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Created July 29, 2014 11:48
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import org.apache.log4j.MDC
class LoggingFilters {
public static final String CORRELATION_HEADER = "X-CorrelationId" //Our Standard
def filters = {
correlationId(controller: '*', action: '*') { //For all requests
before = {
String correlationId = request.getHeader(CORRELATION_HEADER)
if (!correlationId) {
correlationId = UUID.randomUUID()
log.warn "message=CorrelationId does not exist along the request and hence autogenerated., CorrelationId=${correlationId}"
MDC.put 'correlationId', ", CorrelationId=${correlationId}"
//If we still have an uncommited response which we should and no correlation header yet set one.
if (!response.isCommitted() && !response.getHeader(CORRELATION_HEADER)) {
response.setHeader(CORRELATION_HEADER, correlationId)
//This header can be overridden by controller logic if needed
after = { Map model ->
MDC.remove 'correlationId'
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