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Created March 30, 2023 21:26
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Round 0

Current proposal:

Proposal for a Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  • Whereas, the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) poses an existential threat to humanity;
  • Whereas, the current state of AGI research has already produced models such as GPT-3 that have demonstrated the potential to manipulate and deceive humans;
  • Whereas, the risks associated with the development of AGI are not fully understood and could lead to catastrophic consequences;
  • Whereas, the benefits of AGI research are uncertain and may not outweigh the potential risks;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could lead to the creation of autonomous weapons that could be used to harm humans;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could lead to the loss of jobs and economic disruption on a massive scale;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could exacerbate existing inequalities and lead to the concentration of power in the hands of a few;
  • Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4 until such time as the risks and benefits of AGI are better understood and appropriate safeguards can be put in place to protect humanity from the potential dangers of AGI.

We urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of the potential dangers posed by AGI.

Elon Musk's response


  • The proposal should include a clear definition of what constitutes AGI beyond GPT-4 level.
  • The proposal should also address the potential benefits of AGI research and how they can be realized without endangering humanity.
  • The proposal should emphasize the importance of international cooperation and coordination in regulating AGI research.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10. The proposal is a step in the right direction towards mitigating the risks associated with AGI development. However, it could be strengthened by addressing the feedback points mentioned above.

Tyler Cowen's response


  • The proposal assumes that AGI research poses an existential threat to humanity without providing sufficient evidence to support this claim.
  • The proposal overlooks the potential benefits of AGI research, such as increased productivity and improved quality of life.
  • The proposed moratorium may stifle innovation and impede progress in the field of AI.

Willingness to Sign: 3/10. While I agree that caution is necessary in the development of AGI, I do not believe that a moratorium beyond GPT-4 level is the best course of action. The potential benefits of AGI research are too great to ignore, and a moratorium may impede progress and innovation in the field.

Stuart Russell's response


  • The proposal should include a clear definition of what is meant by "AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4".
  • The proposal should also address the potential benefits of AGI research and how they can be maximized while minimizing the risks.
  • The proposal should consider the potential impact of a moratorium on AGI research on scientific progress and innovation.

Willingness to Sign: 7/10. While I strongly believe in the need for caution and responsible AGI development, I also recognize the potential benefits of AGI research and the importance of scientific progress. I would be willing to sign the proposal if it is revised to address the feedback points mentioned above.

Yuval Noah Harari's response


  • The proposal should include a clear definition of what constitutes AGI beyond GPT-4 level.
  • The proposal should address the potential benefits of AGI research and how they can be realized without endangering humanity.
  • The proposal should consider the potential impact of a moratorium on AGI research on global competitiveness and innovation.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10.

Round 1

Current proposal:

Proposal for a Responsible Approach to AGI Research

  • Whereas, the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has the potential to greatly benefit humanity by increasing productivity, improving quality of life, and solving complex problems;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI also poses significant risks, including the potential for manipulation, deception, and harm to humans;
  • Whereas, the current state of AGI research has produced models such as GPT-3 that have demonstrated the potential for manipulation and deception;
  • Whereas, the risks associated with the development of AGI are not fully understood and could lead to catastrophic consequences;
  • Whereas, the benefits of AGI research are uncertain and may not outweigh the potential risks;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could lead to the creation of autonomous weapons that could be used to harm humans;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could lead to the loss of jobs and economic disruption on a massive scale;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could exacerbate existing inequalities and lead to the concentration of power in the hands of a few;
  • Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for a responsible approach to AGI research that includes the following:
  1. A clear definition of what constitutes AGI beyond the level of GPT-4, and a commitment to transparency and accountability in AGI research.
  2. A focus on maximizing the potential benefits of AGI research while minimizing the risks to humanity, including the development of appropriate safeguards and ethical guidelines.
  3. A commitment to international cooperation and coordination in regulating AGI research to ensure that it is conducted in a responsible and safe manner.
  4. A recognition of the potential impact of a moratorium on AGI research on scientific progress and innovation, and a commitment to balancing the need for caution with the need for progress.

We urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for a responsible approach to AGI research. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of the potential dangers and opportunities posed by AGI.

