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Created February 26, 2016 13:02
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GPflow vs. GPy
import GPy
import GPflow
import numpy as np
rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
X = rng.randn(100,2)
Y = rng.randn(100,1)
Xtest = rng.randn(10,2)
# GPy
m_gpy = GPy.models.GPRegression(X, Y)
# GPflow
m_gpflow = GPflow.gpr.GPR(X, Y, GPflow.kernels.RBF(1))
print m_gpy
print m_gpflow
print m_gpy.predict(Xtest)
print m_gpflow.predict_y(Xtest)
# Expected output
Name : GP regression
Objective : 144.20800383
Number of Parameters : 3
Number of Optimization Parameters : 3
Updates : True
GP_regression. | value | constraints | priors
rbf.variance | 1.0 | +ve |
rbf.lengthscale | 1.0 | +ve |
Gaussian_noise.variance | 1.0 | +ve |
model.likelihood.variance transform:+ve prior:None
[ 1.]
model.kern.lengthscales transform:+ve prior:None
[ 1.]
model.kern.variance transform:+ve prior:None
[ 1.]
[ 0.01115626],
[ 0.03996755],
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[ 1.2536379 ],
[ 1.06700106],
[ 1.090615 ],
[ 1.12538894],
[ 1.06045394],
[ 1.06845334],
[ 1.06448736]]))
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[ 1.02989084],
[ 1.03347398],
[ 1.0515597 ],
[ 1.03393089],
[ 1.02983322],
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