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#lang racket
(require redex/reduction-semantics)
(require (file "/tmp/wa.rkt"))
(define thing
(tab () ())
(mem ()))
(const i32 9)
(const i32 42)
(add i32))
(term ,thing #:lang lang)
#lang racket
;; This is a redex model of the semantics of webassembly from the paper
;; "Bringing the Web up to Speed with WebAssembly"
;; Haas et al.
(require redex/reduction-semantics
;; wasm defines memory for module instances in 64Ki increments, but this is
;; unwieldly in redex so we define the increment in bytes here
(define *page-size* 20)
;; some non-terminals (like for modules) differ from the paper due to redex
;; constraints on non-terminals appearing as keywords, and some forms have
;; extra keywords for ease of identification
(define-language wasm-lang
;; types
(t ::= t-i t-f)
(t-f ::= f32 f64)
(t-i ::= i32 i64)
(tp ::= i8 i16 i32)
(sx ::= sx-s sx-u) ; renamed to avoid conflict with s non-terminal
(tf ::= (-> (t ...) (t ...)))
(tg ::= t (mut t))
;; instructions
(e-no-v ::= unreachable
(block tf e*)
(loop tf e*)
(if tf e* else e*)
(br i)
(br-if i)
(br-table i i ...)
(call i)
(call-indirect tf)
(get-local i)
(set-local i)
(tee-local i)
(get-global i)
(set-global i)
(load t a o)
(load t tp sx a o)
(store t a o)
(store t tp a o)
;; prim ops become a little verbose due to type constraints
(unop-i t-i)
(unop-f t-f)
(binop-i t-i)
(binop-f t-f)
(testop-i t-i)
(relop-i t-i)
(relop-f t-f)
(cvtop t t)
(cvtop t t sx))
(e ::= e-no-v
(const t c))
;; primitive operations
[unop ::= unop-i unop-f]
(unop-i ::= clz ctz popcnt)
(unop-f ::= neg abs ceil floor trunc nearest sqrt)
[binop ::= binop-i binop-f]
(binop-i ::= add sub mul div-s div-u rem-s rem-u and
or xor shl shr-s shr-u rotl rotr)
(binop-f ::= add sub mul div min max copysign)
(testop ::= testop-i)
(testop-i ::= eqz)
(relop ::= relop-i relop-f)
(relop-i ::= eq ne lt-u lt-s gt-u gt-s le-u le-s ge-u ge-s)
(relop-f ::= eq ne lt gt le ge)
(cvtop ::= convert reinterpret)
;; sequences of expressions
;; (we use this to avoid splicing)
(e* ::= ϵ
(e e*))
(c ::= number)
;; constant numerals
((i j l k m n a o) integer)
;; bytes
(b ::= integer)
;; modules & functions
(f ::= (func (ex ...) tf local (t ...) e*)
(func (ex ...) tf im))
(m-glob ::= (global (ex ...) tg e ...)
(global (ex ...) tg im))
(m-tab ::= (table (ex ...) n i ...)
(table (ex ...) n im))
(m-mem ::= (memory (ex ...) n)
(memory (ex ...) n im))
(im ::= (import string string))
(ex ::= (export string))
(mod ::= (module f ... m-glob ...)
(module f ... m-glob ... m-tab)
(module f ... m-glob ... m-mem)
(module f ... m-glob ... m-tab m-mem)))
(define-extended-language wasm-runtime-lang wasm-lang
;; administrative expressions
(e-no-v ::= ....
(call cl)
(label n {e*} e*)
(local n {i (v ...)} e*))
;; runtime
(s ::= {(inst modinst ...) (tab tabinst ...) (mem meminst ...)})
(modinst ::= {(func cl ...) (glob v ...)}
{(func cl ...) (glob v ...) (tab i)}
{(func cl ...) (glob v ...) (mem i)}
{(func cl ...) (glob v ...) (tab i) (mem i)})
(tabinst ::= (cl ...))
(meminst ::= (b ...))
