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Created December 13, 2009 13:21
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class TestUnsetVariable(TestInterpreter):
def test_unset_variable(self):
assert self.interpret('a') == 'null'
def test_variable_in_expression(self):
assert self.interpret('a+3') == 'null'
class TestPrintVariables(TestInterpreter):
command = 'variables'
def test_print_none(self):
assert self.interpret(self.command) == 'No stored variables'
def test_print_variables(self):
assert self.interpret(self.command) == "Stored variables:\n" + \
class Interpreter:
def __init__(self):
self.vars = {}
def interpret(self, expression):
if expression in ('variables', 'vars'):
variable_str = ''
for name, value in self.vars.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
value_str = "'" + value + "'"
value_str = str(value)
variable_str += '\n' + name + '=' + value_str
if variable_str:
return 'Stored variables:' + variable_str
return 'No stored variables'
return eval(expression, {}, self.vars)
except NameError:
return 'null'
except SyntaxError:
l_value, r_value = expression.split('=')
self.vars[l_value] = int(r_value)
except ValueError:
self.vars[l_value] = self.interpret(r_value)
class TestCleanVariables(TestInterpreter):
def test_clean_none(self):
assert self.interpret('vars') == 'No stored variables'
assert self.interpret('vars') == 'No stored variables'
def test_clean_variables(self):
assert self.interpret('vars') == 'Stored variables:\na=12'
assert self.interpret('vars') == 'No stored variables'
return 'No stored variables'
elif expression is 'clean':
self.vars = {}
from commands import Commands
class Interpreter:
def __init__(self):
self.commands = Commands()
self.vars = {}
def interpret(self, expression):
matching_command = self.commands.match(expression)
if matching_command:
return matching_command.execute(self)
return eval(expression, {}, self.vars)
except NameError:
return 'null'
except SyntaxError:
l_value, r_value = expression.split('=')
self.vars[l_value] = int(r_value)
except ValueError:
self.vars[l_value] = self.interpret(r_value)
class Command(object):
def matches(self, expression):
if hasattr(self.aliases, '__iter__'):
return expression in self.aliases
return expression == self.aliases
class Clean(Command):
aliases = 'clean'
def execute(self, interpreter):
interpreter.vars = {}
class Variables(Command):
aliases = ('variables', 'vars', )
def execute(self, interpreter):
variable_str = ''
for name, value in interpreter.vars.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
value_str = "'" + value + "'"
value_str = str(value)
variable_str += '\n' + name + '=' + value_str
if variable_str:
return 'Stored variables:' + variable_str
return 'No stored variables'
class Commands:
_commands = (Clean(), Variables(), )
def match(self, expression):
for command in self._commands:
if command.matches(expression):
return command
class TestHelp(TestInterpreter):
def test_just_help(self):
assert self.interpret('help') == 'clean - Cleans up stored' + \
' variables\nvariables, vars - Shows stored variables'
def test_specific_help(self):
assert self.interpret('help clean') == 'Cleans up stored variables'
class Command(object):
def matches(self, expression):
if hasattr(self.aliases, '__iter__'):
return expression in self.aliases
return expression == self.aliases
class Clean(Command):
aliases = 'clean'
description = 'Cleans up stored variables'
def execute(self, interpreter):
interpreter.vars = {}
class Help(Command):
aliases = 'help'
def matches(self, expression):
parts = expression.split()
if parts[0] == 'help':
if len(parts) > 1: = parts[1]
else: = None
return True
def execute(self, interpreter):
ret = ''
target_command = interpreter.commands.match(
return target_command.description
for command in interpreter.commands:
if hasattr(command, 'description'):
if hasattr(command.aliases, '__iter__'):
ret += ', '.join(command.aliases)
ret += command.aliases
ret += ' - ' + command.description + '\n'
return ret.rstrip()
class Variables(Command):
aliases = ('variables', 'vars', )
description = 'Shows stored variables'
def execute(self, interpreter):
variable_str = ''
for name, value in interpreter.vars.items():
if isinstance(value, str):
value_str = "'" + value + "'"
value_str = str(value)
variable_str += '\n' + name + '=' + value_str
if variable_str:
return 'Stored variables:' + variable_str
return 'No stored variables'
class Commands(list):
def __init__(self):
commands = (Clean(), Help(), Variables(), )
super(Commands, self).__init__(commands)
def match(self, expression):
for command in self:
if command.matches(expression):
return command
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