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Fix ExpressibleByStringInterpolation


String interpolation is a simple and powerful feature for expressing complex, runtime-created strings, but the current design of the ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol is so defective that it shipped deprecated in Swift 3. We propose a new, often-source-compatible design which distinguishes between literal and interpolated segments and tightens up the typing of literal segments.


ExpressibleByStringInterpolation allows users of String-like types to express those types as literals, even when the data is partially dynamic. Broadly speaking, there are three kinds of use cases for it:

  1. Types which represent unconstrained plain text, like Swift.String itself.

  2. Types which represent machine-readable code fragments, like SQLKit.SQLStatement or this blog post's SanitizedHTML. In these types, it's often unsafe to insert interpolated data verbatim; it must be escaped or passed out-of-band.

  3. Types which represent human-readable text with some sort of special structure, like this gist's LocalizableString.

Unfortunately, Swift 3's ExpressibleByStringInterpolation doesn't do a very good job of supporting the more sophisticated use cases like 2 and 3. This is because of four major defects in the protocol's design:

  1. All literal segments come in as String, not Self.

  2. Conforming types cannot easily tell which segments are literals and which are interpolations.

  3. Types supporting interpolation cannot easily constrain the types interpolated into them.

  4. Formatting is not integrated into interpolation.

This proposal addresses 1 and 2; 3 and 4 require more creativity and will be left for a separate proposal.

Technical background

When the Swift compiler parses a string literal, it divides it into chunks called segments, which are either literal segments (containing verbatim text) or interpolated segments (containing an expression to be evaluated and inserted into the text). Like all literals, string literals are then translated into calls to initializers in a corresponding literal protocol, but the segmentation makes string literals a little more complicated than most.

The degenerate case—one literal segment, no interpolated segments:

"Hello, world!"

Is handled very simply. Swift marks the expression as belonging to a type conforming to ExpressibleByStringLiteral, then translates the literal into a call to that protocol's init(stringLiteral:) initializer:

.init(stringLiteral: "Hello, world!")

And type inference will later determine the concrete type of the expression, defaulting to Swift.StringLiteralType (String by default) if the context does not constrain it.

If there is more than one segment, however:

"Hello, \(name)!"

The story gets more complicated. First, the literal segments undergo the processing described above; second, each segment is wrapped in a call to init(stringInterpolationSegment:); and finally, all of the calls are wrapped in a single call to init(stringInterpolation:), which concatenates them all into a single instance:

	.init(stringInterpolationSegment: .init(stringLiteral: "Hello, ")),
	.init(stringInterpolationSegment: name),
	.init(stringInterpolationSegment: .init(stringLiteral: "!"))

There are two important wrinkles here. The first is that init(stringInterpolationSegment:)'s parameter is an unconstrained generic type—that is, Swift has no reason to prefer any particular type for that parameter. The second is that init(stringInterpolation:)'s parameter type is Self..., so the init(stringInterpolationSegment:) calls themselves will always return the same type as that initializer.

Defect 1: Literal segments come in as String

Because init(stringInterpolationSegment:)'s parameter is an unconstrained generic type, Swift will always default to String.

This is a problem for types like SQLKit.SQLStatement, which needs to tell the difference between SQLStatement data (which is treated as code) and String data (which is passed out-of-band using a placeholder). It would also be a problem for types which want to represent String data in a different way, like a hypothetical ASCIIString type.

Defect 2: Literals and interpolations are indistinguishable

init(stringInterpolationSegment:) is called for both literal and interpolated segments, and—partially due to defect 1—there is no way to determine at that stage which you are processing at a given time.

There is a hack you can use to work around this. As currently implemented, the Swift parser always generates a literal segment first, and always alternates interpolation and literal segments. That means that even-indexed segments are always literal, and odd-indexed segments are always interpolated. If init(stringInterpolationSegment:) merely stores its parameter away, init(stringInterpolation:) can correctly interpret it in the context of the other segments.

Exploiting this trick makes it possible to do sophisticated things with interpolation, but it distorts the design of the type, sometimes forces the type to permit otherwise invalid states, and essentially requires init(stringInterpolationSegment:) to create "wrong" instances, trusting init(stringInterpolation:) to correct them later.

It also relies on an undocumented parser quirk that could easily be changed in the future. There are no tests in Swift 3 to ensure this behavior does not change, and doing so might speed up string literal construction.

Defect 3: Cannot constrain interpolated types

Types like SQLKit.SQLStatement only support certain certain types being interpolated—String, Data, Date, Bool, BinaryIntegers, FloatingPoints, and Decimals, but not UIViews, Arrays, or Users. Even LocalizableString, if implemented using String(format:) for Objective-C compatibility, can only handle CVarArg interpolations. ExpressibleByStringInterpolation cannot easily express these kind of constraints.

Like defect 2, there is a hack that sort of works around this. Swift does not only use the specific init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment: T) implementation listed in the protocol; it will actually consider all of its overloads as well. So you can implement the required initializer, but mark it @available(*, unavailable: 0.0), and then overload it without the annotation for the types you want to support. The compiler will emit an error if you try to use the unconstrained generic overload. Exploiting this, however, is a pretty dirty trick.

Defect 4: No formatting syntax

When interpolating a value into a string, it's often necessary to control details of how it's formatted—think of the radix of an integer or the precision of a floating-point value. Swift's standard way to do this is to write an expression which generates a formatted string, but this adds extra verbiage to the interpolated expression and (partially due to defect 3) limits the ability of types to override formatting.

When considering this problem, keep in mind that "formatting" is a very broad category of actions. For instance, SQLStatement might want to support inserting raw SQL from a String; that's a form of formatting. If SanitizedHTML wanted to wrap interpolated Dates in HTML5 <time> tags, that would be a form of formatting too.

