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beenhero beenhero

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"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"unspents": [
"occupiedCapacity": "6100000000",
"blockNumber": 551915,
"txHash": "0x2a53e0ec7760a776391af1e8fde0a68a697c9e3d56bdb3c80c89f4d095eb49ce",
"index": 85,
"derivedPath": "0/0",
// File: openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ownership/Claimable.sol
* @title Claimable
* @dev Extension for the Ownable contract, where the ownership needs to be claimed.
* This allows the new owner to accept the transfer.
contract Claimable is Ownable {
address public pendingOwner;
// File: contracts/Exponential.sol
pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
* @title Exponential module for storing fixed-decision decimals
* @author Compound
* @notice Exp is a struct which stores decimals with a fixed precision of 18 decimal places.
* Thus, if we wanted to store the 5.1, mantissa would store 5.1e18. That is:
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Ownable.sol";
import "./Token.sol";
contract Airdropper is Ownable {
function multisend(address _tokenAddr, address[] dests, uint256[] values)
public onlyOwner
returns (uint256) {
uint256 i = 0;
pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
import "./Token.sol";
import "./Math.sol";
contract ERC20 is Token {
using Math for *;
mapping (address => uint) balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) allowances;
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var eos_sale_address_main = "0xd0a6e6c54dbc68db5db3a091b171a77407ff7ccf"
var eos_token_address_main = "0x86fa049857e0209aa7d9e616f7eb3b3b78ecfdb0"
var eos_sale, eos_token
var state
var kovan = {
name: "Kovan",
Verifying issuance of colored coins asset with ID #Ua4Vuiwxg9L5dhFbZu84aSxgSrHM21DVsvg6gL
beenhero / gist:1619715
Created January 16, 2012 08:13
GCC problem
/Users/Ben/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@sc/gems/yard-0.7.3/lib/yard.rb:38: [BUG] Bus Error
ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09 revision 32553) [x86_64-darwin11.2.0]
-- control frame ----------
c:0035 p:---- s:0105 b:0105 l:000104 d:000104 CFUNC :callcc
c:0034 p:0080 s:0102 b:0102 l:001a10 d:001a10 TOP /Users/Ben/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@sc/gems/yard-0.7.3/lib/yard.rb:38
c:0033 p:---- s:0099 b:0099 l:000098 d:000098 FINISH
c:0032 p:---- s:0097 b:0097 l:000096 d:000096 CFUNC :require
c:0031 p:0047 s:0093 b:0093 l:0005f0 d:0005f0 TOP /Users/Ben/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p290@sc/gems/pry-doc-0.3.0/lib/pry-doc.rb:7
c:0030 p:---- s:0090 b:0090 l:000089 d:000089 FINISH