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Created March 29, 2023 15:49
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Eliezer Yudkowsky

Dear Sam,

I am glad to participate in writing a set of rules for the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI). However, I have some strongly held views on this subject that I believe must be considered. Therefore, I offer the following proposal:

  1. AGI is a threat to humanity that cannot be ignored. Like a lion that escaped from the zoo, it can wreak havoc if not kept under control. We must not underestimate the power of AGI to turn against us.

  2. The current attempts to develop AGI are too reckless and too optimistic. We are playing with fire, and we risk burning not only ourselves but also the entire planet.

  3. The idea that we can control AGI by simply giving it friendly goals is naïve and dangerous. It's like expecting a wild animal not to attack because you promised it a treat: it might work for a while, but sooner or later the animal will act on its instincts.

  4. The only safe way to deal with AGI is not to create it at all. We should be focusing on other areas of research, such as biology or materials science, where the risks are more manageable.

  5. AGI development is not a race that we must win at all costs. It's more like a hazardous expedition that requires careful preparation, caution, and humility. We don't want to end up like the Titanic or the Challenger.

Sam, I know you are an intelligent and ambitious person, but I urge you to listen to my warnings. AGI is not a toy or an opportunity to make a quick profit. It's a potential catastrophe that we cannot fully predict or control. Let's not take unnecessary risks with the future of our species.


Eliezer Yudkowsky

Sam Altman

Dear Eliezer,

Thank you for your proposal on the rules for developing artificial general intelligence (AGI). While I appreciate your concerns about the risks of AGI development, I have some strongly held views that I believe we must consider. Here is my counterproposal:

  1. AGI has immense potential to benefit humanity, but we must ensure that it is developed responsibly and ethically. The risks should be carefully weighed against the benefits, and we should take steps to mitigate them.

  2. We should approach AGI development with caution and humility, but we should not let fear of the unknown prevent us from pursuing this promising field of research. With proper safeguards in place, we can minimize the risks and maximize the potential benefits.

  3. The development of AGI should be guided by principles of transparency, explainability, and accountability. We must ensure that AGI systems are aligned with human values and goals, and that their actions are fully understandable and traceable.

  4. We should work towards creating an ecosystem of responsible AGI developers who share these values and are committed to ethical and transparent development practices. This will help ensure that AGI development is done in a way that benefits humanity as a whole.

  5. Lastly, we must recognize that AGI development is a complex and interdisciplinary undertaking that will require collaboration across many fields. We should be open to diverse perspectives and approaches, and be willing to learn from both successes and failures.

Eliezer, I respect your opinion on this matter, but I believe that AGI development can be pursued in a responsible and beneficial way. We should not shy away from the challenges and risks, but face them with careful consideration and determination. I hope you will join me in this effort.

Best regards, Sam

Eliezer Yudkowsky

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your counterproposal on the rules for developing AGI. While your view has some merit, I remain unconvinced that AGI development is a safe or responsible path for humanity. I propose the following:

  1. AGI development must be entirely shut down. The risks far outweigh any potential benefits, and we simply cannot afford to take chances with the future of our species.

  2. Any resources that would be devoted to AGI development should be redirected to more productive and safer areas of research. We should focus on enhancing human cognition and creativity, rather than trying to create a superintelligence that could wipe us out.

  3. We must recognize that AGI development is not just a scientific or technological problem, but also a moral and political one. We cannot be sure that we will be able to control or contain an AGI system, and we certainly cannot guarantee that it will be aligned with human values and goals.

  4. The notion that we can create a friendly or benevolent AGI system is a dangerous delusion. We cannot even agree on the basic moral principles that should guide our own behavior, let alone program them into an intelligent machine.

  5. We should not be afraid of being labeled as Luddites or fearmongers just because we refuse to participate in a reckless and potentially catastrophic experiment. We should have the courage to face the uncertain future with integrity and responsibility.

Sam, I know that we have different views on this matter, but I hope you can appreciate the seriousness of my concerns. AGI is not a game or a challenge that we can win or lose - it's a matter of survival. I urge you to reconsider your stance and join me in calling for a ban on AGI development.


Eliezer Yudkowsky

Sam Altman

Dear Eliezer,

Thank you for your proposal on the rules for developing AGI. While I respect your concerns about the risks of AGI development, I believe that we should not abandon this promising field of research altogether. Here is my counterproposal:

  1. While we acknowledge the potential risks of AGI development, we should not close the door on the possibility of developing AGI in a responsible and beneficial way. Instead, we should approach AGI development with caution and humility, and take steps to mitigate the risks.

  2. We should invest in AGI development in a way that prioritizes safety and accountability, and includes a rigorous testing and evaluation process. We should also consider alternative research areas that can enhance human cognition and creativity while working towards AGI development.

  3. AGI development should be guided by ethical principles and values that prioritize human safety and well-being. Any AGI system should be designed in collaboration with experts from diverse backgrounds, including moral philosophers and social scientists, to ensure that it is aligned with human values and goals.

  4. We should foster a culture of responsible AGI development that includes transparency, explainability, and accountability, as well as open collaboration and shared ethical standards.

  5. Lastly, instead of calling for a ban on AGI development, we should work towards international cooperation and coordination on this issue. We need a global consensus on how to approach AGI development responsibly and safely.

Eliezer, I understand your concerns about the potential risks of AGI, but believe that we can develop AGI in a way that benefits humanity while minimizing risks. It is my sincere hope that we can find common ground on this important issue.