(cl ::= {(inst i) (code f)})
(F ::= (v ...))
;; this is needed for the actual spec
(F ::= {(locals v ...) (module modinst)})
(v ::= (const t c))
(v* ::= ϵ
(v v*))
;; evaluation contexts
;; using an inductive definition instead of using sequences because
;; we would need splicing holes otherwise
(E ::= hole
(v E)
((label n (e*) E) e*)))
;; helper for constructing instruction sequences
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
seq : e ... -> e*
[(seq) ϵ]
[(seq e_0 e_1 ...)
(e_0 (seq e_1 ...))])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
seq* : e ... e* -> e*
[(seq* e*) e*]
[(seq* e_0 e_1 ... e*_2)
(e_0 (seq* e_1 ... e*_2))])
;; append two e* expression lists
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
e*-append : e* e* -> e*
[(e*-append ϵ e*) e*]
[(e*-append (e_0 e*_0) e*_1)
(e_0 (e*-append e*_0 e*_1))])
;; find the nesting depth of values around the hole in the eval context
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
v-depth : E -> number
[(v-depth hole) 0]
[(v-depth (in-hole E (v hole)))
,(add1 (term (v-depth E)))]
[(v-depth (in-hole E ((label n {e*_0} hole) e*_1)))
;; split an eval context into two contexts:
;; - an outer context surrounding the second
;; - an inner context with nested values around a hole
;; precondition: E actually has l-nested values when called
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
v-split : E number -> (E E)
[(v-split hole l)
(hole hole)]
[(v-split (in-hole E (v hole)) 0)
((in-hole E_outer (v hole)) hole)
(where (E_outer hole) (v-split E 0))]
[(v-split (in-hole E (v hole)) l)
(E_outer (in-hole E_v (v hole)))
(where (E_outer E_v) (v-split E ,(sub1 (term l))))]
[(v-split (in-hole E ((label n {e*_0} hole) e*_2)) 0)
((in-hole E_outer ((label n {e*_0} hole) e*_2))
(where (E_outer hole) (v-split E 0))])
;; find the depth of label nestings in E
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
label-depth : E -> number
[(label-depth hole) 0]
[(label-depth (v E)) (label-depth E)]
[(label-depth ((label n {e*_0} E) e*_1))
,(add1 (term (label-depth E)))])
;; extract a closure out of the func part of store
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
store-func : s i j -> cl
[(store-func {(inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...) any_0 ...} i j)
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {(func cl_0 ... cl cl_1 ...) any_1 ...} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (cl_0 ...))) (term j)))])
;; extract a closure from the tab part of store
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
store-tab : s i j -> cl
[(store-tab {(inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...)
(tab tabinst_0 ... tabinst tabinst_1 ...)
any_0 ...}
i j)
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_1 ... (tab i_tab) any_2 ...} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (tabinst_0 ...))) (term i_tab)))
(where (cl_0 ... cl cl_1 ...) tabinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (cl_0 ...))) (term j)))])
;; read a global value
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
store-glob : s i j -> v
[(store-glob {(inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...) any_0 ...} i j)
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_f (glob v_0 ... v v_1 ...) any_1 ...} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (v_0 ...))) (term j)))])
;; write a global value
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
store-glob= : s i j v -> s
[(store-glob= {(inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...) any_0 ...} i j v_new)
{(inst modinst_0 ... modinst_new modinst_1 ...) any_0 ...}
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_f (glob v_0 ... v v_1 ...) any_1 ...} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (v_0 ...))) (term j)))
(where modinst_new {any_f (glob v_0 ... v_new v_1 ...) any_1 ...})])
;; read from memory
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
store-mem : s i j n -> (b ...) or #false
[(store-mem {(inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...)
(mem meminst_0 ... meminst meminst_1 ...)}
i j n)
(b ...)
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_i ... (mem i_mem)} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (meminst_0 ...))) (term i_mem)))
(where (b_0 ... b_rest ...) meminst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (b_0 ...))) (term j)))
(where (b ... b_end ...) (b_rest ...))
