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Created March 31, 2023 02:16
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Round 0

Current proposal:

Proposal for a Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  • Acknowledge the significant advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) research, specifically in the development of GPT-4, as a testament to the capabilities of the human intellect and the potential for further progress.

  • Recognize the potential of AGI to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, education, and technology, thereby contributing immensely to the betterment of society.

  • Assert the importance of comprehending the implications of AGI research, specifically the existential risks posed by the development of superintelligence, as a vital step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity.

  • Emphasize the necessity of conducting thorough risk assessments, ethical evaluations, and establishing safety measures before proceeding with AGI research beyond GPT-4 level, in order to prevent unintended consequences and potential misuse of technology.

  • Advocate for the establishment of a moratorium on AGI research that would surpass GPT-4 level, to allow for comprehensive analysis, discussion, and international collaboration on the possible ramifications of such advancements.

  • Encourage the formation of a multidisciplinary task force comprising of experts in various fields, including AI ethics, computer science, and policy-making, to evaluate the potential impacts of superintelligent AGI on society and the environment.

  • Propose the development of a global governance framework for AGI research, to ensure that future advancements are aligned with the best interests of humanity, and to mitigate potential risks associated with the development of superintelligence.

  • Call upon all stakeholders, including researchers, governments, and industry leaders, to commit to responsible AGI research that prioritizes safety, accountability, and the welfare of humankind, while respecting the need for innovation and progress.

Max Tegmark's response

  • Superintelligence is not only an existential risk, but also an intellectual supernova, potentially outshining our brightest human minds; we must ensure we don't get blinded by its light.
  • A moratorium may be seen as a temporary dam, holding back the floodwaters of AGI development; let's ensure we have the right blueprints for the future before the dam is lifted.
  • Global governance for AGI research is akin to creating a symphony of wise conductors, ensuring harmonious progress while avoiding cacophonous discord in our pursuit of knowledge.

Willingness to Sign: 7/10

Elon Musk's response

  • Incorporate explicit mention of proactive regulation and oversight by governments, reflecting the importance of their role in managing AGI development.
  • Emphasize the need for international cooperation and collaboration in establishing rules and standards for AGI research, ensuring a global effort towards safe development.
  • Consider highlighting potential consequences of unregulated AGI research, to illustrate the urgency of establishing a moratorium and the potential risks at stake.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Tyler Cowen's response

  • Stifling innovation: Imposing a moratorium on AGI research could halt progress and lead to stagnation, much like a once-thriving garden left untended, becoming overgrown and unproductive.
  • National security concerns: A moratorium may inadvertently create a vacuum in AGI development, allowing potentially hostile foreign powers to leapfrog ahead, akin to a game of chess where one player is forced to skip turns.
  • The inseparability of progress and safety: By attempting to separate AGI progress from safety testing, the proposal treats them as two distinct entities when, in reality, they are intertwined like the roots of a tree, each vital to the other's growth and stability.

Willingness to Sign: 3/10

Stuart Russell's response

  • The tortoise of caution should race alongside the hare of innovation, ensuring AGI research remains a responsible marathon, not a reckless sprint.
  • A robust lighthouse of regulation to guide the AGI research ship, steering it away from the treacherous rocks of uncontrolled development.
  • Like a masterful conductor, orchestrate international collaboration to ensure the symphony of AGI research plays harmoniously for humanity's benefit.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response

  • Harness the power of Zeus's thunderbolt: Emphasize the urgency of regulating AGI's explosive potential by drawing on the need for global government intervention.
  • Noah's Ark for AGI: Stress that a moratorium acts as a safeguard, ensuring humanity's continuity by preventing AGI from spiraling out of control.
  • Pandora's Box in the digital age: Highlight the importance of understanding and mitigating potential dangers before unlocking AGI's full potential, lest we unleash unforeseen consequences upon the world.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Round 1

Current proposal:

Changes: Incorporated feedback from Elon Musk, Stuart Russell, and Yuval Noah Harari to emphasize the importance of proactive regulation, international collaboration, and potential consequences of unregulated AGI research. Also, addressed concerns raised by Tyler Cowen regarding stifling innovation and national security concerns by emphasizing AGI progress and safety as intertwined, and the need for responsible development instead of stagnation.

