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Forked from t2psyto/
Created January 28, 2014 04:18
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# -*- coding: cp932 -*-
import win32gui, win32ui, win32con
import time, random
import webbrowser
# IEでflashのペイントソフトを開く
ie = webbrowser.get(webbrowser.iexplore)"")
time.sleep(3) #ロード完了するまでちょっと待つ
def searchChildWindows(currentHwnd, wantedText="",wantedClass="", wantedFunction=""):
results = []
childWindows = []
except win32gui.error:
# This seems to mean that the control *cannot* have child windows,
# i.e. not a container.
#print "childWindows:", len(childWindows)
count = 0
for childHwnd, windowText, windowClass in childWindows:
#print count
count = count + 1
#descendentMatchingHwnds = searchChildWindows(childHwnd)
#if descendentMatchingHwnds:
# results += descendentMatchingHwnds
if wantedText and \
not _normaliseText(wantedText) in _normaliseText(windowText):
if wantedClass and \
not windowClass == wantedClass:
#if selectionFunction and \
# not selectionFunction(childHwnd):
# continue
#print childHwnd, windowText, windowClass
return results
def _windowEnumerationHandler(hwnd, resultList):
'''Pass to win32gui.EnumWindows() to generate list of window handle,
window text, window class tuples.'''
hwnd = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow()
hwnd2 = win32gui.FindWindowEx(hwnd, None, "IEFrame", None)
results = searchChildWindows(hwnd2,wantedClass="TabWindowClass")
flashobjs = []
for local_hwnd in results:
print local_hwnd, win32gui.GetClassName(local_hwnd), win32gui.GetWindowText(local_hwnd)
results2 = searchChildWindows(local_hwnd,wantedClass='MacromediaFlashPlayerActiveX')
print results2
## for DEBUG; ウィンドウハンドルの情報を表示
for local_hwnd2 in results2:
print "\t", local_hwnd2, win32gui.GetClassName(local_hwnd2), win32gui.GetWindowText(local_hwnd2), win32gui.GetWindowRect(local_hwnd2)
# xy座標をlParamに変換
def MAKELPARAM(point):
x, y = point
#lParam = (y << 16) | (x & 0xffff)
lParam = y << 16 | x
return lParam
# ウィンドウの座標(point) を 左クリックする
def send_click(local_hwnd, point):
#print local_hwnd
lParam = MAKELPARAM(point)
cwnd_paint = win32ui.CreateWindowFromHandle(local_hwnd)
#最初に LBUTTONUP がないとマウスクリック反応しなかった
cwnd_paint.SendMessage(win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, lParam)
cwnd_paint.SendMessage(win32con.WM_LBUTTONDOWN, win32con.MK_LBUTTON, lParam)
time.sleep(1) #1秒押しっぱなし
cwnd_paint.SendMessage(win32con.WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, lParam)
# 最初に見つけたFlashObject
# fixme: flashobjectを複数開いている場合にはまだ対応できてない。
hwnd_flash = flashobjs[0]
send_click(hwnd_flash, (26,130))
#flashobject内のランダムな座標を左クリック x10回
for n in range(10):
x = random.randint(50, 500)
y = random.randint(50, 500)
send_click(hwnd_flash, (x,y))
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