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Capabilities test for Webstars CMS
* Webstars Application
* This file tests the capabilities of the web server to insure that a Zend Framework CMS will run smoothly
* @category WS
* @package WS
* @copyright 2005-2010 WebstarsLTD (
//error reporting
ini_set('display_errors', 'Off');
function warning_handler($a, $e){
throw new Exception('Warning: ' . $e);
function error_handler($a, $e){
throw new Exception('Error: ' . $e);
set_error_handler('warning_handler', E_WARNING);
set_error_handler('error_handler', E_ERROR);
$results = array(
'apache' => array(
'status' => false,
'version' => '2.2.3',
'error' => 'Your apache version is %s. The required version is %s'
'mod_rewrite' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'mod_rewrite is not enabled as an apache module'
'mod_expires' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'mod_expires is used by the application to serve cached content. If this module is not available your application will be less responsive and will consume more bandwidth'
'mod_deflate' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'mod_deflate is used by the application to serve packed content. If this module is not available your application will consume more bandwidth'
'php' => array(
'status' => false,
'version' => '5.3.6',
'error' => 'The PHP version is %s, but %s is required'
'gd' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'The php GD library is required for image processing to work'
'magic_quotes_gpc' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'The magic quotes gpc option must be switched off'
'register_globals' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'The register_globals option must be switched off'
'file_uploads' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'File uploads must be enabled'
'open_basedir' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'Open basedir restriction must be switched off'
'safe_mode' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'PHP safe mode must be turned off'
'short_open_tag'=> array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'The PHP short open tag must be enabled'
'pdo' => array(
'status' => false,
'error' => 'php-pdo must be installed with the mysql driver'
'mysql' => array(
'status' => false,
'version' => '5.0.0',
'error' => 'MySql %s was found but at least %s must be installed',
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<h1>Webstars CMS server capabilities test</h1>
<table width="100%" border="1" class="testtable">
//Start test
try {
$modules = (array)apache_get_modules();
} catch (Exception $e) {
$noModules = true;
$noModules = true;
foreach($results as $key => &$options){
case 'apache':
$version_arr = explode('/', $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']);
$version_arr = explode(' ', $version_arr[1]);
$options['currentVersion'] = $version_arr[0];
$options['status'] = version_compare($options['currentVersion'], $options['version']) >= 0;
case 'mod_rewrite':
$options['status'] = $noModules ? 0 : in_array($key, $modules);
$options['error'] = 'Can\'t check for active apache modules';
case 'mod_expires':
case 'mod_deflate':
$options['status'] = $noModules ? 0 : (in_array($key, $modules) ? true : 0);
$options['error'] = 'Can\'t check for active apache modules';
case 'php':
$options['currentVersion'] = phpversion();
$options['status'] = version_compare($options['currentVersion'], $options['version']) >= 0;
case 'gd':
$options['status'] = extension_loaded('gd') && function_exists('gd_info');
case 'magic_quotes_gpc':
case 'register_globals':
case 'open_basedir':
case 'safe_mode':
$options['status'] = (bool)ini_get($key) == false;
case 'file_uploads':
case 'short_open_tag':
$options['status'] = (bool)ini_get($key) == true;
case 'pdo':
$options['status'] = defined('PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME') && defined('PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_LOCAL_INFILE');
case 'mysql':
$options['status'] = 0;
$options['error'] = 'Function mysql_get_server_info() does not exist. Cannot check for mysql version';
$version = mysql_get_server_info();
if($version === false){
$options['error'] = 'Can\'t check for mysql version';
$options['status'] = 0;
$options['currentVersion'] = $version;
$options['status'] = version_compare($version, $options['version']) >= 0;
}catch(Exception $e){
$options['status'] = 0;
$options['error'] = 'Can\'t check for mysql version';
case 'java':
exec("java", $output);
$options['status'] = count($output) > 20;
//display result
$class = $options['status'] === false ? 'red' : ($options['status'] === 0 ? 'yellow' : 'lightgreen');
$colour = $options['status'] === false ? 'white' : 'black';
$message = $options['status'] === true ? 'OK' : sprintf($options['error'], $options['currentVersion'], $options['version']);
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td style="background-color:#eee;">'.$key.'</td>';
echo '<td class="'.$class.'">'.$message.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
<br />
<table width="100%" border="1" class="testtable">
<td colspan="2" style="background-color:#eee;">Install one of the following versioning systems on CentOS</td>
<td><strong>yum install subversion</strong></td>
<td><strong>yum install git-core</strong></td>
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