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Bolt command reference

These subcommands, actions, and options are available for Bolt.


Usage: bolt apply <manifest.pp>

apply a manifest on a Windows host via WinRM, providing for the password
  bolt apply site.pp -n winrm://winhost -u Administrator -p
apply a manifest on the local machine, a Linux host via SSH, and hosts from a group specified in an inventory file
  bolt apply site.pp -n localhost,nixhost,node_group
apply a manifest on Windows hosts queried from PuppetDB via WinRM as a domain user, prompting for the password
  bolt apply site.pp -q 'inventory[certname] { = "windows" }' --transport winrm -u 'domain\Administrator' -p

  bolt apply site.pp --nodes,

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-u, --user USER User to authenticate as
-p, --password [PASSWORD] Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
--private-key KEY Private ssh key to authenticate with
--[no-]host-key-check Check host keys with SSH
--[no-]ssl Use SSL with WinRM
--[no-]ssl-verify Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
--run-as USER User to run as using privilege escalation
--sudo-password [PASSWORD] Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--[no-]save-rerun Whether to update the rerun file after this command.
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--transport TRANSPORT Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
--connect-timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout (defaults vary)
--[no-]tty Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
--[no-]color Whether to show output in color
-v, --[no-]verbose Display verbose logging
--trace Display error stack traces
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--noop Execute a task that supports it in noop mode
-e, --execute CODE Puppet manifest code to apply to the targets
--compile-concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous manifest block compiles (default: number of cores)

command run

Usage: bolt command &lt;action> &lt;command>

Available actions are:
  run                              Run a command remotely

run hostname on a Windows host via WinRM, providing for the password
  bolt command run hostname -n winrm://winhost -u Administrator -p
run hostname on the local machine, a Linux host via SSH, and hosts from a group specified in an inventory file
  bolt command run hostname -n localhost,nixhost,node_group
run hostname on Windows hosts queried from PuppetDB via WinRM as a domain user, prompting for the password
  bolt command run hostname -q 'inventory[certname] { = "windows" }' --transport winrm -u 'domain\Administrator' -p

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-u, --user USER User to authenticate as
-p, --password [PASSWORD] Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
--private-key KEY Private ssh key to authenticate with
--[no-]host-key-check Check host keys with SSH
--[no-]ssl Use SSL with WinRM
--[no-]ssl-verify Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
--run-as USER User to run as using privilege escalation
--sudo-password [PASSWORD] Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--[no-]save-rerun Whether to update the rerun file after this command.
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--transport TRANSPORT Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
--connect-timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout (defaults vary)
--[no-]tty Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
--[no-]color Whether to show output in color
-v, --[no-]verbose Display verbose logging
--trace Display error stack traces
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging

file upload

Usage: bolt file &lt;action>

Available actions are:
  upload &lt;src> &lt;dest>              Upload local file or directory &lt;src> to &lt;dest> on each node

upload a file to a Windows host via WinRM, providing for the password
  bolt file upload /tmp/source /etc/profile.d/ -n winrm://winhost -u Administrator -p
upload a file to the local machine, a Linux host via SSH, and hosts from a group specified in an inventory file
  bolt file upload /tmp/source /etc/profile.d/ -n localhost,nixhost,node_group
upload a file to Windows hosts queried from PuppetDB via WinRM as a domain user, prompting for the password
  bolt file upload /tmp/source /etc/profile.d/ -q 'inventory[certname] { = "windows" }' --transport winrm -u 'domain\Administrator' -p

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-u, --user USER User to authenticate as
-p, --password [PASSWORD] Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
--private-key KEY Private ssh key to authenticate with
--[no-]host-key-check Check host keys with SSH
--[no-]ssl Use SSL with WinRM
--[no-]ssl-verify Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
--run-as USER User to run as using privilege escalation
--sudo-password [PASSWORD] Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--[no-]save-rerun Whether to update the rerun file after this command.
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--transport TRANSPORT Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
--connect-timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout (defaults vary)
--[no-]tty Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
--[no-]color Whether to show output in color
-v, --[no-]verbose Display verbose logging
--trace Display error stack traces
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--tmpdir DIR The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target

group show

Usage: bolt group &lt;action>

Available actions are:
  show                     Show the list of groups in the inventory

