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Created August 9, 2011 20:34
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Save beberlei/1135123 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Sheldons Friend Making Algorithm for ezcWorkflow (with CouchDB backend (yet to be released))
* Code shall not be reused without my permission, it is only for teaching purposes.
require_once "ezc/Base/base.php";
spl_autoload_register(array("ezcBase", "autoload"));
class SheldonsFriendAlgo_EvaluateActivity implements ezcWorkflowServiceObject
public function __toString()
return "evaluateActivity";
public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
$sheldonLikes = (rand(0, 100) <= 10);
$execution->setVariable('sheldonLikesActivity', $sheldonLikes);
// also remember all the activities!
if ($execution->hasVariable('rememberActivities')) {
$activities = $execution->getVariable('rememberActivities');
} else {
$activities = array();
$activities[] = $execution->getVariable('recreationalActivity');
$execution->setVariable('rememberActivities', $activities);
return true;
class SheldonsFriendAlgo_LeastObjectionableActivity implements ezcWorkflowServiceObject
public function __toString()
return 'leastObjectionableActivity';
public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
$activities = $execution->getVariable('rememberActivities');
$activity = array_rand($activities);
echo "Perform least objectionable activity: " . $activity . "\n";
// action nodes use "some sort" of output mechanism to ask the user for input
// and users reply with some sort of input mechanism.
// each workflow has to be wrapped by a workflow execution displayer, i.e. for each waiting for variable an input mechanism has to be defined.
class SheldonsFriendAlgo_StatusMessage implements ezcWorkflowServiceObject
private $message;
public function __construct($message)
$this->message = $message;
public function __toString()
return "statusMessage[" . $this->message . "]";
public function execute(ezcWorkflowExecution $execution)
echo "Status: " . $this->message . "\n";
return true;
require_once "src/CouchWorkflow/CouchClient.php";
require_once "src/CouchWorkflow/DefinitionStorage.php";
require_once "src/CouchWorkflow/Execution.php";
require_once "src/CouchWorkflow/Workflow.php";
require_once "src/CouchWorkflow/CouchHttpException.php";
$workflow = new CouchWorkflow_Workflow('makeFriends');
$endMerge = new ezcWorkflowNodeSimpleMerge();
// one possible end!
$beginFriendship = new ezcWorkflowNodeSimpleMerge();
$beginFriendshipEnd = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_StatusMessage', 'arguments' => array('BEGIN FRIENDSHIP!')));
// another (bad) end!
$noFriend = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_StatusMessage', 'arguments' => array('We wont be friends! :(')));
// 1. Sheldons call your phonenumber
$pickupPhone = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(array(
'pickPhone' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsBool(),
// 3. Is the Person Home, yes or no?
$pickupChoice = new ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice();
// 4a. If Person is Home, ask for a Meal
$askForMeal = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(array(
"wouldShareMeal" => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsBool(),
$mergeAskForMeal = new ezcWorkflowNodeSimpleMerge();
// 5. If callback happens, go to 4a. ask for a meal!
$waitForCallback = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(array(
'doCallback' => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue(),
$pickupChoice->addConditionalOutNode(new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable('pickPhone', new ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue()), $mergeAskForMeal, $waitForCallback);
// 6. Listen to answer of other person, yes or no?
$mealChoice = new ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice();
// 7a. If the person said yes, go get something to eat and begin friendship!
$goEat = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_StatusMessage', 'arguments' => array('Go eat together')));
// 7b. If the person said no, ask another question: "Do you enjoy a hot beverage?"
$askForHotBeverage = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(array(
"enjoyHotBeverage" => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsBool()
// assemble 6 -> 7a or 6 -> 7b
new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable('wouldShareMeal', new ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue()),
// 8. Beverage Choice, listen to answer of other person, yes or no?
$beverageChoice = new ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice();
// 9a. If the person said yes, go get something to drink and begin friendship!
$goDrink = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_StatusMessage', 'arguments' => array('Go drink tea together')));
// 9b. If the person said no, start with the least objectionable action loop
$loopStartInitActionCounter = new ezcWorkflowNodeVariableSet(array('actionCounter' => 0));
new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable('enjoyHotBeverage', new ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue()),
// 10. ZEH LOOP!
