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Created September 28, 2013 17:20
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Save behaghel/6744291 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* How to convert a distributed fleet from what type of hardware to
* another without degrading (too much) your service.
case class Machine(name: String, ECU: Double, mem: Int, disk: Int, TCO: Float)
object Machine {
val m1Xlarge = Machine("m1.xlarge", ECU = 1, mem = 7, disk = 700, TCO = 600)
val m2Xlarge = Machine("m2.xlarge", ECU = 2.6, mem = 14, disk = 1400, TCO = 400)
object MachineTypeChange {
import Machine._
val incStep = 10
val decStep = 10
val cfgStep = 1
val degradationServiceTolerance = .75
val maxConns = 3000
val connsVariance = 10
case class Fleet(size: Int, hwType: Machine) {
override def toString = s"${} * $size"
val from = new Fleet(size = 90, hwType = m1Xlarge)
val to = new Fleet(size = 60, hwType = m2Xlarge)
case class Config(nbProcessesPerBox: Int) {
override def toString = s"#proc: $nbProcessesPerBox"
val initialConfig = new Config(12)
case class State(f1: Fleet, f2: Fleet, cfg: Config) {
def nbConns = cfg.nbProcessesPerBox * (f1.size + f2.size)
override def toString = s"State($f1, $f2, $cfg, $nbConns conns)"
val initialState = new State(from, to.copy(size = 0), initialConfig)
sealed trait Operation {
def change(s: State): State
case class Increase(n: Int) extends Operation {
def change(s: State) = s.copy(f2 = s.f2.copy(size = s.f2.size + n))
case class Decrease(n: Int) extends Operation {
def change(s: State) = s.copy(f1 = s.f1.copy(size = s.f1.size - n))
case class ConfigIncreaseDbConn(n: Int) extends Operation {
def change(s: State) =
s.copy(cfg = s.cfg.copy(nbProcessesPerBox = s.cfg.nbProcessesPerBox + n))
* deliver the possible moves with an affinity for the one in arg
* by putting it first
def moves(head: Option[Operation]) = {
val allMoves = List(
Increase(to.size / (incStep/2)),
Decrease(from.size / (decStep/2)),
Increase(to.size / incStep),
Decrease(from.size / decStep),
head map { m => m :: allMoves.filter(_ != m) } getOrElse allMoves
class Path(history: List[Operation], val state: State) {
def extend(o: Operation) = new Path(o :: history, o change state)
* build a compressed history where contiguous operations of the
* same kind are merged into one
lazy val compress = (List[Operation]() /: history){
case (Increase(i) :: ls, Increase(j)) => Increase(i+j) :: ls
case (Decrease(i) :: ls, Decrease(j)) => Decrease(i+j) :: ls
case (ConfigIncreaseDbConn(i) :: ls, ConfigIncreaseDbConn(j)) =>
ConfigIncreaseDbConn(i+j) :: ls
case (ls, o) => o :: ls
def lastOp: Option[Operation] = history.headOption
override def toString = compress.size +" steps: \n" +
(compress mkString " ") + "\n --> " + state
val initialPath: Path = new Path(List(), initialState)
val allTimeConstraints: List[State => Boolean] = List(
_.nbConns < maxConns,
_.nbConns > initialState.nbConns * degradationServiceTolerance,
_.f1.size >= 0,
_.f2.size <= to.size
def from(paths: Set[Path], seenStates: collection.mutable.Set[State])
: Stream[Set[Path]] =
if (paths.isEmpty) Stream.empty
else {
val more = for { path <- paths
p <- moves(path.lastOp) map path.extend
if !(seenStates contains p.state) &&
(true /: allTimeConstraints)(_ && _(p.state))
} yield {
seenStates += p.state
if (more.isEmpty) sys.error("no solutions")
else paths #:: from(more, seenStates)
val paths = from(Set(initialPath), collection.mutable.Set(initialState))
// def isGood(s: State): Boolean = s.f1.size == 0
def isGood(s: State): Boolean =
s.f1.size == 0 && s.f2.size == to.size &&
math.abs(s.nbConns - initialState.nbConns) < connsVariance
def solution: Stream[Path] =
for { ps <- paths
p <- ps if isGood(p.state)
} yield p
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(solution.head)
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