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Created November 12, 2020 02:46
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Mancala Bot
import input from './input.js';
const captureEmptyPots = false;
const captureOwnPieces = false;
const aiMoveDepth = 8;
const initialBoard = {
one: Array(6).fill(3),
two: Array(6).fill(3),
onePot: 0,
twoPot: 0
* Board layout:
* 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 2.0
* 2 1
* 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
function copyBoard(board) {
return {
onePot: board.onePot,
twoPot: board.twoPot,
one: [],
two: [...board.two]
const nextPlayer = {
'one': 'two',
'two': 'one'
const sum = arr => arr.reduce((a, b) => a+b, 0);
const canCapture = (player, boardSide) => {
return captureOwnPieces || player === boardSide;
function updateBoard(board, move, player) {
let number = board[player][move];
let boardSide = player;
const newBoard = copyBoard(board);
newBoard[player][move] = 0;
let changePlayer;
do {
changePlayer = true;
// Place a seed into each hollow in turn.
for (; move < 6 && number > 0; move++, number--) {
// Placing a seed into each player's pot after their hollows.
if (number > 0) {
changePlayer = false;
// Capturing the other side's seeds.
else if (newBoard[boardSide][move - 1] === 1 && canCapture(player, boardSide)) {
const otherSidePot = 6 - move;
const otherSide = nextPlayer[boardSide];
const otherSidePotAmount = newBoard[otherSide][otherSidePot];
if (captureEmptyPots || otherSidePotAmount > 0) {
newBoard[otherSide][otherSidePot] = 0;
newBoard[boardSide][move - 1] = 0;
newBoard[`${boardSide}Pot`] += otherSidePotAmount + 1;
boardSide = nextPlayer[boardSide];
move -= 6;
} while (number > 0);
player = changePlayer ? nextPlayer[player] : player;
return {newBoard, player};
function printBoard(board) {
let lineOne = ' ';
for (let i = 5; i >= 0; i--) {
lineOne += board.two[i] + ' ';
let lineTwo = board.twoPot + ' '.repeat(12) + board.onePot;
let lineThree = ' ';
for (let pot of {
lineThree += pot + ' ';
function assert(b) {
if (!b) throw new Error("Assertion failed");
else console.log("✔");
function arrayEq(a1, a2) {
return a1.length === a2.length && a1.every((a, i) => a2[i] === a);
function boardEq(board1, board2) {
return (
board1.onePot === board2.onePot &&
board2.twoPot === board2.twoPot &&
arrayEq(, &&
arrayEq(board1.two, board2.two)
function getRandomMove(board, player) {
while (true) {
const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 6);
if (board[player][random] !== 0) return random;
const range = n => Array(n).fill(null).map((_, i) => i);
function getMoves(board, player) {
return range(6).filter(i => board[player][i] !== 0);
function score(board, player) {
return board[`${player}Pot`] - board[`${nextPlayer[player]}Pot`];
function finalScore(board, player) {
const playerHollows = sum(board[player]);
const otherHollows = sum(board[nextPlayer[player]]);
return score(board, player) + playerHollows - otherHollows;
* Maximise the minimum score possible by playing a move.
function maxMinMove(board, player, depth, maxForPlayer) {
// When we can't make any more moves, just calculate the "final score" of the board.
if (depth === -1 || isGameOver(board, player)) {
return [null, finalScore(board, maxForPlayer)];
// Get our list of possible moves and set a default we'll definitely beat.
const moves = getMoves(board, player);
const maximise = maxForPlayer === player;
const worstScore = maximise ? -Infinity : Infinity;
let bestMove = [moves[0], worstScore];
for (let move of moves) {
// Get the next board state with each move.
const nextState = updateBoard(board, move, player);
// Get the next min/max score for the board created by this move.
const [_, score] = maxMinMove(nextState.newBoard, nextState.player, depth - 1, maxForPlayer);
// If we're maximising, set the new max; if minimising likewise.
const setNewMax = maximise && score >= bestMove[1];
const setNewMin = (!maximise) && score <= bestMove[1];
if (setNewMax || setNewMin) {
bestMove = [move, score];
return bestMove;
function getAIMove(board, player) {
return maxMinMove(board, player, aiMoveDepth, player)[0];
function isGameOver(board, player) {
const eqZero = x => x === 0;
return board[player].every(eqZero);
async function game() {
let player = 'one';
let gameBoard = copyBoard(initialBoard);
while (!isGameOver(gameBoard, player)) {
let move;
console.log(`It's player ${player}'s turn`);
if (player === 'one') {
move = parseInt(await input("Move (0-5): "), 10);
} else {
move = getAIMove(gameBoard, player);
console.log("AI move:", move);
const result = updateBoard(gameBoard, move, player);
gameBoard = result.newBoard;
player = result.player;
console.log("Game over!");
console.log("Player one: ", gameBoard.onePot + sum(;
console.log("Player two: ", gameBoard.twoPot + sum(gameBoard.two));
function testSimpleMoves() {
const board1 = copyBoard(initialBoard);
assert(boardEq(board1, initialBoard));
const board2 = updateBoard(board1, 0, 'one').newBoard;
assert(boardEq(board2, {
one: [0, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3],
two: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
onePot: 0,
twoPot: 0
const board3 = updateBoard(board2, 4, 'one').newBoard;
assert(boardEq(board3, {
one: [0, 4, 4, 4, 0, 4],
two: [4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
onePot: 1,
twoPot: 0
const board4 = updateBoard(board3, 5, 'two').newBoard;
assert(boardEq(board4, {
one: [1, 5, 4, 4, 0, 4],
two: [4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0],
onePot: 1,
twoPot: 1
const board5 = updateBoard(board4, 0, 'two').newBoard;
assert(boardEq(board5, {
one: [1, 5, 4, 4, 0, 4],
two: [0, 4, 4, 4, 4, 0],
onePot: 1,
twoPot: 1
const board6 = updateBoard(board5, 1, 'two').newBoard;
assert(boardEq(board6, {
one: [0, 5, 4, 4, 0, 4],
two: [0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 0],
onePot: 1,
twoPot: 3
function testFinalScore() {
const board = {
onePot: 1,
twoPot: 2,
one: [0, 0, 10, 11, 0, 0],
two: [6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0]
assert(finalScore(board, 'one') === 9);
assert(finalScore(board, 'two') === 13-22);
function tests() {
const mmBoard1 = copyBoard(initialBoard);
let move, score;
// No capture possible at 1 level deep.
[move, score] = maxMinMove(mmBoard1, 'one', 0, 'one');
assert(move === 3);
assert(score === 0);
// Two levels deep, including a capture.
[move, score] = maxMinMove(mmBoard1, 'one', 2, 'one');
assert(move === 3);
assert(score === 6);
// tests();
// input.js
import readline from 'readline';
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
export default function input(message) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
rl.question(message, (answer) => {
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