$loop = new ezcWorkflowNodeLoop;
$incrementActionCounter = new ezcWorkflowNodeVariableAdd(array('name' => 'actionCounter', 'operand' => 1)); // Increment doent work! :-/
$askForRecreationalActivity = new ezcWorkflowNodeInput(array(
"recreationalActivity" => new ezcWorkflowConditionIsString(),
$sheldonEvaluatesActivity = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_EvaluateActivity'));
$performActivity = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_StatusMessage', 'arguments' => array('Parttake in Interest!')));
// reset recreational activity variable before entering loop start again
$unsetActivity = new ezcWorkflowNodeVariableUnset('recreationalActivity');
$sheldonLikesActivityChoice = new ezcWorkflowNodeExclusiveChoice();
new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable('sheldonLikesActivity', new ezcWorkflowConditionIsTrue()),
$continueActionCounter = new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable( 'actionCounter', new ezcWorkflowConditionIsLessThan( 3 ) );
$loop->addConditionalOutNode( $continueActionCounter, $incrementActionCounter );
$leastObjectionableActivity = new ezcWorkflowNodeAction(array('class' => 'SheldonsFriendAlgo_LeastObjectionableActivity'));
$breakActionCounter = new ezcWorkflowConditionVariable( 'actionCounter', new ezcWorkflowConditionIsEqual( 3 ) );
$loop->addConditionalOutNode( $breakActionCounter, $leastObjectionableActivity );
$client = new CouchWorkflow_CouchClient('localhost', 'workflow', 5984);
$storage = new CouchWorkflow_DefinitionStorage($client);
// Generate GraphViz/dot markup for workflow "Test".
$visitor = new ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization;
$workflow->accept( $visitor );
file_put_contents("/tmp/", (string)$visitor);
echo "Saved Sheldons Friend Making Algorithm: " . $workflow->id . "\n";
$workflow = $storage->loadById($workflow->id);
$visitor = new ezcWorkflowVisitorVisualization;
$workflow->accept( $visitor );
file_put_contents("/tmp/", (string)$visitor);
interface SheldonsFriendAlgo_InputHandler
public function isInteractive();
public function askForInput($variable);
public function filterAndValidate($variable, $data);
abstract class SheldonsFriendAlgo_AbstractInputHandler implements SheldonsFriendAlgo_InputHandler
public function filterAndValidate($variable, $data)
$data = $this->filter($variable, $data);
if (!$this->isValid($variable, $data)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid input specified.");
return $data;
abstract protected function filter($variable, $data);
abstract protected function isValid($variable, $data);
class SheldonsFriendAlgo_EzConsoleInput implements SheldonsFriendAlgo_InputHandler
private $output;
private $questions = array();
public function __construct()
$this->output = new ezcConsoleOutput();
$this->questions['pickPhone'] = ezcConsoleQuestionDialog::YesNoQuestion($this->output, "Sheldon calls you, would you pick up?", "y");
$this->questions['doCallback'] = ezcConsoleQuestionDialog::YesNoQuestion($this->output, "Sheldon left you a message, do you want to call back now?", "y");
$this->questions['wouldShareMeal'] = ezcConsoleQuestionDialog::YesNoQuestion($this->output, "Would you like to share a meal?", "y");
$this->questions['enjoyHotBeverage'] = ezcConsoleQuestionDialog::YesNoQuestion($this->output, "Do you enjoy a hot beverage?", "y");
$this->questions['recreationalActivity'] = new ezcConsoleQuestionDialog($this->output);
$this->questions['recreationalActivity']->options->text = "Tell me one of your interests?";
$this->questions['recreationalActivity']->options->showResults = true;
public function askForInput($variable)
return ezcConsoleDialogViewer::displayDialog( $this->questions[$variable] );
public function filterAndValidate($variable, $data)
switch ($variable) {
case 'pickPhone':
case 'doCallback':
case 'wouldShareMeal':
case 'enjoyHotBeverage':
return ($data == 'y') ? true : false;
case 'recreationalActivity':
return $data;
public function isInteractive()
return true;
if (!$workflow) {
$workflow = $storage->loadById('666a10634d43e5c38f946f3f50cd7673');
$waitingForInput = array(
"phonenumber" => "intval",
"isCallback" => "boolval",
"recreationalActivity" => "strval",
$execution = new CouchWorkflow_Execution($client, null);
$execution->workflow = $workflow;
$executionId = $execution->start();
echo "Execution: " . $executionId . "\n";
$inputHandler = new SheldonsFriendAlgo_EzConsoleInput();
$i = 0;
do {
$execution = new CouchWorkflow_Execution($client, $executionId);
$waitingFor = $execution->getWaitingFor();
$resumeData = array();
// prompt user for input!
foreach ($waitingFor AS $name => $condition) {
$resumeData[$name] = $inputHandler->askForInput($name);
if ($inputHandler->isInteractive()) {
$resumeData[$name] = $inputHandler->filterAndValidate($name, $resumeData[$name]);
} else {
break; // stop everything please, we need to wait for the prompt
try {
} catch(ezcWorkflowInvalidInputException $e) {
echo "Invalid Input: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
if ($i > 100) {
} while ($execution->isSuspended());
echo "Loops: " . $i . "\n";
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