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Created August 6, 2009 10:55
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Jason Fried about lessons learned at 37signals

talk at vimeo

1. Don’t fail often
If you learn only from mistakes, then you learn what not to do and you don’t learn what to do. Keep an eye on your successes. Entrepreneurs who failed are not more likely to succeed like anyone else who didn’t try in the first place. Like in evolution emphasize what really works.

2. Planning is overrated
Plans are guesses. You can’t predict what’s going to happen. Rough ideas are enough [a vision?]. You know more when you did something. Figure out things as you go along. Be aware what is going on, every day.

3. Work in isolation to avoid interruption
So we stay productive. Otherwise there are meetings, chats and various other interruptions. Maybe implement a day where you don’t talk to each other. Use passive collaboration (email, im, wikis).

4. We can learn a lot from old businesses
Like in the lumber or oil industry, you can not just make one thing. You are making byproducts. Example: Ruby on Rails. Knowledge and experience can be byproducts but most businesses are terrified of sharing. Share or teach in blog or by open source projects. Example: the best chefs share their recipes, it is a kind of self-marketing and brings people to restaurants. Build an audience. Every company has customers, some have fans but the most lucky ones have an audience because people will come back.

5. Focus on the things that don’t change
What are the core important things that will be the same in 10 or more years? Amazon focused on distribution. Web applications should be easy, fast and useful – these are their core values. Example in hotels: beds are the core thing – if the beds sucks the hotel sucks.

6. Information is perishable
If you are inspired to do something, do it know. Otherwise it expires… Get into it early on!

Be fast. Make simple, lean and useful products that work well.

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