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

inventory show

Usage: bolt inventory &lt;action>

Available actions are:
  show                     Show the list of targets an action would run on

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

plan convert

Usage: bolt plan convert &lt;plan_path>

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

plan run

Usage: bolt plan run &lt;plan> [parameters]

Parameters are of the form &lt;parameter>=&lt;value>.

run the canary plan on a Windows host via WinRM, providing for the password
  bolt plan run canary command=hostname -n winrm://winhost -u Administrator -p
run the canary plan on the local machine, a Linux host via SSH, and hosts from a group specified in an inventory file
  bolt plan run canary command=hostname -n localhost,nixhost,node_group
run the canary plan on Windows hosts queried from PuppetDB via WinRM as a domain user, prompting for the password
  bolt plan run canary command=hostname -q 'inventory[certname] { = "windows" }' --transport winrm -u 'domain\Administrator' -p

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-u, --user USER User to authenticate as
-p, --password [PASSWORD] Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
--private-key KEY Private ssh key to authenticate with
--[no-]host-key-check Check host keys with SSH
--[no-]ssl Use SSL with WinRM
--[no-]ssl-verify Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
--run-as USER User to run as using privilege escalation
--sudo-password [PASSWORD] Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--[no-]save-rerun Whether to update the rerun file after this command.
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--transport TRANSPORT Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
--connect-timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout (defaults vary)
--[no-]tty Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
--[no-]color Whether to show output in color
-v, --[no-]verbose Display verbose logging
--trace Display error stack traces
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--params PARAMETERS Parameters to a task or plan as json, a json file '@<file>', or on stdin '-'
--compile-concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous manifest block compiles (default: number of cores)
--tmpdir DIR The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target

plan show

Usage: bolt plan show &lt;plan>

Available actions are:
  show                             Show list of available plans
  show &lt;plan>                      Show details for plan

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

puppetfile generate-types

Usage: bolt puppetfile generate-types

Generate type references to register in Plans
  bolt puppetfile generate-types

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

puppetfile install

Usage: bolt puppetfile install

Install modules into the local Boltdir
  bolt puppetfile install

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

puppetfile show-modules

Usage: bolt puppetfile show-modules

List modules available to Bolt
  bolt puppetfile show-modules

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)

script run

Usage: bolt script &lt;action> &lt;script> [[arg1] ... [argN]]

Available actions are:
  run                              Upload a local script and run it remotely

run a script on a Windows host via WinRM, providing for the password
  bolt script run my_script.ps1 some args -n winrm://winhost -u Administrator -p
run a script on the local machine, a Linux host via SSH, and hosts from a group specified in an inventory file
  bolt script run my_script.ps1 some args -n localhost,nixhost,node_group
run a script on Windows hosts queried from PuppetDB via WinRM as a domain user, prompting for the password
  bolt script run my_script.ps1 some args -q 'inventory[certname] { = "windows" }' --transport winrm -u 'domain\Administrator' -p

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-u, --user USER User to authenticate as
-p, --password [PASSWORD] Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
--private-key KEY Private ssh key to authenticate with
--[no-]host-key-check Check host keys with SSH
--[no-]ssl Use SSL with WinRM
--[no-]ssl-verify Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
--run-as USER User to run as using privilege escalation
--sudo-password [PASSWORD] Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--[no-]save-rerun Whether to update the rerun file after this command.
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--transport TRANSPORT Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
--connect-timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout (defaults vary)
--[no-]tty Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
--[no-]color Whether to show output in color
-v, --[no-]verbose Display verbose logging
--trace Display error stack traces
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--tmpdir DIR The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target

secret createkeys

Usage: bolt secret &lt;action> &lt;value>
Manage secrets for inventory and hiera data.