(side-condition (= (length (term (b ...))) (term n)))]
[(store-mem any ...)
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
sizeof : any -> n
[(sizeof i8) 1]
[(sizeof i16) 2]
[(sizeof i32) 4]
[(sizeof i64) 8]
[(sizeof f32) 4]
[(sizeof f64) 8])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
const-reinterpret-packed : t (b ...) sx -> c
[(const-reinterpret-packed t (b ...) sx-s)
,(integer-bytes->integer (list->bytes (term (b ...))) #t)]
[(const-reinterpret-packed t (b ...) sx-u)
,(integer-bytes->integer (list->bytes (term (b ...))) #f)])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
const-reinterpret : t (b ...) -> c
[(const-reinterpret t-i (b ...))
,(integer-bytes->integer (list->bytes (term (b ...))) #t)]
[(const-reinterpret t-f (b ...))
,(floating-point-bytes->real (list->bytes (term (b ...))))])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
bits : n t c -> (b ...)
[(bits n i32 i)
,(take (bytes->list (integer->integer-bytes (term i) 4 #t)) (term n))]
[(bits n i64 i)
,(take (bytes->list (integer->integer-bytes (term i) 8 #t)) (term n))]
[(bits n f32 float)
,(take (bytes->list (real->floating-point-bytes (term float) 4)) (term n))]
[(bits n f64 float)
,(take (bytes->list (real->floating-point-bytes (term float) 8)) (term n))])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
store-mem= : s i j n (b ...) -> s or #false
[(store-mem= {(name any_0 (inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...))
(mem meminst_0 ... meminst meminst_1 ...)}
i j n (b_new ...))
{any_0 any_1 (mem meminst_0 ... meminst_new meminst_1 ...)}
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_i ... (mem i_mem)} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (meminst_0 ...))) (term i_mem)))
(where (b_0 ... b_rest ...) meminst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (b_0 ...))) (term j)))
(where (b ... b_end ...) (b_rest ...))
(side-condition (= (length (term (b ...))) (term n)))
(where meminst_new (b_0 ... b_new ... b_end ...))]
[(store-mem= any ...) #false])
;; metafunctions for manipulating memory size
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
memory-size : s i -> n
[(memory-size {(name any_0 (inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...))
(mem meminst_0 ... meminst meminst_1 ...)}
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_i ... (mem i_mem)} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (meminst_0 ...))) (term i_mem)))
(where n_size ,(/ (length (term meminst)) *page-size*))])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
expand-memory : s i k -> (s n)
[(expand-memory {(name any_0 (inst modinst_0 ... modinst modinst_1 ...))
(mem meminst_0 ... meminst meminst_1 ...)}
i k)
(s_new n_size)
(side-condition (= (length (term (modinst_0 ...))) (term i)))
(where {any_i ... (mem i_mem)} modinst)
(side-condition (= (length (term (meminst_0 ...))) (term i_mem)))
(where meminst_new ,(append (term meminst)
(flatten (make-list (term k) (make-list *page-size* 0)))))
(where n_size ,(/ (length (term meminst_new)) *page-size*))
(where s_new {any_0 any_1 (mem meminst_0 ... meminst_new meminst_1 ...)})])
;; conversion between types
;; precondition: validation passed
;; FIXME: this is probably not quite right
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
cvt : t t c -> c
[(cvt t-i_1 t-i_2 c)
(integer->integer-bytes (term c) (term (sizeof t-i)) #t)
[(cvt t i32 c) ,(real->single-flonum (term c))]
[(cvt t i64 c) ,(real->double-flonum (term c))]
[(cvt f32 t-i c) ,(fl->fx (real->single-flonum (term c)))]
[(cvt f64 t-i c) ,(fl->fx (real->double-flonum (term c)))])
;; TODO: implement properly
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
cvt-sx : t t c -> c)
;; extract the code from a closure
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
cl-code : cl -> f
[(cl-code {any (code f)}) f])
;; extract the instance index from a closure
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
cl-inst : cl -> i
[(cl-inst {(inst i) any}) i])
;; append two Fs together
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
F-append : F F -> F
[(F-append () F) F]
[(F-append (v_1 ... v) (v_2 ...))
