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Last active January 19, 2017 04:33
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Returns a function that composes a series of methods together, passing the return value of each from left to right (First method can take multiple arguments)
const compose = (...functions) => (...start) => (
functions.reduce((result, f) => (
(typeof result === 'object') ? f(...result) : f(result)
), start)
* Usage
const add = (a, b = 4) => a + b
const sub1 = (a) => a - 1
const mul2 = (a) => a * 2
const div2 = (a) => a / 2
const addSub1Mul2Div2 = compose(add, sub1, mul2, div2)
console.log(addSub1Mul2Div2(1, 3))
// -> 3
// why? 'cause div2(mul2(sub1(add(1, 3)))) looks gross
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