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Created July 7, 2015 23:37
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namespace MicroGate
public class Route
public bool KeepResourceName { get; set; }
public string BaseUrl { get; set; }
public Func<string, string, HttpRequest, bool> Authenticate { get; set; }
public Func<string, string, HttpRequest, bool> Authorize { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Func<string, string, bool>> AdditionalAllowFunctions { get; set; }
public Func<string, string, WebRequest, WebRequest> RequestTransfroms { get; set; }
public Func<string, string, HttpResonse, HttpResonse> ResonseTransfroms { get; set; }
public class IRouteCollection : IDictionary<string, Route>
public AddRoute(string resourceName, string baseUrl, bool keepResourceName,
Func<string, string, HttpRequest, bool> authenticate,
Func<string, string, HttpRequest, bool> authorize,
Func<string, string, WebRequest, WebRequest> transformRequest,
Func<string, string, HttpResonse, HttpResonse> transformResponse
public class ApiGatewayController : ApiController
private readonly IRouteCollection Routes;
public ApiGatewayController(ApiGatewaySettings settings)
Routes = settings.Routes;
public HttpResonse Route(string resource, string path)
var requestString = Request.Url.PathAndQuery;
var route = Routes[resource];
var absolutePathOut = route.route.KeepResourceName ? String.Format("{0}/{1}", resource, path) : path;
var absoluteUrlOut = String.Format("{0}/{1}", route.BaseUrl, absolutePathOut);
if (!route.Authenticate(resource, path, Request))
return new HttpResonse();
if (!route.Authorize(resource, path, Request))
return new HttpResonse();
foreach (var func in route.AdditionalAllowFunctions)
if (!func())
return new HttpResonse();
var request = WebRequest.Create(absoluteUrlOut);
request.ContentLength = Request.ContentLength;
request.ContentType = Request.ContentType;
request.CreatorInstance = Request.;
request.Method = Request.HttpMethod;
request.Headers = Request.Headers;
var requestTransform = route.RequestTransfroms.Aggregate((acc, next) => next(resource, path, acc(resource, path, request)));
var finalRequest = requestTransform(request);
var webResponse = request.GetResonse();
var response = // TODO
var responseTransform = route.ResponseTransforms.Aggregate((acc, next) => next(resource, path, acc(resource, path, response)));
var finalResponse = responseTransform(response);
return finalResponse;
routes.MapRoute("Name", String.Format("{0}/{resource}/{*path}", pathToGateway), new { controller = ..., action = ... });
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