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Last active December 7, 2023 01:41
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Figures for 'syslog-ng with triggers and custom enum types'
create or replace function get_host_enum(hostname text)
returns host_enum as
_value host_enum;
select hosts1.key from hosts1 where hosts1.hostname = $1 into _value;
if not found then
insert into hosts1(hostname) values ($1) on conflict do nothing;
select hosts1.key from hosts1 where hosts1.hostname = $1 into _value;
end if;
return _value;
language plpgsql;
-- function that creates a 'host_enum' as a new host is added to the table.
create or replace function host_insert() returns trigger as
-- verify that no record already exists
perform * from hosts1 where hosts1.hostname = new.hostname;
if found then
raise 'attempt to insert duplicate value %', quote_literal(new.hostname);
end if;
-- assign new host_enum with record.
new.key = gen_host_enum(new.hostname);
return new;
language plpgsql;
-- add trigger to table
create trigger before_host_insert before insert on hosts1 for each row execute function host_insert();
-- create new host_enum
create or replace function new_host_enum(value text)
returns host_enum as
_enum host_enum;
_uuid uuid;
_uuid = gen_random_uuid();
-- find enum value reserved for this purpose
with s as (select unnest(enum_range(null::host_enum)))
select * from s where s.unnest::text like 'reserved-%' limit 1 into _enum;
if not found then
execute format('alter type host_enum add value if not exists %L', 'reserved-' || _uuid);
raise 'Cached ''host_enum'' value did not exist - now fixed. Please retry operation.';
end if;
-- rename reserved enum value. This will fail if the value already exists.
execute format('alter type host_enum rename value %L to %L', _enum, $1);
-- create new enum value
execute format('alter type host_enum add value if not exists %L', 'reserved-' || _uuid);
return _enum;
language plpgsql;
-- Create 'enum' data types for syslog 'level' and 'facility' values. These are static lists.
-- Values are defined in
-- The order matters - we want the 'position' to match syslog-ng numeric value.
-- The '${TAG}' value is equal to `(facility-id << 3) + (level)`
create type facility as enum (
create type level as enum (
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