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Created October 22, 2020 13:45
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For review
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* object literal
const circle = {
r: 1,
draw: () => console.log('i draw'),
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* factory function
function createCircle(r) {
return {
draw: () => console.log('i draw'),
const circle = createCircle(1);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* constructor function
function Circle(r){
this.r = r;
this.draw = () => console.log('i draw')
return this;
const circle = new Circle(1);
// or
const circle ={}, 1);
// or
const circle = Circle.bind({},1)();
// or
const circle = Circle.apply({},[1]);
// with inheritance
const shape = {
name: 'shape',
getName: ()=> {
return 'shape'
const circle =, 1);
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