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Created October 5, 2023 19:56
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import SwiftUI
import SwiftData
struct SectionedQuery<SectionIdentifier, Result>
where SectionIdentifier: Hashable, Result: PersistentModel {
private let sectionIdentifier: KeyPath<Result, SectionIdentifier>
@Query private var results: [Result]
var wrappedValue: SectionedResults<SectionIdentifier, Result> {
SectionedResults(sectionIdentifier: sectionIdentifier,
results: results)
init<Value>(_ sectionIdentifier: KeyPath<Result, SectionIdentifier>,
filter: Predicate<Result>? = nil,
sort keyPath: KeyPath<Result, Value>,
order: SortOrder = .forward,
animation: Animation = .default) where Value: Comparable {
self.sectionIdentifier = sectionIdentifier
_results = Query(filter: filter,
sort: keyPath,
order: order,
animation: animation)
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