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Last active August 31, 2021 19:33
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my source control process based roughly on git flow

Source Control Process


git clone<repo name>.git


Assumes fresh repo and always branching from master branch

## clone repo  
cd <RepoName>
git checkout -b <New Branch>  
git push origin --set-upstream <New Branch>


Add individual files specific to an individual change.

git add <filename>
# note: message format [ticket tracker abreviation-ticket number] Call me Ishmael
git commit -m “<[MON-####] - meaningful short message>”
git push <Branch Name>

keeping up to date with remote development branch

git fetch --all
git fetch --tags
git remote prune origin
git pull --rebase
git push origin <branch name>

keeping up to date with master

git fetch --all
git fetch --tags
git remote prune origin
git pull --rebase origin master
# note: the next command will rewrite history
git push -f origin <branch name>

tag messages

git tag -a <tag number> -m “[RFC-####] - meaningful message”

promoting to master

Upon completion, if there are merge conflicts see keeping up to date with master above.

git fetch --all
git fetch --tags
git remote prune origin
git checkout master
git merge <tag number>
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