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Last active March 24, 2023 13:01
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Profiling insertion of UUIDs with btree and hash indices

Is this a fair benchmark?

  • I'm comparing the speed of inserting UUIDs into columns which are indexed with btree vs hash
  • Want to ensure that I'm measuring both insert queries at their best performance
  • Profiled each of them to check whether there is interference by server misconfiguration

Flame graph results

Both were sampled with perf record -F 99 -u postgres -g --call-graph dwarf -- sleep 180

Inserting with btree index

insert into with_btree (select gen_random_uuid() from generate_series(1, 1024*1024*1024/64));


Inserting with hash index

insert into with_hash (select gen_random_uuid() from generate_series(1, 1024*1024*1024/64));


Machine stats

  • ami-aa2ea6d0
    • Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM),EBS General Purpose (SSD) Volume Type
    • c3.xlarge
    • vCPU: 4
    • RAM GiB: 7.5
    • Disk GB: 2 x 40 (SSD)

PostgreSQL configuration


create table with_btree ( u uuid default gen_random_uuid() );
create table with_hash  ( u uuid default gen_random_uuid() );
create index on with_btree using btree (u);
create index on with_hash  using hash  (u);
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