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Last active April 3, 2017 11:26
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Configuration of AWS for ELEG 5491

Configuration of AWS for ELEG 5491

AWS settings (with iPython Notebook)

FTP setting

If you want to use an FTP client to transfer data between local machine and AWS server, you may be instrested in this tutorial.


Don't forget to modify the security group settings. You should have these terms:

  1. SSH(22):,
  2. HTTPS(443):,
  3. TCP: 8888:

Where means access from ANY outside I.P. address. We will use port 8888 for our iPython Notebook server.

PS. iPython note book is not a necessity for running deep learning toolkit on AWS. You are free to try terminals, which is more convenient for development.

Install Deep Learning Toolkits

You may following the official instructions to install popular DL toolkits. For example, install torch only needs four commends by following the official instruction:

# in a terminal, run the commands WITHOUT sudo
git clone ~/torch --recursive
cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;
source ~/.bashrc

You are also free to try on installing other toolkit, e.g., Caffe or PyTorch.

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