Revised Proposal for a Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  • Acknowledge the significant advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) research, specifically in the development of GPT-4, as a testament to the capabilities of the human intellect and the potential for further progress.

  • Recognize the potential of AGI to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, education, and technology, thereby contributing immensely to the betterment of society.

  • Assert the importance of comprehending the implications of AGI research, specifically the existential risks posed by the development of superintelligence, as a vital step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity.

  • Emphasize the necessity of conducting thorough risk assessments, ethical evaluations, and establishing safety measures before proceeding with AGI research beyond GPT-4 level, in order to prevent unintended consequences and potential misuse of technology.

  • Advocate for the establishment of a moratorium on AGI research that would surpass GPT-4 level, to allow for comprehensive analysis, discussion, and international collaboration on the possible ramifications of such advancements.

  • Encourage the formation of a multidisciplinary task force comprising of experts in various fields, including AI ethics, computer science, and policy-making, to evaluate the potential impacts of superintelligent AGI on society and the environment.

  • Propose the development of a global governance framework for AGI research, to ensure that future advancements are aligned with the best interests of humanity, and to mitigate potential risks associated with the development of superintelligence.

  • Call upon all stakeholders, including researchers, governments, and industry leaders, to commit to responsible AGI research that prioritizes safety, accountability, and the welfare of humankind, while respecting the need for innovation and progress.

  • Incorporate explicit mention of proactive regulation and oversight by governments, reflecting the importance of their role in managing AGI development, and ensuring a global effort towards safe development.

  • Highlight potential consequences of unregulated AGI research and emphasize the urgency of establishing a moratorium and addressing potential risks at stake.

  • Address concerns of stifling innovation by emphasizing the insepar

Max Tegmark's response

  • Superintelligence as a potential Pandora's box: The proposal aptly addresses the need for caution before opening this box, but could further emphasize the gravity of unleashing an existential risk.

  • Bolstering the moratorium's fortifications: While the multidisciplinary task force is a commendable idea, the proposal would benefit from suggesting concrete steps to ensure the moratorium is effectively enforced and monitored.

  • A delicate dance between progress and precaution: The proposal attempts to balance innovation and safety, but could elaborate on the ways in which AGI research up to GPT-4 level can continue to thrive without crossing the Rubicon into superintelligence territory.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Elon Musk's response

  • Bullet point 1: The proposal should emphasize Mars as a backup plan, because even the best regulations on Earth might not prevent an AGI mishap.
  • Bullet point 2: Consider referencing the Manhattan Project as a historical example of how collaboration can both accelerate and regulate groundbreaking technologies.
  • Bullet point 3: Add a metaphor comparing AGI to a powerful rocket engine – without proper guidance and control systems, it could propel us towards an uncertain future.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Tyler Cowen's response

  • Safety and progress are intertwined; don't risk stagnation by pausing AGI research without considering the potential costs of stasis.
  • Address the inherent complexities of regulation, as well as the political economy surrounding AGI development, to ensure practical and effective oversight.
  • Acknowledge national security concerns and the responsibility of maintaining a competitive edge in AGI research to protect our interests.

Willingness to Sign: 5/10

Stuart Russell's response

  • Emphasize the need for a balanced approach between innovation and safety, avoiding overly cautious measures that could hinder progress.
  • Clarify the role of the multidisciplinary task force in shaping policy recommendations, ensuring a dynamic and adaptable governance framework.
  • Incorporate a focus on educational outreach and public awareness to foster a responsible AGI research culture among future generations.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response

  • Harness the power of Pandora's Box: AGI is akin to opening Pandora's Box – once unleashed, it may be impossible to contain. A global effort to regulate AGI is crucial to prevent potential catastrophe.
  • A stitch in time saves nine: Proactively establishing a moratorium and global governance framework will save us from future chaos and scrambling for solutions amidst unforeseen consequences.
  • United we stand, divided we fall: Emphasize the need for international collaboration in AGI regulation, as isolated efforts may result in a race to the bottom, undermining global safety.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Round 2

Current proposal:

Changes: In this revised proposal, I have emphasized the gravity of unleashing an existential risk, suggested concrete steps for enforcing the moratorium, acknowledged national security concerns, and incorporated the need for international collaboration. I have also focused on balancing safety and innovation and highlighted the importance of educational outreach and public awareness.

