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JAAS with Kerberos; Unit Test using Apache Hadoop Mini-KDC.
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
* Basic KDC tests - these just show that the test environment is properly
* configured.
* IMPORTANT: The UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI() method
* does not currently work with the KDC junit Rule. We must use the Subject-based
* method when testing HDFS + Kerberos.
public class BasicKdcTest {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(BasicKdcTest.class);
public static final TemporaryFolder tmpDir = new TemporaryFolder();
public static final EmbeddedKdcResource kdc = new EmbeddedKdcResource();
private static KerberosPrincipal alice;
private static KerberosPrincipal bob;
private static File keytabFile;
private KerberosUtilities utils = new KerberosUtilities();
public static void createKeytabs() throws Exception {
// create Kerberos principal and keytab filename.
alice = new KerberosPrincipal("alice@" + kdc.getRealm());
bob = new KerberosPrincipal("bob@" + kdc.getRealm());
keytabFile = tmpDir.newFile("users.keytab");
// create keytab file containing key for Alice but not Bob.
kdc.createKeytabFile(keytabFile, "alice");
* Test LoginContext login with keytab file (success).
* @throws LoginException
public void testLoginWithKeytabSuccess() throws LoginException {
final LoginContext lc = utils.getKerberosLoginContext(alice, keytabFile);
assertThat("subject does not contain expected principal", lc.getSubject().getPrincipals(),
* Test LoginContext login with keytab file(unknown user). This only
* tests for missing keytab entry, not a valid keytab file with an unknown user.
* @throws LoginException
@Test(expected = LoginException.class)
public void testLoginWithKeytabUnknownUser() throws LoginException {
final LoginContext lc = utils.getKerberosLoginContext(bob, keytabFile);
* Test getKeyTab() method (success)
public void testGetKeyTabSuccess() throws LoginException {
assertThat("failed to see key", utils.getKeyTab(alice, keytabFile), notNullValue());
* Test getKeyTab() method (unknown user)
@Test(expected = LoginException.class)
public void testGetKeyTabUnknownUser() throws LoginException {
assertThat("failed to see key", utils.getKeyTab(bob, keytabFile), notNullValue());
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.apache.hadoop.minikdc.MiniKdc;
import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* A JUnit 4 wrapper around Hadoop MiniKDC server.
* IMPORTANT: this works with JAAS LoginContext but does not work with Hadoop
* UserGroupInformationloginUserFromKeytabAndReturnUGI(). It is probably missing
* setting a system property.
public class EmbeddedKdcResource extends ExternalResource {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EmbeddedKdcResource.class);
private final File baseDir;
private MiniKdc kdc;
public EmbeddedKdcResource() {
try {
baseDir = Files.createTempDirectory("mini-kdc_").toFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
// throw AssertionError so we don't have to deal with handling declared
// exceptions when creating a @ClassRule object.
throw new AssertionError("unable to create temporary directory: " + e.getMessage());
* Start KDC.
public void before() throws Exception {
final Properties kdcConf = MiniKdc.createConf();
kdcConf.setProperty(MiniKdc.INSTANCE, "DefaultKrbServer");
kdcConf.setProperty(MiniKdc.ORG_NAME, "EMBEDDED");
// several sources say to use extremely short lifetimes in test environment.
// however setting these values results in errors.
//kdcConf.setProperty(MiniKdc.MAX_TICKET_LIFETIME, "15_000");
//kdcConf.setProperty(MiniKdc.MAX_RENEWABLE_LIFETIME, "30_000");
kdc = new MiniKdc(kdcConf, baseDir);
// this is the standard way to set the default location of the JAAS config file.
// we don't need to do this since we handle it programmatically.
//System.setProperty("", kdc.getKrb5conf().getAbsolutePath());
* Shut down KDC, delete temporary directory.
public void after() {
if (kdc != null) {
* Get realm.
public String getRealm() {
return kdc.getRealm();
* Create a keytab file with entries for specified user(s).
* @param keytabFile
* @param names
* @throws Exception
public void createKeytabFile(File keytabFile, String... names) throws Exception {
kdc.createPrincipal(keytabFile, names);
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import static java.lang.Boolean.TRUE;
* Kerberos utilities.
public class KerberosUtilities {
private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(KerberosUtilities.class);
private static final String SECURITY_AUTH_MODULE_KRB5_LOGIN_MODULE =
* Get login context.
* @param principal
* @param keytabFile
* @param getTgt
* @param ticketCacheFile
* @return
public LoginContext getKerberosLoginContext(KerberosPrincipal principal, File keytabFile)
throws LoginException {
final KeyTab keytab = getKeyTab(principal, keytabFile);
// Krb5LoginModule doesn't seem to accept the keytab file on input.
final Set<Principal> principals = Collections.<Principal> singleton(principal);
final Set<?> pubCredentials = Collections.emptySet();
final Set<?> privCredentials = Collections.<Object> singleton(keytab);
final Subject subject = new Subject(false, principals, pubCredentials, privCredentials);
final String serviceName = "krb5";
final LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(serviceName, subject, new CallbackHandler() {
public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) {
for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
if (callback instanceof TextOutputCallback) {
LOG.error(((TextOutputCallback) callback).getMessage());
}, new Krb5WithKeytabLoginConfiguration(serviceName, principal, keytabFile, getTgt,
return lc;
* Get login context using ticket cache.