Proposed solution

We defer working on defects 3 and 4 for a future proposal; these require more design work.

We address defects 1 and 2 by making ExpressibleByStringInterpolation a refinement of ExpressibleByStringLiteral and removing the init(stringInterpolationSegment:) call around literal segments. The "Hello, \(name)!" example above becomes:

	.init(stringLiteral: "Hello, "),
	.init(stringInterpolationSegment: name),
	.init(stringLiteral: "!")

This fixes both problems at once: literal segments are processed
by Self.init(stringLiteral:) instead of String.init(stringLiteral:), and only interpolated segments are processed by Self.init(stringInterpolationSegment:).

Detailed design

A prototype of this design is available in this branch.

In the constraint generator, we constrain all literal segments' types to equal the type of the InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr itself.

Draft note: This will complicate a constraint system which was radically simplified in 21ee10b, apparently to improve compile times; not having access to the underlying bug, I can't tell if this might cause a regression. I'd appreciate input from someone involved in the original fix, or who can at least see rdar://problem/29389887.

In the constraint applier, we only wrap interpolated segments, not literal segments, in init(stringInterpolationSegment:) calls.

Finally, we update the _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol in the standard library to make it require ExpressibleByStringLiteral conformance. (This is actually a sensible design anyway: you need this conformance to support literals without any interpolations.)

-public protocol _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {
+public protocol _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {

We also update its documentation to describe the new semantics; see this commit for precise proposed wording.

And...that's it. This change is surprisingly surgical.

Source compatibility

Strictly speaking, since ExpressibleByStringInterpolation is currently deprecated, source compatibility is not a concern. However, this design is source-compatible with most ExpressibleByStringInterpolation conformances in the wild. Most conforming types also conform to ExpressibleByStringLiteral, and it doesn't disrupt the segment-counting trick used in Swift 3 conformances.

Effect on ABI stability

This change breaks the current ExpressibleByStringInterpolation ABI, but brings it closer to a stage where it could be frozen, an important goal for ABI stability.

Effect on API resilience

There isn't a ton we could do to this API in the future without breaking compatibility; in particular, we can't narrow the types accepted by init(stringInterpolationSegment:), because there's no way to add an associated type which can be used to constrain its unconstrained T type parameter.

That's why we do not yet propose removing the deprecation on ExpressibleByStringInterpolation. Once we decide we're happy with this initializer's parameter type, we can do so.

Alternatives considered

We considered a more radical redesign of both string literals and string interpolation protocols, along the lines of:

protocol ExpressibleByStringLiteral: ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral {
  associatedtype StringLiteralSegmentType: _ExpressibleByBuiltinStringLiteral
  init(stringLiteral segments: Self...)
  init(stringLiteralSegment string: StringLiteralSegmentType)

protocol ExpressibleByStringInterpolation: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
  init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)

The idea would be to allow more consistent ASTs and code generation: instead of the current situation, where StringLiteralExprs sometimes stand alone and other times are nested within InterpolatedStringLiteralExprs, every string literal would be segmented, and it'd just be a question of whether all of those segments were StringLiteralExprs or not. It would also allow the compiler to generate segments for its own purposes—perhaps a multiline string literal would be easier to split into one segment per line. And it would make implementing string interpolation a little more consistent; as things are, the value returned by init(stringLiteral:) may or may not pass through init(stringInterpolation:), and init(stringLiteral:) has no way to know.

On the other hand, it would generate more calls and require types like StaticString to unnecessarily support concatenating multiple segments together. Those are very concrete harms compared to the abstract benefits of such a design.

We also considered renaming the initializers in ExpressibleByStringInterpolation:

protocol ExpressibleByStringInterpolation: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
  init(stringInterpolationSegments segments: Self...)
  init<T>(stringInterpolation expr: T)

This would give init(stringInterpolation:) a name more similar to init(stringLiteral:), but that doesn't seem like a particularly large benefit.

Future directions

We are considering a simple formatting system in which initializers on an associated type are used to express formatting. ExpressibleByStringInterpolation would be modified to add an associated type:

protocol ExpressibleByStringInterpolation: ExpressibleByStringLiteral {
  associatedtype StringInterpolationSegmentType = String

  init(stringInterpolation segments: Self...)
  init(stringInterpolationSegment string: StringInterpolationSegmentType)

And the \() syntax would be parsed as a parameter list, rather than a single expression, which would be used to look up an initializer on the StringInterpolationSegmentType:

"Hello, \(name)!"

	.init(stringLiteral: "Hello, "),
	.init(stringInterpolationSegment: .init(name)),
	.init(stringLiteral: "!")

Therefore, by adding additional parameters and using parameter labels, you could adjust the formatting of a value:

"Commit \(id, radix: 16)" as String

	String(stringLiteral: "Commit "),
	String(stringInterpolationSegment: String.StringInterpolationSegmentType(id, radix: 16)),
	String(stringLiteral: "!")

Types which just wanted String's standard formatting behavior would use String as their StringInterpolationSegmentType, but types which wanted custom formatting could use a different type:

// assume SQLStatement's StringInterpolationSegmentType is SQLStatement.

"SELECT \(raw: columnName) FROM users WHERE name = \(userName)" as SQLStatement

	SQLStatement(stringLiteral: "SELECT "),
	SQLStatement(stringInterpolationSegment: SQLStatement.StringInterpolationSegmentType(raw: columnName)),
	SQLStatement(stringLiteral: " FROM users WHERE name = "),
	SQLStatement(stringInterpolationSegment: SQLStatement.StringInterpolationSegmentType(userName)),
	SQLStatement(stringLiteral: "")

This has not been prototyped; there are open questions about self-interpolations, and it's not clear how well the type checker would handle the complexity. We will propose this separately once we've firmed it up a little.

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