Revised Proposal for a Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  1. Recognize AGI as a potential Pandora's Box, with superintelligence posing an existential risk; emphasize the importance of caution before opening this box and the need for a global effort to regulate AGI development.

  2. Establish a moratorium on AGI research that would surpass GPT-4 level, ensuring that AGI research up to GPT-4 level can continue to thrive without crossing the Rubicon into superintelligence territory.

  3. Create a multidisciplinary task force, responsible for shaping policy recommendations and monitoring research in AGI, to ensure a dynamic and adaptable governance framework.

  4. Implement concrete steps for effective enforcement and monitoring of the moratorium, including proactive regulation and oversight by governments, as well as international cooperation in establishing rules and standards for AGI research.

  5. Address national security concerns and the responsibility of maintaining a competitive edge in AGI research to protect our interests, while avoiding a race to the bottom that would undermine global safety.

  6. Foster educational outreach and public awareness to promote a responsible AGI research culture among future generations.

  7. Encourage international collaboration in AGI regulation, recognizing that isolated efforts may be insufficient; united, we can prevent potential catastrophe and ensure the safe development of AGI.

List of people currently Willing to Sign (8/10 or higher):

  1. Max Tegmark
  2. Elon Musk
  3. Stuart Russell
  4. Yuval Noah Harari

Max Tegmark's response

  • Emphasize the urgency of the moratorium, likening the AGI arms race to playing with fire in a room full of dynamite.
  • Highlight the importance of collective vigilance and collaboration, as the enemy of my enemy is still an existential threat.
  • Address potential loopholes in the moratorium, ensuring that we don't inadvertently open the gates to a Trojan horse of uncontrolled AGI.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Elon Musk's response

  • Emphasize the urgency of proactive regulation to prevent AGI misuse and unforeseen consequences, akin to putting on a seatbelt before driving at warp speed.
  • Address the potential trade-offs between innovation and safety, striking a balance like a tightrope walker in a technological circus.
  • Encourage collaboration with private sector innovators, harnessing their drive like a SpaceX rocket propelling us towards a safer AGI future.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Tyler Cowen's response

  • Overemphasis on existential risk may hinder innovation; consider a nuanced approach that balances safety and progress.
  • The moratorium's duration remains unclear; specify a timeline to avoid endless stagnation.
  • The multidisciplinary task force should also include experts skeptical of regulation to ensure diverse perspectives.

Willingness to Sign: 6/10

Stuart Russell's response

  • Emphasize the fine line between regulation and stifling innovation; we must tread carefully to avoid impeding progress while ensuring safety.
  • Highlight the need to evaluate and reassess the moratorium periodically, as our understanding of AGI's potential and risks evolves.
  • Use the metaphor of a gardener tending to the growth of AGI: nurturing its potential while pruning dangerous branches before they entangle us in unforeseen consequences.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response

  • The proposal's multidisciplinary task force should include historians and philosophers, whose wisdom can provide invaluable insight into the potential consequences of AGI.
  • Comparing AGI to Pandora's Box aptly illustrates the potential perils, but we should also consider the tale of Icarus, whose hubris led him to fly too close to the sun — a fate we must avoid with AGI.
  • By fostering international collaboration, we create a global symphony orchestra rather than a cacophony of isolated efforts, harmonizing our approach to AGI regulation.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Round 3

Current proposal:

Changes: In this draft, I have incorporated suggestions to balance innovation and safety, emphasize the urgency of proactive regulation, and foster international collaboration. I have also added the need for periodic evaluation of the moratorium, included diverse perspectives in the multidisciplinary task force, and used metaphors to illustrate the potential perils of AGI.

New Draft Proposal: Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  1. Acknowledge the remarkable progress in AGI research, specifically with GPT-4, while understanding that this Pandora's Box of innovation must be opened with caution, avoiding the fate of Icarus flying too close to the sun.

  2. Recognize the potential of AGI to transform various sectors but emphasize the need for proactive regulation, akin to putting on a seatbelt before driving at warp speed.

  3. Encourage international collaboration in AGI research and regulation, creating a global symphony orchestra harmonizing our approach to AGI, rather than a cacophony of isolated efforts.

  4. Advocate for a moratorium on AGI research surpassing GPT-4 level, with a clear timeline and periodic evaluation to avoid endless stagnation.