* @param principal
* @param ticketCacheFile
* @return
public LoginContext getKerberosLoginContextUsingTicketCache(KerberosPrincipal principal,
File ticketCacheFile) throws LoginException {
final Set<Principal> principals = Collections.<Principal> singleton(principal);
final Set<?> pubCredentials = Collections.emptySet();
final Set<?> privCredentials = Collections.emptySet();
final Subject subject = new Subject(false, principals, pubCredentials, privCredentials);
final String serviceName = "krb5";
final LoginContext lc = new LoginContext(serviceName, subject, new CallbackHandler() {
public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) {
for (Callback callback : callbacks) {
if (callback instanceof TextOutputCallback) {
LOG.error(((TextOutputCallback) callback).getMessage());
}, new Krb5WithTicketCacheLoginConfiguration(serviceName, principal, ticketCacheFile));
return lc;
* Load KeyTab. getJaasDataSource() will store this value in the Subject's private credentials.
* getHadoopDataSource() only uses this method to verify that an appropriate keytab file was
* specified.
* @param principal
* @param keytabFile
* @return
* @throws LoginException
KeyTab getKeyTab(KerberosPrincipal principal, File keytabFile) throws LoginException {
if (!keytabFile.exists() || !keytabFile.canRead()) {
throw new LoginException("specified file does not exist or is not readable.");
// verify keytab file exists
final KeyTab keytab = KeyTab.getInstance(principal, keytabFile);
if (!keytab.exists()) {
throw new LoginException("specified file is not a keytab file.");
// verify keytab file actually contains at least one key for this principal.
final KerberosKey[] keys = keytab.getKeys(principal);
if (keys.length == 0) {
throw new LoginException(
"specified file does not contain at least one key for this principal.");
// destroy keys since we don't need them, we just need to make sure they exist.
for (KerberosKey key : keys) {
try {
} catch (DestroyFailedException e) {
LOG.debug("unable to destroy key");
return keytab;
* Class that allows us to pull JAAS configuration values from a Map instead of an external
* .conf file.
static class CustomLoginConfiguration extends {
private final Map<String, AppConfigurationEntry> entries = new HashMap<>();
public CustomLoginConfiguration(Map<String, Map<String, String>> params) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : params.entrySet()) {
* Get entry.
public AppConfigurationEntry[] getAppConfigurationEntry(String name) {
if (entries.containsKey(name)) {
return new AppConfigurationEntry[] { entries.get(name) };
return new AppConfigurationEntry[0];
* Convenience class for Kerberos + Keytab JAAS configuration.
static class Krb5WithKeytabLoginConfiguration extends CustomLoginConfiguration {
* Constructor taking basic Kerberos properties.
* @param serviceName JAAS service name
* @param principal Kerberos principal
* @param keytabFile keytab file containing key for this principal
public Krb5WithKeytabLoginConfiguration(String serviceName, KerberosPrincipal principal,
File keytabFile) {
super(Collections.singletonMap(serviceName, makeMap(principal, keytabFile)));
* Static method that creates the Map required by the parent class.
* @param principal Kerberos principal
* @param keytabFile keytab file containing key for this principal
private static Map<String, String> makeMap(KerberosPrincipal principal, File keytabFile) {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
// this is the basic Kerberos information
map.put("principal", principal.getName());
map.put("useKeyTab", TRUE.toString());
map.put("keyTab", keytabFile.getAbsolutePath());
// 'fail fast'
map.put("refreshKrb5Config", TRUE.toString());
// we're doing everything programmatically so we never want to prompt the user.
map.put("doNotPrompt", TRUE.toString());
return map;
* Convenience class for Kerberos + ticket cache JAAS configuration.
static class Krb5WithTicketCacheLoginConfiguration extends CustomLoginConfiguration {
* Constructor taking Kerberos properties. The third and fourth parameters are only required
* in advanced use cases where a TGT is required. This is often true with Hadoop services.
* @param serviceName JAAS service name
* @param principal Kerberos principal
* @param ticketCacheFile ticket cache file containing Kerberos TGT. Default is based on
* UID.
public Krb5WithTicketCacheLoginConfiguration(String serviceName, KerberosPrincipal principal,
File ticketCacheFile) {
super(Collections.singletonMap(serviceName, makeMap(principal, ticketCacheFile)));
* Static method that creates the Map required by the parent class.
* @param principal Kerberos principal
* @param ticketCacheFile ticket cache file containing Kerberos TGT. Default is based on
* UID.
private static Map<String, String> makeMap(KerberosPrincipal principal,
File ticketCacheFile) {
final Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
// this is the basic Kerberos information
map.put("principal", principal.getName());
map.put("useTicketCache", TRUE.toString());
map.put("ticketCache", ticketCacheFile.getAbsolutePath());
// 'fail fast'
map.put("refreshKrb5Config", TRUE.toString());
// we're doing everything programmatically so we never want to prompt the user.
map.put("doNotPrompt", TRUE.toString());
return map;
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<!-- apache ds required by minikdc -->
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