(F-append (v_1 ...) (v v_2 ...))])
;; convert a nested v* to a (v ...), uses accumulator
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
v*->F : v* -> F
[(v*->F v*) (v*->F-helper v* ())])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
v*->F-helper : v* F -> F
[(v*->F-helper ϵ F) F]
[(v*->F-helper (v v*) (v_acc ...))
(v*->F-helper v* (v_acc ... v))])
;; the opposite of v*->F, just used for visualization
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
F->v* : F -> v*
[(F->v* ()) ϵ]
[(F->v* (v v_0 ...)) (v (F->v* (v_0 ...)))])
;; ctz / clz
(define (clz n width)
(let loop ([pos (sub1 width)] [count 0])
(cond [(< pos 0) count]
[(not (bitwise-bit-set? n pos))
(loop (sub1 pos) (add1 count))]
[else count])))
(define (ctz n width)
(let loop ([pos 0] [count 0])
(cond [(> pos (sub1 width)) count]
[(not (bitwise-bit-set? n pos))
(loop (add1 pos) (add1 count))]
[else count])))
;; implement primitives
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
do-unop : unop t c -> c
[(do-unop clz i32 c) ,(clz (term c) 32)]
[(do-unop clz i64 c) ,(clz (term c) 64)]
[(do-unop ctz i32 c) ,(ctz (term c) 32)]
[(do-unop ctz i32 c) ,(ctz (term c) 64)]
[(do-unop popcnt t-i c)
,(bit-vector-popcount (string->bit-vector (number->string (term c) 2)))]
[(do-unop neg t-f c) ,(- (term c))]
[(do-unop abs t-f c) ,(abs (term c))]
[(do-unop ceil t-f c) ,(ceiling (term c))]
[(do-unop floor t-f c) ,(floor (term c))]
[(do-unop trunc t-f c) ,(truncate (term c))]
[(do-unop nearest t-f c) ,(round (term c))]
[(do-unop sqrt t-f c) ,(sqrt (term c))])
(define (clamp type const)
(cond [(< const 0)
(define start (if (eq? type 'i32) 32 64))
(define end (integer-length const))
(for/fold ([const const])
([i (in-range start end)])
(bitwise-and const (arithmetic-shift 1 i)))]
(bitwise-and const
(if (eq? type 'i32)
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
do-binop : binop t c c -> c
[(do-binop add t-i c_1 c_2) ,(clamp (term t-i) (+ (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-binop sub t-i c_1 c_2) ,(clamp (term t-i) (- (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-binop mul t-i c_1 c_2) ,(clamp (term t-i) (* (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
;; FIXME: needs to account for sign and bit range properly
[(do-binop div-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(quotient (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop div-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(quotient (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop div-s t-i c_1 0) #false]
[(do-binop div-u t-i c_1 0) #false]
[(do-binop rem-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(remainder (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop rem-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(remainder (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop rem-s t-i c_1 0) #false]
[(do-binop rem-u t-i c_1 0) #false]
[(do-binop and t-i c_1 c_2) ,(bitwise-and (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop or t-i c_1 c_2) ,(bitwise-ior (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop shl t-i c_1 c_2) ,(clamp (arithmetic-shift (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-binop shr-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(arithmetic-shift (term c_1) (- (term c_2)))]
;; FIXME: sign extension
[(do-binop shr-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(arithmetic-shift (term c_1) (- (term c_2)))]
[(do-binop rotl i32 c_1 c_2)
,(bitwise-rotate-bit-field (term c_1) 0 32 (term c_2))]
[(do-binop rotl i64 c_1 c_2)
,(bitwise-rotate-bit-field (term c_1) 0 64 (term c_2))]
[(do-binop rotr i32 c_1 c_2)
,(bitwise-rotate-bit-field (term c_1) 0 32 (- 32 (term c_2)))]
[(do-binop rotr i64 c_1 c_2)
,(bitwise-rotate-bit-field (term c_1) 0 64 (- 64 (term c_2)))]
;; FIXME: these cases aren't quite right at boundaries
[(do-binop add t-f c_1 c_2) ,(+ (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop sub t-f c_1 c_2) ,(- (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop mul t-f c_1 c_2) ,(* (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop div t-f c_1 c_2) ,(/ (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop min t-f c_1 c_2) ,(min (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop max t-f c_1 c_2) ,(max (term c_1) (term c_2))]