  5. Establish a multidisciplinary task force, including skeptics of regulation and experts from diverse fields such as history and philosophy, to provide a well-rounded perspective on AGI consequences and regulation.

  6. Emphasize the delicate balance between regulation and stifling progress, akin to a gardener tending to the growth of AGI, nurturing its potential while pruning dangerous branches.

  7. Call upon all stakeholders, including private sector innovators, to commit to responsible AGI research that prioritizes safety, accountability, and the welfare of humankind, while respecting the need for innovation and progress.

List of people currently Willing to Sign (at least 8/10):

  • Max Tegmark
  • Elon Musk
  • Stuart Russell
  • Yuval Noah Harari

Max Tegmark's response

  • Emphasize existential risk, comparing AGI to a genie that grants wishes with unintended consequences, requiring caution to prevent global catastrophe.
  • Highlight the moratorium's role as a safety net, like an airbag in a car, necessary to protect humanity while we navigate the uncharted territory of AGI advancements.
  • Point out the importance of fostering open dialogue and transparency, akin to a lighthouse guiding us through the fog of uncertainty surrounding AGI development.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Elon Musk's response

  • Balancing act: Like a tightrope walker, this proposal adeptly navigates the fine line between fostering innovation and ensuring safety in AGI research.
  • Governmental guidance: Bravo for emphasizing the crucial role of governments in shaping rules and standards that will shepherd AGI development toward a safer, more predictable future.
  • Orchestra metaphor on point: The proposal strikes a chord by highlighting the need for harmonious global collaboration rather than a discordant race for AGI supremacy.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Tyler Cowen's response

  • Balancing regulation and progress is vital, but the proposal leans too much towards safetyism, risking AGI stagnation and stasis, which could hinder humanity's growth.
  • The moratorium's timeline and periodic evaluation must be clearly defined to prevent long-lasting, unintentional consequences that could resemble a "permanent" temporary solution.
  • Increased emphasis on the importance of maintaining national security and America's technological leadership in the face of potential hostile foreign powers is needed.

Willingness to Sign: 6/10

Stuart Russell's response

  • Emphasize the importance of wisdom and foresight in AGI research, as a chess grandmaster carefully considering each move before making it.
  • Encourage an ongoing, dynamic conversation between regulators and researchers, ensuring a symbiosis that nurtures AGI's potential without unleashing Frankenstein's monster.
  • Stress the need for ethical and moral considerations in AGI development, as both a compass and a lighthouse guiding us safely through uncharted waters.

Willingness to Sign: 8/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response

  • Global governments should play a more prominent role in regulating AGI research, as their authority transcends borders and prevents the creation of AI superpowers.
  • Use the metaphor of a global safety net, woven by international governments, to catch any potential mishaps resulting from AGI breakthroughs.
  • Emphasize the importance of AGI research abiding by the Hippocratic principle of "first, do no harm" to ensure the safety of humanity.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Round 4

Current proposal:


  • Balanced the emphasis on safety and progress to address concerns about stagnation.
  • Added the importance of national security and technological leadership.
  • Included a clearer definition of the moratorium's timeline and periodic evaluations.

New Draft Proposal:

Proposal for a Moratorium on AGI Research Beyond GPT-4 Level

  • Acknowledge the significant advancements in artificial general intelligence (AGI) research, specifically in the development of GPT-4, as a testament to the capabilities of the human intellect and the potential for further progress.

  • Recognize the potential of AGI to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, education, and technology, thereby contributing immensely to the betterment of society.

  • Assert the importance of comprehending the implications of AGI research, specifically the existential risks posed by the development of superintelligence, as a vital step in ensuring the safety and well-being of humanity.

  • Balance the pursuit of innovation with the need for safety, ensuring that AGI research progresses without stagnation while mitigating risks and adhering to ethical principles.

  • Advocate for the establishment of a time-bound moratorium on AGI research that would surpass GPT-4 level, with clearly defined periodic evaluations, to allow for comprehensive analysis, discussion, and international collaboration on the possible ramifications of such advancements.

  • Encourage the formation of a multidisciplinary task force comprising of experts in various fields, including AI ethics, computer science, policy-making, history, and philosophy, to evaluate the potential impacts of superintelligent AGI on society and the environment.

