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Created August 15, 2016 09:31
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Quick db scraper written by Mitchell Rosen to generate the YAML.
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-6.10 runghc --package sqlite-simple --package text --package time
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Database.SQLite.Simple
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
data Resource = Resource
{ resId :: Int
, resTitle :: Text
, resUrl :: Text
, resPub :: Maybe Int
, resType :: Text
, resUid :: Int
, resPosted :: Text
} deriving Show
instance FromRow Resource where fromRow = Resource <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
data Author = Author
{ authId :: Int
, authName :: Text
} deriving Show
instance FromRow Author where fromRow = liftA2 Author field field
data Collection = Collection
{ collId :: Int
, collName :: Text
} deriving Show
instance FromRow Collection where fromRow = liftA2 Collection field field
data Tag = Tag
{ tagId :: Int
, tagName :: Text
} deriving Show
instance FromRow Tag where fromRow = liftA2 Tag field field
data ResAuthor = ResAuthor
{ resAuthorId :: Int
, resAuthorResId :: Int
, resAuthorAuthId :: Int
, resAuthorOrd :: Int
} deriving Show
instance FromRow ResAuthor where fromRow = ResAuthor <$> field <*> field <*> field <*> field
data ResCollection = ResCollection
{ resCollId :: Int
, resCollResId :: Int
, resCollCollId :: Int
} deriving Show
instance FromRow ResCollection where fromRow = liftA3 ResCollection field field field
data ResTag = ResTag
{ resTagId :: Int
, resTagResId :: Int
, resTagTagId :: Int
} deriving Show
instance FromRow ResTag where fromRow = liftA3 ResTag field field field
main :: IO ()
main = do
conn <- open "david_dohaskell (1).sqlite3"
resources <- query_ conn "SELECT * from resource" :: IO [Resource]
authors <- query_ conn "SELECT * from author" :: IO [Author]
collections <- query_ conn "SELECT * from collection" :: IO [Collection]
tags <- query_ conn "SELECT * from tag" :: IO [Tag]
res_authors <- query_ conn "SELECT * from res_author" :: IO [ResAuthor]
res_colls <- query_ conn "SELECT * from res_collection" :: IO [ResCollection]
res_tags <- query_ conn "SELECT * from resource_tag" :: IO [ResTag]
forM_ resources $ \r -> do
T.putStrLn ("- title: " <> resTitle r)
T.putStrLn (" url: " <> resUrl r)
let as :: [Author]
as = map (\aid -> fromJust (find (\a -> authId a == aid) authors))
. map resAuthorAuthId
. sortOn resAuthorOrd
. filter (\ar -> resAuthorResId ar == resId r)
$ res_authors
when (not (null as)) $ do
T.putStrLn " authors:"
mapM_ (\a -> T.putStrLn (" - " <> authName a)) as
case resPub r of
Nothing -> pure ()
Just p -> T.putStrLn (" published: " <> tshow p)
T.putStrLn (" type: " <> resType r)
let ts :: [Text]
ts =
sortOn T.toLower
. map tagName
. map (\tid -> fromJust (find (\t -> tagId t == tid) tags))
. map resTagTagId
. filter (\rt -> resTagResId rt == resId r)
$ res_tags
when (not (null ts)) $ do
T.putStrLn " tags:"
mapM_ (\t -> T.putStrLn (" - " <> t)) ts
let cs :: [Text]
cs =
sortOn T.toLower
. map collName
. map (\cid -> fromJust (find (\c -> collId c == cid) collections))
. map resCollCollId
. filter (\rc -> resCollResId rc == resId r)
$ res_colls
when (not (null cs)) $ do
T.putStrLn " collections:"
mapM_ (\c -> T.putStrLn (" - " <> c)) cs
T.putStrLn ""
close conn
tshow = T.pack . show
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