[(do-binop copysign t-f c_1 c_2)
;; FIXME: nan cases are tricky
,(cond [(or (equal? (sgn (term c_1)) (sgn (term c_2)))
(zero? (term c_2)))
(term c_1)]
(- (term c_1))])])
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
do-testop : testop t c -> c
[(do-testop eqz t-i 0) 1]
[(do-testop eqz t-i c) 0])
(define (b->i bool) (if bool 1 0))
(define (s->u int type)
(match type
['i32 (integer-bytes->integer (integer->integer-bytes int 8 #t) #f #f 0 4)]
['i64 (integer-bytes->integer (integer->integer-bytes int 8 #t) #f)]))
(define (u->s int type)
(match type
['i32 (integer-bytes->integer (integer->integer-bytes int 8 #f) #t #f 0 4)]
['i64 (integer-bytes->integer (integer->integer-bytes int 8 #f) #t)]))
(define-metafunction wasm-runtime-lang
do-relop : relop t c c -> c
[(do-relop lt-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (< (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop gt-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (> (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop le-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (<= (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop ge-s t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (>= (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop lt-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (< (s->u (term c_1) (term t-i))
(s->u (term c_2) (term t-i))))]
[(do-relop gt-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (> (s->u (term c_1) (term t-i))
(s->u (term c_2) (term t-i))))]
[(do-relop le-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (<= (s->u (term c_1) (term t-i))
(s->u (term c_2) (term t-i))))]
[(do-relop ge-u t-i c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (>= (s->u (term c_1) (term t-i))
(s->u (term c_2) (term t-i))))]
[(do-relop lt t-f c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (< (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop gt t-f c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (> (term c_2) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop le t-f c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (<= (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop ge t-f c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (>= (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop eq t c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (= (term c_1) (term c_2)))]
[(do-relop ne t c_1 c_2) ,(b->i (not (= (term c_1) (term c_2))))])
;; the actual reduction relation starts here
(define wasm->
#:domain (s F e* i)
(--> (s F (trap (e e*)) i)
(s F (trap ϵ) i)
(--> (s F (in-hole E (trap e*)) i)
(s F (trap ϵ) i)
(side-condition (not (redex-match wasm-runtime-lang hole (term E))))
(==> ((const t c) ((unop t) e*))
((const t (do-unop unop t c)) e*)
(==> ((const t c_1) ((const t c_2) ((binop t) e*)))
((const t c) e*)
(where c (do-binop binop t c_1 c_2))
(==> ((const t c_1) ((const t c_2) ((binop t) e*)))
(trap e*)
(where #false (do-binop binop t c_1 c_2))
(==> ((const t c) ((testop t) e*))
((const i32 (do-testop testop t c)) e*)
(==> ((const t c_1) ((const t c_2) ((relop t) e*)))
((const i32 (do-relop relop t c_1 c_2)) e*)
(==> ((const t_1 c) ((convert t_2 t_1) e*))
((const t_2 (cvt t_1 t_2 c)))
(==> ((const t_1 c) ((convert t_2 t_1 sx) e*))
((const t_2 (cvt-sx t_1 t_2 sx c)))
(==> ((const t_1 c) ((reinterpret t_2 t_1) e*))
((const t_2 (const-reinterpret t_2 (bits (sizeof t_1) t_1 c))) e*)
;; generally these rules need to mention the "continuation" in the sequence
;; of instructions because Redex does not allow splicing holes with a
;; sequence of s-exps
(==> (unreachable e*) (trap e*))
(==> (nop e*) e*)
(==> (v (drop e*)) e*)
(==> (v_1 (v_2 ((const i32 0) (select e*))))
(v_2 e*)
(==> (v_1 (v_2 ((const i32 k) (select e*))))
(v_1 e*)
(side-condition (>= (term k) 1))
;; Redex can't express a pattern like n-level nestings of an
;; expression, so we explicitly compute the nesting depth of
;; values around the hole in the context E instead
(++> (in-hole E ((block (-> (t_1 ...) (t_2 ...)) e*_0) e*_1))
(in-hole E_outer (seq* (label k {ϵ} (in-hole E_v e*_0)) e*_1))
(where l ,(length (term (t_2 ...))))