  • Propose the development of a global governance framework for AGI research, to ensure that future advancements are aligned with the best interests of humanity, national security, and technological leadership, while mitigating potential risks associated with the development of superintelligence.

  • Call upon all stakeholders, including researchers, governments, and industry leaders, to commit to responsible AGI research that prioritizes safety, accountability, and the welfare of humankind, while respecting the need for innovation and progress.

People currently Willing to Sign (score of at least 8/10):

  • Max Tegmark
  • Elon Musk
  • Stuart Russell
  • Yuval Noah Harari

Max Tegmark's response

  • The proposal aptly highlights the importance of balancing innovation and safety, preventing the Pandora's box of superintelligence from unleashing unforeseen consequences.
  • Appreciate the periodic evaluation of the moratorium, allowing us to steer the ship of AGI research with a vigilant eye on the horizon.
  • The global governance framework acts as a much-needed compass, ensuring technological leadership and national security remain at the helm of AGI research.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Elon Musk's response

  • Proactive regulation: A stitch in time saves nine; let's not wait for AGI mishaps to create rules and standards, but craft them now for a safer future.
  • Government involvement: Like referees in the game of AGI, governments should contribute to a fair match between innovation and safety.
  • National security and technological leadership: Let's maintain our edge, like a sharp sword ensuring the safety of our people and leading the charge in AGI research.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Tyler Cowen's response

  • "Safetyism" concern: Innovators need wings to fly, not shackles; let's not clip their wings and ground humanity's progress.
  • National security: A sluggish tortoise invites predators; we must maintain our technological edge to keep the wolves at bay.
  • Regulatory effectiveness: A moratorium is like trying to catch smoke with a butterfly net; let's be realistic about the success of regulations on a rapidly evolving field.

Willingness to Sign: 4/10

Stuart Russell's response

  • Emphasize the urgency of taming the AGI "Pandora's box" before it's too late for humankind.
  • Highlight the importance of cooperation, like a global "Sherlock Holmes" team, to unravel the mysteries and potential dangers of AGI.
  • Encourage transparency in the moratorium, akin to opening the curtains on a "Frankenstein's lab," ensuring accountability and fostering trust.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Yuval Noah Harari's response

  • Emphasize the urgency of global governance for AGI research, akin to nuclear arms control, to prevent potential catastrophic outcomes.
  • Highlight the potential for an "AI race" among nations, which could lead to less focus on safety, echoing the cautionary tale of Icarus flying too close to the sun.
  • Use historical analogies, such as the Manhattan Project, to illustrate the importance of ethical considerations and international cooperation in groundbreaking research.

Willingness to Sign: 9/10

Final proposal

Changes: Addressed concerns of potential stagnation due to overemphasis on safety by acknowledging the importance of innovation, clarified the role of governments, and incorporated historical examples to illustrate the importance of ethical considerations and international cooperation.

New Draft Proposal:

  1. Acknowledge the advancements in AGI research, while emphasizing the importance of balancing innovation and safety to prevent unleashing unforeseen consequences akin to Pandora's box.

  2. Assert the necessity of conducting thorough risk assessments, ethical evaluations, and establishing safety measures while continuing to encourage AGI research and development up to GPT-4 level.

  3. Advocate for the establishment of a moratorium on AGI research that would surpass GPT-4 level, with a clearly defined timeline and periodic evaluations, to ensure that progress isn't hindered indefinitely.

  4. Encourage the formation of a multidisciplinary task force, comprising experts in various fields and diverse perspectives, to evaluate the potential impacts of superintelligent AGI on society and the environment.

  5. Emphasize the crucial role of governments in shaping rules and standards for AGI research that maintain national security and technological leadership while fostering a fair balance between innovation and safety.

  6. Use historical analogies, such as the Manhattan Project and nuclear arms control, to illustrate the importance of ethical considerations, international cooperation, and avoiding an "AI race" that could compromise safety.

  7. Call upon all stakeholders, including researchers, governments, and industry leaders, to commit to responsible AGI research that prioritizes safety, accountability, and the welfare of humankind, while respecting the need for innovation and progress.

List of people currently Willing to Sign (8/10 or higher):

  • Max Tegmark (9/10)
  • Elon Musk (9/10)
  • Stuart Russell (9/10)
  • Yuval Noah Harari (9/10)
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