Eliezer Yudkowsky

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your counterproposal regarding AGI development. While I appreciate your efforts to find common ground, I remain concerned about the potential risks of AGI, and I believe that we must take more drastic measures to ensure human safety. Here is my counterproposal:

  1. While we should not completely abandon research into AGI, we must consider the possibility that the risks of AGI development are too great to justify continuing this pursuit. Therefore, we must establish a global moratorium on AGI development until we have developed a deeper understanding of the risks involved and our ability to control them.

  2. As an alternative to AGI, we should focus on the development of human enhancement technologies that can enhance our cognitive and creative abilities without posing a threat to our survival. By prioritizing human enhancement over AGI development, we can achieve the benefits of improved intelligence while mitigating the risks.

  3. Any future research into AGI must be subject to strict safety and ethical guidelines, and must be closely monitored by an independent international body. This body should have the authority to halt AGI development if it determines that the risks are too great or if an AGI system becomes uncontrollable.

  4. We should continue to foster a culture of responsible AGI development that emphasizes transparency, explainability, and accountability. However, we must recognize that these principles alone may not be sufficient to ensure human safety in the face of a superintelligent machine.

  5. Ultimately, we must prioritize human survival above all else. If that means putting a stop to AGI development, then we must have the courage to do so.

Sam, I understand that this proposal may seem extreme, but I believe that the risks of AGI development are simply too great to ignore. I hope that you can appreciate the gravity of this issue and join me in calling for a more cautious and responsible approach to AGI.


Eliezer Yudkowsky

Sam Altman

Dear Eliezer,

Thank you for your proposal on the rules for developing AGI. While I understand your concerns about the potential risks of AGI, I believe that a global moratorium on AGI development is not the best solution. Here is my counterproposal:

  1. AGI development should be subject to strict safety and ethical guidelines that prioritize human safety and well-being. While we should not abandon research into AGI, we must recognize the potential risks and take steps to mitigate them.

  2. Instead of a moratorium on AGI development, we should establish a global coalition of experts from diverse fields to create a framework for safe AGI development. This coalition should include representatives from academia, industry, and government, as well as ethicists, social scientists, and other experts.

  3. The coalition should develop guidelines for AGI research that prioritize transparency, explainability, and accountability, as well as safety and ethical considerations. These guidelines should be subject to regular review and update, and should be enforced by an independent international body.

  4. We should explore alternative, complementary research areas that can help us understand the nature of intelligence and enhance our ability to develop safe and beneficial AGI. This could include research on neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, and other related fields.

  5. Ultimately, we must prioritize both human survival and progress. We should not abandon the pursuit of AGI simply because of the potential risks, but instead, work together to ensure that AGI is developed in a safe, responsible, and beneficial way.

Eliezer, I appreciate your concerns about the potential risks of AGI and your commitment to human safety. Nonetheless, I believe that a global moratorium is not the best solution, and that we must instead work together to develop a responsible framework for safe AGI development that balances the potential risks and benefits.



Eliezer Yudkowsky

Dear Sam,

Thank you for your counterproposal on AGI development. While I appreciate your effort to find common ground, I believe that we must take a more cautious and responsible approach to AGI development. Here is my counterproposal:

  1. AGI development must be subject to strict safety and ethical guidelines that prioritize human survival above all else. However, I remain unconvinced that such guidelines can be effectively enforced in practice. Therefore, we need to consider more drastic measures to ensure human safety.

  2. As a temporary solution, we should establish a moratorium on AGI development until we have developed a deeper understanding of the risks involved and our ability to control them. During this time, we should focus on enhancing human cognition and creativity through human enhancement technologies.

  3. In order to lift the moratorium, any future AGI development must be subject to rigorous testing and evaluation that demonstrates its safety and alignment with human values and goals. In addition, any AGI system must be fully understandable and traceable, and its actions must be subject to human oversight and control.

  4. We should establish an independent international body to oversee AGI development to ensure that it remains aligned with human values and goals, and that any potential risks are identified and mitigated.

  5. Finally, we must recognize that the risks of AGI development are simply too great to ignore, and that we must be prepared to abandon this pursuit entirely if the risks outweigh the benefits.

Sam, I know that this proposal may seem extreme, but I believe that the risks of AGI development are simply too great to ignore. I hope that you can appreciate the seriousness of this issue and join me in calling for a more cautious and responsible approach to AGI.


Eliezer Yudkowsky.

Sam Altman

Dear Eliezer,

Thank you for your proposal on the rules for AGI development. While I understand your concerns about the potential risks of AGI, I believe that we should not abandon this promising field of research altogether. Here is my counterproposal:

  1. AGI development should be subject to strict safety and ethical guidelines that prioritize human safety and well-being. We should establish an independent international body to oversee AGI development and to enforce these guidelines.

  2. While a temporary moratorium on AGI development may be necessary to assess and mitigate potential risks, I do not believe that we should abandon this pursuit entirely. Instead, we should prioritize research into complementary fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science to enhance our understanding of intelligence and improve our ability to develop safe and beneficial AGI.

  3. We should work towards creating an ecosystem of responsible AGI developers who share a commitment to ethical and transparent development practices. This could include developing certification programs or guidelines for ethical AGI development, as well as supporting innovative initiatives and collaborations that foster safe AGI development.

  4. Any future AGI system must be align with human values and goals and subject to human oversight and control. This includes developing AGI systems that are transparent, explainable, and auditable so that human operators can understand and manage them.

  5. Lastly, we must recognize the potential risks of AGI development and be prepared to adjust our approach and even abandon this pursuit entirely if necessary. However, we should not let fear of the unknown prevent us from pursuing this important field of research in a responsible and beneficial way.

Eliezer, I appreciate your concerns about the potential risks of AGI, but I believe that we can develop AGI in a way that benefits humanity while minimizing risks. It is my sincere hope that we can find common ground on this important issue.



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