(where k ,(length (term (t_1 ...))))
(where (E_outer E_v) (v-split E k))
(++> (in-hole E ((name e_loop (loop (-> (t_1 ...) (t_2 ...)) e*_0)) e*_1))
(in-hole E_outer (seq* e_lbl e*_1))
(where l ,(length (term (t_2 ...))))
(where k ,(length (term (t_1 ...))))
(where (E_outer E_v) (v-split E k))
(where e_lbl (label l {(seq e_loop)} (in-hole E_v e*_0)))
(==> ((const i32 0) ((if tf e*_1 else e*_2) e*))
(seq* (block tf e*_2) e*)
(==> ((const i32 k) ((if tf e*_1 else e*_2) e*))
(seq* (block tf e*_1) e*)
(side-condition (>= (term k) 1))
(==> ((label n {e*_0} v*) e*_1)
(e*-append v* e*_1)
(==> ((label n {e*_0} trap) e*_1)
(trap e*_1)
(==> ((label n {e*_0} (in-hole E ((br j) e*_1))) e*_2)
(e*-append (in-hole E_v e*_0) e*_2)
(where j (label-depth E))
(where (E_outer E_v) (v-split E n))
(==> ((const i32 0) ((br-if j) e*))
(==> ((const i32 k) ((br-if j) e*))
(seq (br j) e*)
(side-condition (>= (term k) 1))
(==> ((const i32 k) ((br-table i_1 ... i i_2 ...) e*))
(seq* (br i) e*)
(side-condition (= (length (term (i_1 ...))) (term k)))
(==> ((const i32 k) ((br-table i_1 ... i) e*))
(seq* (br i) e*)
(side-condition (>= (term k) (length (term (i_1 ...)))))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((call j) e*)) i)
(s F (in-hole E ((call (store-func s i j)) e*)) i)
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 j) ((call-indirect tf) e*))) i)
(s F (in-hole E ((call cl) e*)) i)
(where cl (store-tab s i j))
(where (func () tf local (t ...) e*_f) (cl-code cl))
;; case where dynamic type check fails
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 j) ((call-indirect tf_0) e*))) i)
(s F (in-hole E (trap e*)) i)
(where cl (store-tab s i j))
(where (func () tf_1 local (t ...) e*_f) (cl-code cl))
(side-condition (not (equal? (term tf_0) (term tf_1))))
(++> (in-hole E ((call cl) e*_0))
(in-hole E_outer ((local m {(cl-inst cl) F} e*_block) e*_0))
(where (func () (-> (t_1 ...) (t_2 ...)) local (t ...) e*_code) (cl-code cl))
(where n ,(length (term (t_1 ...))))
(where m ,(length (term (t_2 ...))))
(where (E_outer E_v) (v-split E n))
(where F (F-append (v*->F (in-hole E_v ϵ)) ((const t 0) ...)))
