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Created March 3, 2021 08:43
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Calculate (European option) gamma pr dollar spent on premium
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import norm
Calculate realised volatility of stock
:ticker: yfinance ticker
:window: trading days in rolling window
:dpy: trading days per year
def realised_vol(ticker, window, dpy):
ann_factor = dpy / window
df = ticker.history(period='100d', interval='1d')
df['log_rtn'] = np.log(df['Close']).diff()
df['real_var'] = df['log_rtn'].rolling(window).var() * ann_factor
df['real_vol'] = np.sqrt(df['real_var'])
return df['real_vol'][-1]
Calculate European Option gamma
:s: price of underlying
:x: strike
:t: time to expiry in (trading) years
:r: risk free rate
:vol: realised vol
def gamma(s, x, t, r, vol):
if t > 0.6:
return 0
sqrt_t = np.sqrt(t)
d1 = (np.log(s / x) + (r + np.square(vol) / 2) * t) / (vol * sqrt_t)
return norm.pdf(d1) / (s * vol * sqrt_t)
ticker = yf.Ticker("RKT")
dates = ticker.options
todays_price_df = ticker.history(period='10m', interval='1m')
timestamp = todays_price_df.index[-1]
underlying = todays_price_df['Close'][-1]
_r_fixed = 0.05
_dpy = 252 # trading days per year
real_vol = realised_vol(ticker, 21, _dpy)
print("Real vol: " + str(real_vol))
was_merged = False
merged_df = None
for date in dates:
chain = ticker.option_chain(date)
expiration_date = pd.Timestamp(date + 'T17', tz='America/New_York')
t_years = (expiration_date - timestamp).total_seconds() / 60 / 60 / 24 / _dpy
def gamma_applied(x):
return gamma(underlying, x, t_years, _r_fixed, real_vol) * 100
for (df, kind) in ((chain.puts, 'put'), (chain.calls, 'call')):
df['gamma'] = df.apply(lambda x: gamma_applied(x['strike']), axis=1)
selection = df[['strike', 'gamma']][]
selection['kind'] = kind
selection['expiration_date'] = expiration_date
selection['gammaPerDollarBid'] = df['gamma'] / df['bid']
selection['gammaPerDollarAsk'] = df['gamma'] / df['ask']
selection['gammaPerDollarLastPrice'] = df['gamma'] / df['lastPrice']
if was_merged:
merged_df = pd.concat([merged_df, selection], ignore_index=True)
merged_df = selection
was_merged = True
sorted = merged_df.sort_values(by='gammaPerDollarLastPrice', ascending=False)
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