoworkspacesilent,3
bind = ALT,4,movetoworkspacesilent,4
bind = ALT,5,movetoworkspacesilent,5
bind = ALT,6,movetoworkspacesilent,6
bind = ALT,7,movetoworkspacesilent,7
bind = ALT,8,movetoworkspacesilent,8
bind = ALT,9,movetoworkspacesilent,9
bind = ALT,0,movetoworkspacesilent,10
bind = ALT,w,movetoworkspace,special
bind = SUPER,w,togglespecialworkspace
bind = SUPER_SHIFT,r,forcerendererreload
bindm = ALT,mouse:272,movewindow
bindm = ALT,mouse:273,resizewindow
# device rules
# execute startup applications
#exec-once = mako # notifications
exec-once = udiskie # removable drive handling
exec-once = waybar
# exec-once = easyeffects --gapplication-service #pipewire plugin rack
#exec-once = mpv --profile = wallpaper ~/.config/sway/jaguarundi.jpg
#exec-once = swaybg -m fill -i ~/.config/sway/jaguarundi.jpg
exec-once = /usr/bin/hyprpaper
exec-once = $TERMINAL
# exec-once = qutebrowser
exec-once = telegram-desktop
exec-once = qutebrowser --target window
exec-once = ~/.config/hypr/
exec-once = mpv --input-ipc-server = /tmp/mpv.sock --idle
# exec-once = swayidle -w timeout 1800 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"'
exec-once = nm-applet
exec-once = /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1
exec-once = sh ~/.config/hypr/delay_portals
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