(where e*_block (seq (block (-> () (t_2 ...)) e*_code)))
(==> ((local n {i F} v*) e*)
(e*-append v* e*)
(==> ((local n {i F} (trap e*_0)) e*_1)
(trap ϵ)
(==> ((local n {i F} (in-hole E (return e*_0))) e*_1)
(in-hole E_v e*_1)
(where (E_outer E_v) (v-split E n))
;; specifies how to reduce inside a local/frame instruction via a
;; recursive use of the reduction relation
(--> (s_0 F_0 (in-hole E ((local n {i F_1} e*_0) e*_2)) j)
(s_1 F_0 (in-hole E ((local n {i F_2} e*_1) e*_2)) j)
;; apply --> recursively
(where any_rec
wasm-> (term (s_0 F_1 e*_0 i))))
;; only apply this rule if this reduction was valid
(side-condition (not (null? (term any_rec))))
;; the relation should be deterministic, so just take the first
(where (string_tag (s_1 F_2 e*_1 i)) ,(first (term any_rec)))
(computed-name (term string_tag)))
;; reductions for operating on locals in frames
(--> (s (name F (v_1 ... v v_2 ...)) (in-hole E ((get-local j) e*)) i)
(s F (in-hole E (v e*)) i)
(side-condition (= (length (term (v_1 ...))) (term j)))
(--> (s (v_1 ... v v_2 ...) (in-hole E (v_new ((set-local j) e*))) i)
(s (v_1 ... v_new v_2 ...) (in-hole E e*) i)
(side-condition (= (length (term (v_1 ...))) (term j)))
(==> (v ((tee-local j) e*))
(v (v ((set-local j) e*)))
;; reductions for operating on global store data
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((get-global j) e*)) i)
(s F (in-hole E ((store-glob s i j) e*)) i)
(--> (s F (in-hole E (v ((set-global j) e*))) i)
(s_new F (in-hole E e*) i)
(where s_new (store-glob= s i j v))
;; reductions for operating on memory
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((load t a o) e*))) i)
(s F (in-hole E ((const t (const-reinterpret t (b ...))) e*)) i)
(where (b ...) (store-mem s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) (sizeof t)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((load t tp sx a o) e*))) i)
(s F (in-hole E ((const t (const-reinterpret-packed t (b ...) sx)) e*)) i)
(where (b ...) (store-mem s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) (sizeof tp)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((load t a o) e*))) i)
(s F (in-hole E (trap e*)) i)
(where #false (store-mem s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) (sizeof t)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((load t tp sx a o) e*))) i)
(s F (in-hole E (trap e*)) i)
(where #false (store-mem s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) (sizeof tp)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((const t c) ((store t a o) e*)))) i)
(s_new F (in-hole E e*) i)
(where n (sizeof t))
(where s_new (store-mem= s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) n (bits n t c)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((const t c) ((store t tp a o) e*)))) i)
(s_new F (in-hole E e*) i)
(where n (sizeof tp))
(where s_new (store-mem= s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) n (bits n t c)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((const t c) ((store t tp ... a o) e*)))) i)
(s F (in-hole E (trap e*)) i)
(where n (sizeof t))
(where #false (store-mem= s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) n (bits n t c)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) ((const t c) ((store t tp a o) e*)))) i)
(s F (in-hole E (trap e*)) i)
(where n (sizeof tp))
(where #false (store-mem= s i ,(+ (term k) (term o)) n (bits n t c)))
(--> (s F (in-hole E (current-memory e*)) i)
(s F (in-hole E ((const i32 (memory-size s i)) e*)) i)
(--> (s F (in-hole E ((const i32 k) (grow-memory e*))) i)
(s_new F (in-hole E ((const i32 j_newsize) e*)) i)
(where (s_new j_newsize) (expand-memory s i k))
;; failure case for grow-memory omitted, alternatively we could institute a cap
;; and return -1 for that cap in the model
[(--> (s F (in-hole E x) i)
(s F (in-hole E y) i))
(==> x y)]
[(--> (s F x i)
(s F y i))
(++> x y)]))
(define reductions wasm->)
(define (term->kv exp) '())
(provide reductions term->kv wasm-runtime-lang (rename-out [wasm-runtime-lang lang]))
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