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Last active February 9, 2023 01:16
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Allows switching between different versions of Terraform on Windows, similar to TFSwitch or tfenv.
function Set-TerraformVersion {
# Constants
$BaseUrl = ""
$UsageInfo = "Usage: Set-TerraformVersion <VERSION>`n Example: Set-TerraformVersion 0.14.11`n Or you can specify 'latest' to get the latest version"
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($version)) {
Write-Output $UsageInfo
$response = Invoke-WebRequest $BaseUrl
$content = $response.Content.Split([Environment]::NewLine)
$versionMatches = ($content | Select-String -Pattern "/[.0-9]+/" -AllMatches).Matches
$versions = $versionMatches.Value -replace "/"
$sorted = $versions | Sort-Object {[Version] $_} -Descending
if($version.ToLower() -eq "latest") {
$tfVersion = $sorted[0]
} else {
$versionString = Get-NormalizedVersion($version)
$specificMatches = $sorted.where{$_ -match "^$versionString"}
if($specificMatches.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Output "No versions were found that match your input. Check that your input is not too specific.`nAlso make sure the version you are asking for either still exists or has been released."
$tfVersion = $specificMatches[0]
$tfPath = (Get-Command -Name terraform -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
if($null -eq $tfPath) {
Write-Output "Terraform is not currently installed, install a version first to continue."
} else {
$versionText = (terraform version)[0]
if ($versionText.Where{$_ -match "v$tfVersions$"}) {
Write-Output "This version is already installed. Exiting without downloading anything..."
$TargetUrl = "${BaseUrl}/${tfVersion}/terraform_${tfVersion}"
Write-Output "Downloading and switching to Terraform version ${tfVersion}"
Write-Output "Please wait..."
if(!(Test-Path ~/tmp)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ~/tmp | Out-Null
Set-Location -Path ~/tmp
Invoke-WebRequest ${TargetUrl} -OutFile "terraform_${tfVersion}"
Expand-Archive -Path "terraform_${tfVersion}"
Move-Item -Path "terraform_${tfVersion}_windows_amd64/terraform.exe" -Destination $tfPath.Source -Force
$newVersion = (terraform version)[0]
Write-Output "You are now using $newVersion"
Remove-Item -Path ~/tmp -Recurse -Force
function Get-NormalizedVersion {
param (
[string] $versionString
if (-not $versionString.EndsWith(".")) {
$versionString = "$versionString."
return $versionString
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