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Created July 21, 2011 10:46
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First idea for SQL Filtering in Doctrine2
class MySoftDeleteFilter extends SQLFilter
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias, Connection $conn)
if ($targetEntity->name != "MyEntity\SoftDeleteNewsItem") {
return "";
return ' AND '.$targetTableAlias.'.deleted = 0';
class MyLocaleFilter extends SQLFilter
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias)
if (!in_array("LocaleAware", $targetEntity->reflClass->getInterfaceNames())) {
return "";
return ' AND ' . $targetTableAlias.'.locale = ' . $this->getParam('locale'); // getParam uses connection to quote the value.
$config->addFilter("locale", "MyLocaleFilter");
$config->addFilter("soft_delete", "MySoftDeleteFilter");
$em = EntityManager::create($params, $config);
$em->enableFilter("locale")->setParameter("locale", "en");
namespace Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter;
abstract class SQLFilter
final public function __construct(Connection $conn);
final function setParameter($name, $value, $type);
final function getParameter($name);
abstract function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias);
namespace Doctrine\ORM;
class Configuration
public function addFilter($name, $className);
public function getFilterClassName($name);
class EntityManager
private $enabledFilters;
/** @return SQLFilter[] */
public function getEnabledFilters();
/** Throws exception if filter does not exist. No-op if the filter is alrady enabled.
* @return SQLFilter */
public function enableFilter($name);
/** Disable the filter, looses the state
* @return SQLFilter */
public function disableFilter($name) { unset($this->enabledFilters[$name]); }
/** throws exception if not in enabled filters
* @return SQLFilter */
public function getFilter($name);
class Query
// needs to serialize the enabled filters + their parameters for the DQL Hash to SQL Cache Computation.
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