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Last active August 13, 2021 09:52
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Scraper for available vaccination dates in the Uppsala region
This is a utility bot parsing the available vaccination slots
in Uppsala's region and sending changes whenever new vaccination
dates become available to a (Discord) webhook.
I've put this together during a train ride, so don't expect
well-documented code. It has helped me to get a suitable
vaccination date, and as such it has done its job well.
Python dependencies are beautifulsoup4 and timeloop.
Made with <3 by @behackl. Feel free to use and adapt it
– or don't.
import bs4
import requests
from timeloop import Timeloop
from datetime import timedelta
tl = Timeloop()
discord_webhook = "<insert stuff here>"
page = ""
last_report = None
def parse_available_slots():
global last_report
response = requests.get(page)
if response.status_code != 200:, {"content": f"Error parsing {page}, status code {response.status_code}"})
page_content = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content)
timeslot_containers = page_content.find_all("div", {"class": "timeslot-area"})
region_timeslots = dict(
s.find("div", {"class": "timeslot-availibility"}).text.strip()
) for s in slot.find_all("div", {"class": "timeslot"}))) for slot in timeslot_containers
for center, slots in region_timeslots.items():
for day in slots.keys():
capacity = 0 if slots[day] == "Fullbokat" else int(slots[day].split()[0])
slots[day] = capacity
available_slots = dict((center, dict((day, capacity) for day, capacity in slots.items() if capacity > 0)) for center, slots in region_timeslots.items())
available_slots = dict((center, slots) for center, slots in available_slots.items() if slots)
available_slots_simple = dict((center, set(slots.keys())) for center, slots in available_slots.items())
if available_slots_simple != last_report:
msg = "**Change in available vaccinations!**\n\n"
msg += "\n".join([f"*{c}*: { ', '.join(f'{d} ({cap})' for d, cap in s.items()) }" for c, s in available_slots.items()])
msg += "\n\n<>"
available_dates = set.union(*[set(s.keys()) for s in available_slots.values()]), {"content": msg})
last_report = available_slots_simple
if __name__ == "__main__":
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