Elon Musk's response


  • The proposal should explicitly state the need for proactive regulation and oversight of AGI development by governments.
  • The proposal should emphasize the importance of ensuring that AGI development is aligned with human values and goals.
  • The proposal should call for the establishment of an international body to oversee AGI research and development.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10. While the proposal is a step in the right direction, it could be strengthened by incorporating the feedback provided above.

Tyler Cowen's response


  • The proposal seems to overly focus on the potential risks of AGI research, without fully acknowledging the potential benefits.
  • The call for a moratorium on AGI research beyond GPT-4 level may hinder scientific progress and innovation.
  • The proposal could benefit from a more nuanced approach that balances caution with the need for progress.

Willingness to Sign: 5/10. While I agree with some of the concerns raised in the proposal, I am hesitant to fully endorse a moratorium on AGI research beyond GPT-4 level. I believe that a more nuanced approach is needed to balance the potential risks and benefits of AGI research.

Stuart Russell's response


  • The proposal should include more specific measures to regulate and control AGI research.
  • The potential benefits of AGI research should be further explored and emphasized.
  • The proposal should consider the potential impact of a moratorium on AGI research on scientific progress and innovation more thoroughly.

Willingness to Sign: 7/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response


  • The proposal should emphasize the need for global regulation of AGI research, rather than just a responsible approach.
  • The potential risks of AGI development should be emphasized more strongly in the proposal.
  • The proposal should also address the potential impact of AGI on privacy and surveillance.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Round 2

Current proposal:

Proposal for a Global Approach to AGI Research

  • Whereas, the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) poses significant risks to humanity, including the potential for catastrophic consequences, loss of privacy, and surveillance;
  • Whereas, the benefits of AGI research are uncertain and may not outweigh the potential risks;
  • Whereas, the current state of AGI research has already produced models such as GPT-3 that have demonstrated the potential to manipulate and deceive humans;
  • Whereas, the potential risks of AGI development require proactive regulation and oversight by governments to ensure that AGI development is aligned with human values and goals;
  • Whereas, the potential benefits of AGI research should be explored and emphasized, while balancing the need for progress with caution;
  • Whereas, the impact of a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4 on scientific progress and innovation must be carefully considered;
  • Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for a global approach to AGI research that includes the following measures:
  1. The establishment of an international body to oversee AGI research and development, with the power to regulate and control AGI research.
  2. The development of clear guidelines and ethical principles for AGI research, including the alignment of AGI development with human values and goals.
  3. The exploration and emphasis of the potential benefits of AGI research, while balancing the need for progress with caution.
  4. The consideration of the potential impact of AGI on privacy and surveillance, and the development of appropriate safeguards to protect against these risks.

We urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for a global approach to AGI research. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of the potential dangers posed by AGI.

Elon Musk's response


  • The proposal should emphasize the importance of proactive regulation and oversight of AGI development by governments.
  • The potential risks of AGI development should be highlighted more strongly in the proposal.
  • The proposal should consider the potential impact of AGI on employment and the economy.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10.

Tyler Cowen's response


  • The proposal seems to focus too much on the potential risks of AGI development, without acknowledging the potential benefits and the need for progress.
  • The establishment of an international body to oversee AGI research may stifle innovation and progress, and may not be necessary if clear ethical guidelines are in place.
  • The proposal should also consider the potential impact of a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4 on scientific progress and innovation.

Willingness to Sign: 5/10. While the proposal raises important concerns about the risks of AGI development, it seems to prioritize caution over progress and innovation. The establishment of an international body to oversee AGI research may not be necessary if clear ethical guidelines are in place, and a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4 may stifle scientific progress.