Available actions are:
  createkeys               Create new encryption keys
  encrypt                  Encrypt a value
  decrypt                  Decrypt a value

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--plugin PLUGIN Select the plugin to use

secret decrypt

Usage: bolt secret &lt;action> &lt;value>
Manage secrets for inventory and hiera data.

Available actions are:
  createkeys               Create new encryption keys
  encrypt                  Encrypt a value
  decrypt                  Decrypt a value

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--plugin PLUGIN Select the plugin to use

secret encrypt

Usage: bolt secret &lt;action> &lt;value>
Manage secrets for inventory and hiera data.

Available actions are:
  createkeys               Create new encryption keys
  encrypt                  Encrypt a value
  decrypt                  Decrypt a value

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--plugin PLUGIN Select the plugin to use

task run

Usage: bolt task run &lt;task> [parameters]

Parameters are of the form &lt;parameter>=&lt;value>.

run facter on a Windows host via WinRM, providing for the password
  bolt task run facts -n winrm://winhost -u Administrator -p
run facter on the local machine, a Linux host via SSH, and hosts from a group specified in an inventory file
  bolt task run facts -n localhost,nixhost,node_group
run facter on Windows hosts queried from PuppetDB via WinRM as a domain user, prompting for the password
  bolt task run facts -q 'inventory[certname] { = "windows" }' --transport winrm -u 'domain\Administrator' -p

Available options are:
Option Description
-n, --nodes NODES Alias for --targets
-t, --targets TARGETS Identifies the targets of command.
Enter a comma-separated list of target URIs or group names.
Or read a target list from an input file '@<file>' or stdin '-'.
Example: --targets localhost,node_group,ssh://,winrm://
URI format is [protocol://]host[:port]
SSH is the default protocol; may be ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
For Windows targets, specify the winrm:// protocol if it has not be configured
For SSH, port defaults to 22
For WinRM, port defaults to 5985 or 5986 based on the --[no-]ssl setting
-q, --query QUERY Query PuppetDB to determine the targets
--rerun FILTER Retry on nodes from the last run
'all' all nodes that were part of the last run.
'failure' nodes that failed in the last run.
'success' nodes that succeeded in the last run.
--description DESCRIPTION Description to use for the job
-u, --user USER User to authenticate as
-p, --password [PASSWORD] Password to authenticate with. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
--private-key KEY Private ssh key to authenticate with
--[no-]host-key-check Check host keys with SSH
--[no-]ssl Use SSL with WinRM
--[no-]ssl-verify Verify remote host SSL certificate with WinRM
--run-as USER User to run as using privilege escalation
--sudo-password [PASSWORD] Password for privilege escalation. Omit the value to prompt for the password.
-c, --concurrency CONCURRENCY Maximum number of simultaneous connections (default: 100)
-i, --inventoryfile FILEPATH Specify where to load inventory from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/inventory.yaml)
--[no-]save-rerun Whether to update the rerun file after this command.
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
--transport TRANSPORT Specify a default transport: ssh, winrm, pcp, local, docker, remote
--connect-timeout TIMEOUT Connection timeout (defaults vary)
--[no-]tty Request a pseudo TTY on nodes that support it
--format FORMAT Output format to use: human or json
--[no-]color Whether to show output in color
-v, --[no-]verbose Display verbose logging
--trace Display error stack traces
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
--params PARAMETERS Parameters to a task or plan as json, a json file '@<file>', or on stdin '-'
--tmpdir DIR The directory to upload and execute temporary files on the target

task show

Usage: bolt task show &lt;task>

Available actions are:
  show                             Show list of available tasks
  show &lt;task>                      Show documentation for task

Available options are:
Option Description
-h, --help Display help
--version Display the version
--debug Display debug logging
-m, --modulepath MODULES List of directories containing modules, separated by ':'
Directories are case-sensitive
--boltdir FILEPATH Specify what Boltdir to load config from (default: autodiscovered from current working dir)
--configfile FILEPATH Specify where to load config from (default: ~/.puppetlabs/bolt/bolt.yaml)
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