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Last active June 12, 2018 10:59
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Introduction to Clojure's core.async library
;;;; Introduction to core.async based on
(require [clojure.core.async
:refer [>! <! >!! <!! go chan close! alts! alts!! alt! alt!!
timeout dropping-buffer sliding-buffer]])
;;; Channels
;; Channels can be unbuffered (which block if there's no "rendezvous",
;; i.e. there must be someone who puts to and someone who takes from the
;; channel).
;; Or buffered (which block if the buffer is full).
(chan 13)
;;; Threads
;; In ordinary threads channels can be created in any matter. close! stops a
;; channel to accept puts (>!!), but remaining values are still available to
;; take (<!!). Drained channels return nil on take.
(let [c (chan 1)]
(>!! c "foo")
(println (<!! c))
(close! c))
;; The go macro turns its body into a state machine which is executed in a
;; special thread pool. Calls to blocking operations such as >! or <! are
;; interpreted as transitions where the calling thread can be 'parked'. In order
;; to do so, go examines its body for lambda expressions which are considered as
;; potentially blocking. Inside go blocks >! and <! are used for puts
;; respectively takes.
(let [c (chan)]
(go (>! c "foo"))
(println (<!! c))
(close! c))
;;; alt and alts
;; Similar to Go's select core.async provides a non-deterministic selection over
;; an arbitrary number of channels: alts! (or alts!! outside of go
;; blocks). Additionally, it provides options for :default values.
(let [c1 (chan)
c2 (chan)]
(go (doseq [_ (range 3)]
(let [[value _] (alts! [c1 c2] :default "baz")]
(println value))))
(>!! c1 "foo")
(>!! c2 "bar"))
;; Whereas alts! and alts!! are functions, alt! and alt!! are macros that make a
;; single choice between one of several channels that must be known statically,
;; but can be choosen with a :priority (if true, ordering matters). Furthermore,
;; timeout creates a channel that waits for a specific amount of ms and then
;; closes.
(let [blocking-channel (chan)
timeout-channel (timeout 1000)]
blocking-channel "You ain't gonna see this."
timeout-channel "But this."))
;;; Special channels
;; Drops newest values when full.
(chan (dropping-buffer 10))
;; Drops oldest values when full.
(chan (sliding-buffer 10))
;;; Example 1.
(let [my-data [1 3 3 7]
my-channel (chan)
my-barrier (chan)]
(println "Main thread started.")
(doseq [val my-data]
(>! my-channel val)
(Thread/sleep 1000))
(>! my-barrier 1))
(while true
(println (<! my-channel))))
(<!! my-barrier)
(println "Main thread finished."))
;;; Example 2.
(let [c1 (chan)
c2 (chan)
send-async (fn [delay channel id]
(Thread/sleep delay)
(>! channel id)))]
(send-async 3000 c1 1)
(send-async 2000 c2 2)
(let [[value _] (alts!! [c1 c2 (timeout 1000)])]
(if value
(println (str "Received id " value "."))
(println "Timed out."))))
;;; Example 3.
(let [n 1000
channels (repeatedly n chan)]
(doseq [c channels] (go (>! c "hi")))
(dotimes [_ n]
(let [[value _] (alts!! channels)]
(assert (= "hi" value))))))
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