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Last active February 18, 2020 10:40
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set -e
set -o pipefail
echo "Getting tables"
# Unforunately tables, despite giving the frontend definition, does not give columns so we'll need to get the tables individually.
TABLE_IDS=$(for i in {1..15}; do curl --insecure --fail "${TABLES_URL}" && break || sleep 5; done | jq -r 'keys | .[]')
echo "$TABLE_IDS"
TABLE_INFO=$(while IFS= read -r ID; do curl --insecure --fail "${TABLE_BASE_URL}/${ID}" | jq -rc "{\"$ID\": .}"; done <<< "$TABLE_IDS" | jq -nc 'reduce inputs as $in (null; . + $in)')
echo "$TABLE_INFO"
echo "Getting destinations"
DESTINATION_IDS=$(curl --insecure --fail "${DESTINATIONS_URL}" | jq -r '.destinations | keys | .[]')
echo "Pushing"
while IFS= read -r ID; do
DESTINATION_TYPES=$(curl --insecure --fail "${DESTINATION_BASE_URL}/${ID}" | jq -rc '.coercions | to_entries | map(.value = (.value[0] | del(.label))) | from_entries')
PUSH_TABLE_INFO=$(printf "${TABLE_INFO}" | jq -rc --argjson types "${DESTINATION_TYPES}" "to_entries | map(select(select( | (contains(\"[Archived]\") or contains(\"${ID}\")) | not)) | (.value = { path: (\"/\" + ( | gsub(\"[^\\\w]+\";\"_\"))), columns: .value.columns | map({ name: .column, type: \$types[.type] })})) | from_entries")
PUSH_BODY="{ \"tables\": ${PUSH_TABLE_INFO} }"
echo ""
echo "Starting push to destination ${ID}"
echo "${PUSH_BODY}"
curl --insecure -v --fail -H 'Content-Type: application/vnd.slamdata.start-pushes; version="1"' -X POST "${DESTINATION_BASE_URL}/${ID}/pushes" --data-binary "${PUSH_BODY}"
echo ""
echo "Success"
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