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Created October 7, 2014 08:01
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Clojure code for freeze / unfreeze of digitalocean droplet
(defn destroy-all-images [client-id api-key image-name]
(let [imgs (filter #(= (:name %) image-name) (all-images client-id api-key))]
(doseq [img imgs] (destroy-image client-id api-key (:id img)))))
(defn freeze
[client-id api-key droplet-name]
(let [droplet-id (:id (droplet-by-name client-id api-key droplet-name))]
(if (nil? droplet-id)
[:failed (str "Droplet " droplet-name " not existing")]
(println "Destroy images" droplet-name "...")
(destroy-all-images client-id api-key droplet-name)
(println "Shutdown droplet" droplet-name "...")
(wait-for-event-finish client-id api-key (:event_id (shutdown-droplet client-id api-key droplet-id)))
(println "Snapshot droplet" droplet-name "...")
(wait-for-event-finish client-id api-key (:event_id (snapshot-droplet client-id api-key droplet-id droplet-name)))
(println "Shutdown droplet" droplet-name "...")
(wait-for-event-finish client-id api-key (:event_id (shutdown-droplet client-id api-key droplet-id)))
(println "Destroy droplet" droplet-name "...")
(wait-for-event-finish client-id api-key (:event_id (destroy-droplet client-id api-key droplet-id)))
[:ok (str "SUCCESS - Droplet " droplet-name " froozen")]))))
(defn unfreeze
[client-id api-key image-name]
(let [imgs (all-images client-id api-key)
image-id (:id (first (filter #(= (:name %) image-name) imgs)))]
(if (nil? image-id)
[:failed (str "Image " image-name " not existing")]
(do (println "Create droplet from image" image-name "...")
(let [result-of-new (new-droplet client-id api-key (make-droplet-config image-name image-id))]
(if (= "ERROR" (:status result-of-new))
(do (wait-for-event-finish client-id api-key
(get-in result-of-new
[:droplet :event_id]))
(println "Destroy images" image-name "...")
(destroy-all-images client-id api-key image-name)
[:ok (str "SUCCESS - image " image-name " unfroozen")])))))))
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