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Last active February 13, 2019 13:44
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slatejs fragment manipulation for custom onPaste behaviour
import { Block, Document } from 'slate'
import { getEventTransfer } from 'slate-react'
import isContainerNode from '../utils/node/isContainerNode'
* What generalizes about this example is that thanks to slatejs #2589 paste
* behaviour is controlled by the fragment's trunk.
const deepestSingleContainer = doc => {
// result holds the found container.
let result = null
// candidate iterates through fragment.
let candidate = doc
while (
candidate.nodes.size === 1 &&
candidate.nodes.first().object === 'block'
) {
candidate = candidate.nodes.first()
if (isContainerNode(candidate)) {
result = candidate
return result
* Additional benefit, apply custom operations on the pasted fragment such as
* removing id.
* TODO: Simplify? New controller just for this?
const removeUuids = node => {
if (node.object === 'document') {
return Document.create(
if (node.object !== 'block') {
return node
return Block.fromJSON({
data: isContainerNode(node) ?'id') :
* Shorten (or prolong) the fragment's trunk to get a different paste depth.
const truncateFragment = fragment => {
const startBlock = deepestSingleContainer(fragment)
return startBlock ? Document.create([startBlock]) : fragment
const onFragment = (event, editor, next) => {
const transfer = getEventTransfer(event)
const { type, fragment } = transfer
if (type !== 'fragment') {
return next()
const newFragment = removeUuids(truncateFragment(fragment))
export default options => ({
onPaste: onFragment
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