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Last active November 14, 2017 03:12
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DefCamp CTF Finals - Security CCTV (misc) - NorthernCoalition
import cv2
import numpy as np
import os
import subprocess
# Download the current frame
os.system("curl > out.png")
# Find the homography for the QR code displayed on the phone to a 200x200 image
# These are the coordinates of the corners of the QR code on the image
from_points = [
(2325, 1626), # top left
(2244, 1710), # top right
(2121, 1655), # bottom right
(2204, 1572) # bottom left
to_points = [
(0, 0),
(200, 0),
(200, 200),
(0, 200)
h, _ = cv2.findHomography(np.array(from_points), np.array(to_points))
print h
base_image = cv2.imread('out.png')
warped = cv2.warpPerspective(base_image, h, (200, 200))
# Find the homography for the QR code reflection to a 200x200 image
from_points = [
(2073, 1617),
(2123, 1607),
(2158, 1705),
(2133, 1710)
# These points have been approximated such that the resulting image is somewhat straight
to_points = [
(0, 0),
(0, 110),
(200, 55),
(200, 0)
h, _ = cv2.findHomography(np.array(from_points), np.array(to_points))
print h
corner = cv2.warpPerspective(base_image, h, (200, 200))
# Fill in cyan the part of the phone QR code that is overlayed by a tissue
cv2.fillConvexPoly(warped, np.array([(0, 0), (150, 0), (55, 100), (0, 80)]), (255, 255, 0))
cv2.imwrite('back.png', warped)
cv2.imwrite('corner.png', corner)
# Make the cyan transparent to overlay the images
os.system("convert back.png -transparent cyan back_t.png")
# The reflection is a bit darker so the brightness/contrast is increased a bit
os.system("mogrify -brightness-contrast 20x50 corner.png")
# Compose both images and apply a slight shift (+2 in x, +1 in y)
os.system("composite corner.png back_t.png -geometry +2+1 -compose dstover result.png")
# Add the missing "tracking box" otherwise the QR code can't be perperly decoded
os.system("composite tracker.png result.png -gravity center -compose over result2.png")
# Add a white margin around the resulting QR code
os.system("composite result2.png white.png -gravity center -compose over result3.png")
# Increase the brightness/contrast of the overall image to make zbarimg happier
os.system("mogrify -brightness-contrast 10,20 result3.png")
# Read the QR code
token = subprocess.check_output(['zbarimg', '-q', 'result3.png']).split(':')[1].strip()
print token
# Submit it, get dat flag
os.system("curl '' --data 'token=%s'" % token)
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