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Created September 20, 2022 16:04
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Flutter: testing a method channel
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
class AppStoreLauncherException implements Exception {
final String msg;
const AppStoreLauncherException(this.msg) : super();
class AppStoreLauncher {
const AppStoreLauncher() : super();
Future<void> launchWebStore({bool isAndroid = true}) async {
String url = '';
if (isAndroid) {
url = '';
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw AppStoreLauncherException('Could not launch $url');
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
import 'package:ssu_life/features/splash/domain/helper/app_store_launcher.dart';
void main() {
late List<MethodCall> fakeLog;
late MethodChannel mockChannel;
late AppStoreLauncher launcher;
void _mockChannelValues({bool canLaunch = true, bool launch = true}) {
(MethodCall methodCall) async {
if (methodCall.method == "canLaunch") {
return canLaunch;
} else if (methodCall.method == "launch") {
return launch;
return false;
setUp(() {
fakeLog = <MethodCall>[];
mockChannel = const MethodChannel('');
launcher = const AppStoreLauncher();
tearDown(() {
fakeLog = <MethodCall>[];
test('When launching android store both canLaunch and launch are invoked', () async {
_mockChannelValues(canLaunch: true, launch: true);
await launcher.launchWebStore(isAndroid: true);
expect(fakeLog.length, 2);
expect( => e.method),
test('When launching ios store both canLaunch and launch are invoked', () async {
_mockChannelValues(canLaunch: true, launch: true);
await launcher.launchWebStore(isAndroid: false);
expect(fakeLog.length, 2);
expect( => e.method),
test('When launching android only canLaunch invoked', () async {
_mockChannelValues(canLaunch: false, launch: true);
final actual = launcher.launchWebStore;
expect(() async => true), throwsA(isA<AppStoreLauncherException>()));
expect(fakeLog.length, 1);
expect( => e.method),
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