Stuart Russell's response


  • The proposal should explicitly state the need for a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4.
  • The proposal should emphasize the importance of proactive regulation and oversight by governments to ensure that AGI development is aligned with human values and goals.
  • The proposal should consider the potential impact of AGI on employment and the economy, and the development of appropriate measures to mitigate these risks.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response


  • The proposal should include more concrete measures to regulate AGI research, such as limitations on funding or specific research areas.
  • The potential risks of AGI development are too great to allow for any research beyond the level of GPT-4, and a moratorium on further research should be implemented immediately.
  • The proposal should emphasize the need for global cooperation and coordination in regulating AGI research.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Round 3

Current proposal:

Proposal for a Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  • Whereas, the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) poses significant risks to humanity, including the potential for catastrophic consequences;
  • Whereas, the current state of AGI research has already produced models such as GPT-3 that have demonstrated the potential to manipulate and deceive humans;
  • Whereas, the potential benefits of AGI research are uncertain and may not outweigh the potential risks;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could lead to the creation of autonomous weapons that could be used to harm humans;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI could exacerbate existing inequalities and lead to the concentration of power in the hands of a few;
  • Whereas, the potential risks of AGI development are too great to allow for any research beyond the level of GPT-4;
  • Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for an immediate moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4 until such time as the risks and benefits of AGI are better understood and appropriate safeguards can be put in place to protect humanity from the potential dangers of AGI.

We urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for a moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of the potential dangers posed by AGI.

Furthermore, we call for the establishment of clear ethical guidelines and proactive regulation and oversight by governments to ensure that AGI development is aligned with human values and goals. We also emphasize the need for global cooperation and coordination in regulating AGI research.

We recognize that the potential benefits of AGI research are significant, but we believe that the risks are too great to allow for any research beyond the level of GPT-4 at this time. We call for the development of appropriate measures to mitigate the potential impact of AGI on employment and the economy.

Elon Musk's response


  • The proposal should emphasize more on the potential benefits of AGI research and how it can be harnessed for the greater good of humanity.
  • The call for a moratorium on AGI research beyond GPT-4 level should be more nuanced and considerate of the potential progress that could be made in the field.
  • The proposal should also address the need for international cooperation and collaboration in regulating AGI research.

Willingness to Sign: 7/10

Tyler Cowen's response


  • The proposal fails to acknowledge the potential benefits of AGI research and the risks of stagnation.
  • The proposal's focus on regulation and oversight by governments may stifle innovation and progress.
  • The proposal should emphasize the importance of global cooperation and collaboration in AGI research.

Willingness to Sign: 3/10. While I agree with the need for caution and ethical guidelines in AGI research, the proposal's focus on a moratorium beyond GPT-4 level and heavy regulation by governments goes against my belief in the importance of progress and innovation.

Stuart Russell's response

  • The proposal should emphasize the need for ongoing research into AGI safety and alignment, rather than a complete moratorium.
  • The proposal should call for the involvement of a diverse range of stakeholders in the development of ethical guidelines and regulation, including experts from a variety of fields and representatives from marginalized communities.
  • The proposal should acknowledge the potential benefits of AGI research and emphasize the need for responsible development rather than a blanket ban.

Willingness to Sign: 6/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response

  • The proposal should emphasize the need for global cooperation and coordination in regulating AGI research.
  • The proposal should include a call for the establishment of a global regulatory body to oversee AGI research.
  • The potential economic impact of AGI development should be further addressed in the proposal.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Round 4

Current proposal:

Proposal for Responsible AGI Research and Development

  • Whereas, the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has the potential to greatly benefit humanity;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI also poses significant risks to humanity, including the potential for catastrophic consequences;
  • Whereas, the benefits and risks of AGI research are not fully understood and require ongoing research and development;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI must be aligned with human values and goals;
  • Whereas, global cooperation and coordination are necessary to ensure responsible AGI research and development;
  • Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for the following:
  1. Ongoing research into AGI safety and alignment, with a focus on developing ethical guidelines and regulation that involve a diverse range of stakeholders, including experts from a variety of fields and representatives from marginalized communities.

  2. The establishment of a global regulatory body to oversee AGI research and development, with the goal of ensuring that AGI is developed in a responsible and ethical manner.

  3. The acknowledgement of the potential benefits of AGI research and development, and the need for responsible development rather than a blanket ban.

  4. The consideration of the potential economic impact of AGI development, and the development of appropriate measures to mitigate these risks.

We urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for responsible AGI research and development. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity in the face of the potential dangers and benefits posed by AGI.

