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Created May 5, 2014 20:34
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Feature: Create presentations
As a presenter
I want to create a new presentation
So that I can present a new concept
Scenario: Create a new blank presentation
Given I am signed in
When I create a new presentation
Then the list of my presentations should contain my new presentation
Feature: Presentation Management
As a presenter
I want to manage my presentations
So that I can find the presentations presentations I want to give easily
Scenario: List presentations
Given I am signed in
And I have created some presentations
When I start the application
Then I should be presented with a list of my presntations' names and modified dates
And the list of my presentations should be listed in order of modifed date
Scenario: Keep list of presentations up to date
Given I am signed in
When I create a presentation
Then that presentation should be in the list of my presentations
When I change a presentation
Then that presentation's modified date should be updated in the list
When I delete a presentation
Then that presentation should be removed from the list
When I rename a presentation
Then the presentation's name should be updated in the list
Scenario: Delete a presentation
Given I am signed in
And I have created some presentations
When I delete a presentation
And confirm I wish to delete it
Then the list of my presentations should not include that presentation
Scenario: Sort presentations
Given I am signed in
And I have created some presentations
When I sort the presentations by name
Then the list of presentations should be listed alphabetically by name
When I sort the presentations by date
Then the list of presentations should be listed in order of modified date
Scenario: Rename a presentation
Given I am signed in
And I have created some presentations
When I choose to rename a presentation
And I provide the new name for the presentation
Then the presentation should be listed with the new nam
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