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Created December 1, 2014 23:22
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Generating XML from Swift.
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Foundation
protocol XMLChild {
var XMLNode: NSXMLNode { get }
extension String: XMLChild {
var XMLNode: NSXMLNode {
return NSXMLNode.textWithStringValue(self) as NSXMLNode
extension NSXMLNode: XMLChild {
var XMLNode: NSXMLNode {
return self
struct XMLAttributes: DictionaryLiteralConvertible, NilLiteralConvertible {
var XMLAttributeNodes: [NSXMLNode] = []
init() {}
init(nilLiteral: ()) {}
init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (String, String)...) {
for (name, value) in elements {
self[name] = value
subscript (name: String) -> String? {
get {
for attr in XMLAttributeNodes {
if == attr {
return attr.stringValue
return nil
set {
for (i, attr) in enumerate(XMLAttributeNodes) {
if == attr {
if let newValue = newValue {
attr.stringValue = newValue
else {
// Add a new one
if let newValue = newValue {
let node = NSXMLNode(kind: NSXMLNodeKind.NSXMLAttributeKind) = name
node.stringValue = newValue
func XMLTag(name: String)(attrs: XMLAttributes, builder: Void -> [XMLChild]) -> NSXMLElement {
let elem = NSXMLElement(name: name)
elem.attributes = attrs.XMLAttributeNodes
builder().map { $0.XMLNode }
return elem
func emptyXMLTag(name: String)(attrs: XMLAttributes) -> NSXMLElement {
let elem = NSXMLElement(kind: .NSXMLElementKind, options: Int(NSXMLNodeCompactEmptyElement)) = name
elem.attributes = attrs.XMLAttributeNodes
return elem
let html = XMLTag("html")
let head = XMLTag("head")
let title = XMLTag("title")
let body = XMLTag("body")
let p = XMLTag("p")
let img = emptyXMLTag("img")
let rootElem = html(attrs: nil) {[
head(attrs: nil) {[
title(attrs: nil) {[ "Hello, world!" ]}
body(attrs: nil) {[
p(attrs: nil) {[
"Hello, world!"
p(attrs: nil) {[
img(attrs: ["src": "urock.jpg"])
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