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Last active December 18, 2023 16:56
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D&D Settlement Economy and Demographics


Job SV Job SV Job SV Job SV
Law Enforcement 150 Noble Household 200 Shoemakers 150 Butchers 1,200
Lawyer 650 Clergy 40 Furriers 250 Fishmongers 1,200
Maidservants 250 Beer-Sellers 1,400 Tailors 250 Buckle Makers 1,400
Barbers 350 Plasterers 1,400 Jewelers 400 Spice Merchants 1,400
Taverns/Restaurants 400 Blacksmiths 1,500 Old-Clothes 400 Painters 1,500
Pastrycooks 500 Doctors 1,700 Masons 500 Roofers 1,800
Carpenters 550 Locksmiths 1,900 Weavers 600 Bathers 1,900
Chandlers 700 Ropemakers 1,900 Mercers 700 Inns 2,000
Coopers 700 Tanners 2,000 Bakers 800 Copyists 2,000
Watercarriers 850 Sculptors 2,000 Scabbardmakers 850 Rugmakers 2,000
Wine-Sellers 900 Harness-Makers 2,000 Hatmakers 950 Bleachers 2,100
Saddlers 1,000 Hay Merchants 2,300 Chicken Butchers 1,000 Cutlers 2,300
Pursemakers 1,100 Glovemakers 2,400 Woodsellers 2,400 Woodcarvers 2,400
Magic-Shops 2,800 Booksellers 6,300 Bookbinders 3,000 Illuminators 3,900

SV is the support value. Gives a rough estimate of the population required to support 1 such job. For example, a town of 8000 could support 2 Bookbinders.

To add variance, adjust SV by a percentage equal to (4d4‑10) × 10.


Land Size

714 sq ft per person. A circular city has a radius of 15 • sqrt(population) ft. Thus, a 10000 population city has a radius of ~1500 ft.

154880 sq ft of farmland per person. A circular city is surrounded by 200 • sqrt(population) feet of farmland in all directions. Thus, a 10000 population city has a farmland shell 20800 ft (~3.9 mi) thick.

1 Dwelling per 3 people.

Monthly Income/Expenses by Profession

Profession Monthly Income/Expenses
Skilled labor 3-12g
Journeyman craftsmen, 1st level PCs 12-40g
Master craftsmen, 2nd level PCs 40-100g
Master professionals, 3rd-4th level PCs 100-450g
Barons, 5th-7th level PCs 450-2,000g
Counts, 8th-9th level PCs 2,000-12,000g
Dukes, 10th-12th level PCs 12,000-80,000g
Kings, 13th-14th level PCs 80,000+g

Income and expenses are roughly equal in most cases. Net worth (often in the form of land and equipment and whatnot) is 33x monthly income/expenses. Coinage tends to make up about 5% of a NPC's net worth.

So, a Baron with a 1000g/mo income also has ~1000g/mo in expenses. They're worth 33,000g (mostly in land, structures, etc), and have 1650g on hand.

A normal bribe saves someone about a week of work/income/expenses. An eyebrow-raising bribe is worth a month, and a can-hardly-refuse bribe is worth a year.

Bribes can be interpretted pretty liberally: job offers, literal bribes, negotiating power, etc. Any time you want to give someone goods, services, or coins in order to get them to do something (or not do something), the above math should be a good ballpark.

Monthly Availability By Price and Population

Price / Pop 100k+ 25k+ 10k+ 3k+ 1k+ 999-
1gp or less 1,700 585 260 65 30 10
2gp–10gp 100 30 15 5 1 1
11–100gp 15 5 2 1 25% 10%
101–1,000gp 7 2 1 25% 10% 5%
1,001–10,000gp 2 1 25% 10% 5% 1%
10,001gp or more 10% 5% 2% NA NA NA

So in a city of 4300 people, you could expect to be able to buy 1 set of plate armor (60g is in the 11-100g row) each month. Percentages mean there's that chance you can buy that item.

Likewise, this is the number of such items that the PCs can reasonably offload. A village of 408 people has a 1% chance of being able to buy a 2000g chalice from the players each month.

Spellcasting Services By Population

Spell Type and Level Cost 100k+ 25k+ 10k+ 3k+ 1k+ 999-
Divine–1st level 10gp 2d3x100 4d4x10 5d10 4d6 2d6 1d6
Divine–2nd level 40gp 8d10 4d6 2d6 2d3 1d3 1d2
Divine–3rd level 150gp 2d6 2d3 2d3 1d2 1d2-1 -
Divine–4th level 325gp 2d6 2d3 2d3 1d2 1d2-1 -
Divine–5th level 500gp 1d6 1d4 1d4 1d2-1 - -
Arcane–1st level 5gp 2d4x100 2d10x10 2d4x10 3d10 2d6 1d4
Arcane–2nd level 20gp 2d6x10 6d6 2d6 2d4 1d4 1d2
Arcane–3rd level 75gp 4d6 2d6 2d3 1d4 1d2 -
Arcane–4th level 325gp 2d4 2d3 1d4 1d2 1d2-1 -
Arcane–5th level 1,250gp 1d4 1d4 1d2 - - -
Arcane–6th level 4,500gp 1d3 1d3 1d2-1 - - -

In a metropolis of 52000 people, you can find 2 wizards (1d3) that can cast stone-to-flesh (6th level arcane) for 4500g each day.

Magic Items

Item Type Price
One Use Effect 500gp x spell level
Charged Effect 500gp x spell level x charges
Unlimited Use 500gp x spell level x 50
1/turn 500gp x spell level x 33
1/3 turns 500gp x spell level x 25
1/6 turns 500gp x spell level x 16
3/day 500gp x spell level x 12
1/day 500gp x spell level x 10
1/week 500gp x spell level x 6
Weapon +1 5,000gp
Weapon +2 15,000gp
Weapon +3 35,000gp
Armor +1 5,000gp
Armor +2 15,000gp
Armor +3 35,000gp

You figure out which spell most closely mimics the magic item's properties, (like a magic carpet is the 3rd-level fly spell), and then check how many uses it has. A one-trip-a-day magic carpet might buy/sell for 15k gold, and an unlimited use magic carpet might buy/sell for 75k gold. Gives good ballpark prices.

Demographics of Leveled Characters

Level Frequency Level Frequency
1 1 in 20 8 1 in 20,000
2 1 in 50 9 1 in 60,000
3 1 in 150 10 1 in 160,000
4 1 in 375 11 1 in 450,000
5 1 in 1,000 12 1 in 1,200,000
6 1 in 3,000 13 1 in 3,250,000
7 1 in 8,000 14 1 in 10,000,000

So a village with 408 people likely has 1 4th level NPC, 2 3rd level, 8 2nd level, and 20 1st level.


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