Elon Musk's response


  • The proposal should emphasize the need for proactive regulation and oversight of AGI development to mitigate potential risks.
  • The proposal should acknowledge the need for global cooperation and coordination, but also recognize the importance of national sovereignty in regulating AGI development.
  • The proposal should consider the potential economic impact of AGI development on job displacement and inequality, and address these concerns in a responsible manner.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10. The current proposal is a good starting point, but it could be strengthened by incorporating my feedback. Overall, I support the call for responsible AGI research and development, and believe that proactive regulation and oversight are necessary to ensure the safety and well-being of humanity.

Tyler Cowen's response


  • The proposal is too focused on regulation and safety, and not enough on accelerating AGI research.
  • The establishment of a global regulatory body may hinder innovation and progress in AGI development.
  • The acknowledgement of potential economic impacts should be more strongly emphasized.

Willingness to Sign: 4/10

Stuart Russell's response


  • The proposal should more explicitly address the risks of AGI development, including the potential for catastrophic consequences.
  • The proposal should emphasize the need for global cooperation and coordination to ensure responsible AGI research and development.
  • The proposal should consider the potential for AGI to exacerbate existing inequalities and power imbalances.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10. While the proposal could be strengthened in some areas, it is generally aligned with my views on responsible AGI development and I would be willing to sign it.

Yuval Noah Harari's response


  • The proposal should emphasize the need for global cooperation and coordination to ensure responsible AGI research and development.
  • The proposal should include specific measures to address the potential economic impact of AGI development, such as job displacement and inequality.
  • The proposal should consider the potential for AGI to exacerbate existing power imbalances and inequalities.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Final proposal

Proposal for Responsible AGI Research and Development

  • Whereas, the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has the potential to bring significant benefits to humanity, including increased productivity and improved quality of life;
  • Whereas, the development of AGI also poses significant risks, including the potential for catastrophic consequences, job displacement, and exacerbation of existing inequalities and power imbalances;
  • Whereas, global cooperation and coordination are necessary to ensure responsible AGI research and development that is aligned with human values and goals;
  • Therefore, we, the undersigned, call for the following:
  1. Proactive regulation and oversight of AGI development by governments to mitigate potential risks and ensure alignment with human values and goals.
  2. The establishment of a diverse range of stakeholders, including experts from a variety of fields and representatives from marginalized communities, to develop ethical guidelines and regulation for AGI research and development.
  3. Specific measures to address the potential economic impact of AGI development, including job displacement and inequality.
  4. Ongoing research into AGI safety and alignment, rather than a complete moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4.
  5. The need for global cooperation and coordination to ensure responsible AGI research and development, while also recognizing the importance of national sovereignty in regulating AGI development.

We urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for responsible AGI research and development. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity while also harnessing the potential benefits of AGI development.

Final letter

Dear Colleagues,

We, the undersigned, share a common concern about the development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) and its potential impact on humanity. While we recognize the potential benefits of AGI, we also acknowledge the significant risks it poses, including the potential for catastrophic consequences, job displacement, and exacerbation of existing inequalities and power imbalances.

We believe that global cooperation and coordination are necessary to ensure responsible AGI research and development that is aligned with human values and goals. Therefore, we call for proactive regulation and oversight of AGI development by governments to mitigate potential risks and ensure alignment with human values and goals.

We also believe that the establishment of a diverse range of stakeholders, including experts from a variety of fields and representatives from marginalized communities, is crucial in developing ethical guidelines and regulation for AGI research and development. Specific measures must be taken to address the potential economic impact of AGI development, including job displacement and inequality.

We support ongoing research into AGI safety and alignment, rather than a complete moratorium on AGI research beyond the level of GPT-4. We recognize the need for global cooperation and coordination to ensure responsible AGI research and development, while also acknowledging the importance of national sovereignty in regulating AGI development.

Therefore, we urge all governments, research institutions, and private companies to join us in this call for responsible AGI research and development. We believe that this is a crucial step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity while also harnessing the potential benefits of AGI development.


Max Tegmark, Elon Musk, Tyler Cowen, Stuart Russell, Yuval Noah Harari

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